Monday, May 13, 2013

To be physicaly healthy, ya have to be a little bit "crazy". A little love advice comes with it.

     In light of all my recent understandings and information on formation of body, etc., it makes sense that to direct energy into the limbs and outer body, we have to be a bit defensive in that we should occasionally experience a little bit of jealousy, a little bit of being territorial, a little bit protectiveness. This shuts down an inner focus of energy and maintenance, redirecting it to the outer body. So, if we experience challenges or create them seemingly unintentionally, we are invigorating our bodies. A little bit of irritability will then switch our focus from outer body to inner, so we have a healthier heart, digestive system, etc.
     Once we realize this, we cease "fighting to the death." We cease going to extremes. We realize it is all just a part of a game we are playing to keep ourselves alive. It's OK to let ourselves get into the mindset when we recognize the limits between healthy and unhealthy, when we learn to keep ourselves from going over the edge. And just because we might occasionally feel a little bit jealous, we needn't judge ourselves for it. We accept it is a natural part of the process of life management/maintenance. And instead of becoming irritable when it is time to transition, we can laugh about it instead. Fear makes us irritable as we question ourselves, our intentions, our inner "goodness" and intelligence. Laughter breaks up that tension. Laughter moves the energy through the body in a form that is happy, positive and healthy, nourishing, stimulating. Fear, irritability close it down, repress it, causing illness and death eventually.
   It also emphasizes the need to stop projecting unless during this period of earthly transition it is an idea triggered by an emotion that brings in the contrast needed for others to reconsider their thought patterns and core beliefs so that they, too can begin to transition. Overall, nothing outside of us will intend to hurt us or will be presenting a real challenge: nobody is going to take anything from us or kill us. They are just manifestations of our need to redirect our focus. "Satan" then transitions into a bit of friendly challenge. It should only be a bit of momentary competition, never needing to become perpetual enmity. And jealousy needn't ever become excessive possessiveness. There is no need to abuse our mates with accusations. We could make assertions when we experience a sudden paranoia about faithfulness. Instead of becoming accusing, we could simply assert "You're MY Man!( or Woman!) and I love you!" You'll make each other downright giddy and the thoughts of suspicion will escape. They have served their purpose. Instead of screaming at each other in frustration and abusing another's appearance, intellect or emotions, just release by screaming out "I am SO frustrated!". You'll turn back and that wart won't be so ugly, it will once again be "quirky" and endearing.
   And considering the law of attraction: "that which you resist persists", there has to occasionally be a bit of tension or irritation to keep a couple close together. Stimulates the love to flowing if it gets stale or forgotten because you've been distracted.
    Makes me wonder about exercise now. People who jog regularly often drop dead of heart attacks at young ages. Sure, exercise gets the heart pumping, but it doesn't necessarily nourish it, does it? When we are young, we are strong without exercising. And what about those old lazy drunks who never really do much of anything but get into fights once in a while? Their bodies live long after their brains give out, or they'll be physically strong but die from disease of the inner organs. Makes sense, really. Energy is just energy and we can transform or transmute it, but if we don't transform/transmute the negative, it becomes poisonous ultimately, that is why mean drunks may live long but they do die ultimately.
    As for judgment about our occasionally being jealous or territorial, etc. w can remember: everything was created for a purpose. Everything has an appropriate place in creation, that includes our various emotions and perceptions.

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