Thursday, May 2, 2013

What eats the dust of the earth?

    Seriously. It's an earth worm. That big ol' serpent sending telepathic messages of being an intimidating serpent, vicious an earthworm. Step on it and it impotently flaps at your ankle trying to bite it. That lil' ol' thing that tills the soil for us, drowns in the rain and is food for the birds. It telepathically is making you think it has you over a barrel and can kill you at any moment. Haven't we been silly.
   And all those other angels and demons of which we are so fearful? Animals. 'All that flies in the air, walks upon land, and swims in the oceans became living souls' just like Adam. Then the gods made them in their image: tinkered with them, their DNA, their intelligence, their spirituality, etc. Made them telepathic. Adam just happened to be the chief "man" made by GOD Almighty, the Father, not to be tinkered with. Resented for their "perfection", the worm seduced them. They let their DNA be tinkered with.
   When their DNA was mixed with that of the gods, they began to die because their forms had to evolve to accommodate it, the change would take many generations before becoming complete, before we actually became god-like. That which was immortal had to put on mortality and that which became mortal would have to put on immortality before it became great/to be in gods' image. And so we evolved to begin to look like them, like the gods who created us/tinkered with our DNA. And they're still doing it, to those who allow it to happen to them to the animals that are also "men". They can do what they want with their men, but the Almighty's are off limits to them. They will be subject to them. "They will do no harm on my Holy Mountain". And soon, even all that DNA messing around will come to an end as they beat their swords into plowshares and learn the art of war no more, never again.
     What is greater than angels/men/animals are the gods' children. The gods have been dealt with. The gods' children are next on the list, but they aren't very much like them. They're different. Human angels more loving than their parents, more self-reflective than self-centered, an evolutionary process-gods becoming men.

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