Friday, May 17, 2013

Stepping Stone Beliefs

   In these pages you will find a variety of beliefs being expressed, all of which I have explored temporarily and some of which I may have integrated. What I have learned is this: we take what we need and leave the rest.
   One example is virgin births. In the middle east this is still a tradition. A young girl becomes pregnant, she is declared a virgin and goes to stay in a harem of women where they look after her protectively. Was it a virgin birth truly? Doesn't matter does it? She is protected from the dishonor it would bring upon herself and her family if people knew a truth maybe: that the father was her own, a brother or close male family member. We can accept the practice of such beliefs in such things out of compassion. The girl is a victim being protected by "deceit".
   Another way one might accept the belief in virgin births is the ancient practice of being priestess in a local temple. Young women of wealthy families, even amongst the Jews, were sent to the temples to serve as priestesses. There, man returned from war whose souls needed healing would receive the services of the priestesses which would be healing to them. With God's spirit involved, his presence in the woman while performing the sexual healing, any resulting births were viewed as having been God doing the impregnating. They were God's children.
   Then there is the stem cell thing. Science has discovered that the stem cell can become any type of cell in a body. This cell's potential obviously began, lying dormant in the unfertilized egg of a woman. So, with the right trigger, sperm wouldn't even be needed for the stem cell to come into existence and begin becoming the various cells needed to form a body. God simply has to ordain it, He doesn't even have to be involved. Thus, a birth TRULY could be virgin.
Found this today after writing this page:
Babies can send stem cells to mommies
   See how that works? Stepping stones: a deceit that could be considered reasonable and thus acceptable to a potential combination of spirit and pretense right down to quite actually possible. That is why our minds should become flexible in accepting, analyzing and allowing in a variety of beliefs. It is the path to allowing our mind into accepting our inner convictions if we hope and believe in miracles, have an inner convictions that they CAN exist.
   So, don't be afraid to let go of beliefs. They may have been given to serve you for only a while. Don't be afraid to change your identity. It is SUPPOSED to happen.
 I am truly enjoying this new softness in me. Warm, joyful and loving, but not the least bit weak. Firm and assertive without any resistance and thus forcefulness, simply firm and reassuring. A stability, unquestionable. Security. Certainty.
    It is unquestionable and can be challenged, but the confidence is that it will meet those challenges, they will be effectively met.
    It is O.K. to admit we do not have an answer in a given moment. A statement can be given and accepted with confidence, even if we do not know how it fits into the puzzle or what it means. Ask, and understanding WILL be given. Give it a moment. That's all you need.
   "If it doesn't matter to you, why SHOULD it matter to anyone else?"
   "Because it maters to me"
Liberty is needed to support health and well-being. It IS a need, a requirement, financially. "Excesses" that bring enjoyment are just as much a requirement as having enough to sustain basic physical needs.
   And yes, it comes in sort of Hodge-podgy because we are multi-generational, multi-faceted, and multi-dimensional. We do many things simultaneously. It is healthy. It is practical. It is efficient. It is effective. It has a purpose in being this way. It is not A"D"H"D", it is not a deficiency but rather an excess and it is not a disorder, it is well being. It is not hyperactive unless it is not allowed to exist within, in other words, if all attention must be focused outward, yes, it manifests as "hyper physical activity". Allow them to be doing inner while participating in outer and all needs are met, energy is properly channeled, much is accomplished and it is not disturbing to anybody. But, hey, if a label gets one social security in this system, nothing wrong with using it to meet our needs.
   I realized there were those whose energy I would take in and heal, then return to them. They would refuse, refuse to take responsibility for it, so I was carrying around a bunch of energy that did not belong to me. heavy baggage, really.
  I also realized about how there were those who would take understandings I was given, use them to control, manipulate, and abuse other people-especially men against women. They cannot do that with this energy. It is self-reflective. To use it is to be self-reflective or self-condemning. it has no power for those who would want ot misuse it. They have ot back down and out of it if they cannot use it as intended.

Nice vid supports a lot of what I had been coming to believe myself, my methods of journeying, and I think I might be "gnostic", lol. Checking them out.

This is an oldie but goody. Some women are still pestered by this. Call me this, I dare ya! lol  I'd be flattered and proud.

And always, just as a reminder, death doesn't always mean literal complete physical. It can mean death of certain aspects and the parts of our flesh in which they dwell. Thus it is that when Satan comes as an assassin, he "beheads" only the chosen ones; kills their corrupt belief systems and "left brain thinking", allowing the sacred child within to be the one and only "householder" in a person.

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