Sunday, January 17, 2016

Angels with clipped wings..charitable giving and domestic violence shelters

     Yesterday was a "high energy" day. My neighbors downstairs were fighting loudly again, screaming at their two year old. I heard another ruckus louder than ever before but did not know what it was until my neighbor next door came calling with a request. His daughter has been bringing home a guy with a warrant out for his arrest who had just stolen over $200 from her father. The louder ruckus was her father kicking the boyfriend out of his apartment and the boyfriend throwing beverage bottles at her father. So he explained it all to me and how his daughter isn't allowed to have him over, could I keep an eye on the situation and let him know if the boyfriend shows up again? No. His daughter made her choice, wasn't ignorant of the boyfriend's doings and was going to get away with as much as she can. She's an over weight, insecure intuitive who has been shown 'new toys'(ways of getting things) by a tall dark and handsome man willing to fight her overbearing father 'just to be with her'. He didn't seem to get that I had said no and left with an "O.K.?". I realized then, as I felt violated in being expected to do this thing I hadn't agreed to. Then it was given to me to see, I won't be violated until I do as he requested. So, I had a choice and if I chose to honor his expectation of his assuming of an agreement, I would be violating myself.
   I woke this morning way too early (which happens when I have 'work to do' before the children wake) with a topic on my mind and wept as I realize I had violated myself on numerous occasions. Then I was reminded of how it all began........
   Several years ago I was "caught up in vision", which means I saw nothing and heard no voices while experiencing a heightened state of being and given a sense of things. I was chosen to go from congregation to congregation with "the truth". "Oh, I'd be traveling 'preacher', embraced by those seeking truth, honesty about spiritual things!", thought me. Of course when in a heightened state of being everything feels full of spirit and like the best of all things. Instead I was plunged into homelessness and deprivation. No matter what I did to set down roots it was somehow undermined, I was placed in physically violent circumstances where I had to "escape" 'god-fearing' men who wanted to 'help'. I was sooo confused until I 'heard' again, 'caught up in vision': "Now you know why I judge people as I do".
   So what was the reason? What was I experiencing throughout all this as I brought 'truth' and honesty to 'congregations' of 'believers' and 'faithful' and 'do-gooders'/'righteous' all over this country?
   So many refer their own children, friends, neighbors and strangers they meet in need to charitable organizations and government welfare agencies. What they do not realize is this: government agencies treat their agency policies as laws. They have no legal right to enforce work and education programs and conditions to receiving benefits. Food,'s necessities are an unalienable right to life and freedom. So, instead of laws, they make agency policies which their employees follow, depriving people of their rights in exchange for getting their needs met. When we sign the agreements to abide by agency rules in order to get the means to food and other necessities, we violate ourselves. We sacrifice our right to self-determination in exchange for our right to be fed and sustained.
   Your homeless and domestic violence shelters are primarily run by religious organizations. In order to reside in these one must relinquish their right to freedom of religion. They must subject themselves and their children to religious services or face (we believe) freezing to death in the streets. At the very least, not availing one's self of shelters means harassment by locals and police for 'loitering', 'trespassing', 'vagrancy', 'breaking and entering', etc. People actually complain if a hungry person stands outside a store with a sign. the very sight of them soooo disturbing to the consciences of shoppers they cannot bear to see them in plain sight-confine them to shelters and bread lines! One domestic violence shelter WAS new age run, receiving government help and their policy was the opposite: no religious expression allowed. No giving thanks before your meals and no spiritual discussions in "public spaces" (where other residents could overhear). Not being allowed in oneanother's rooms, that meant no where on the premises.
   Another violation of our own right to self-determination one must agree to in most cases is the right to protect your children's right to self-determination by the practice of home schooling one's children. One must place their children in public school as a condition upon entering most any shelter. One did not require it but DID require you violate your religious freedoms by attending services twice a day.
    There was only ONE shelter in this entire country I came across that honored all aspects of our right to self-determination. It is a domestic violence shelter in Connecticut. They even went so far as finding the means for professional Easter photos to be paid for one mother and her children because it was part of her yearly tradition, a part of maintaining as much of a "normal" experience (a manner to which they were accustomed) as possible for mother and children. I do not give the name because generally when an exception is discovered, that is quickly 'remedied' by those who LIKE it the other way.
  So it went with food banks, clothing banks......any level and form of charity so "freely available".
  Another phenomenon I discovered was that one must already have money to avail themselves of many services. There is no transportation to get to these agencies, so one must already have a vehicle. Food banks in some places can only be accessed if you're already on state benefits: proof in the form of a food stamp card and such is a requirement. I was told in one case I had to apply for heating assistance, even though my heat was covered by rent, or I would lose TANF (welfare) and food stamp benefits.
  Some go so far as require we violate our physical rights by requiring immunizations of adults and children against whatever scare they've cooked up for the public in general.
  At the very least one must consent to "rape" of all their personal details and information, submit to 'mugshots' for files in case their body is found at a later date and it can be identified, fingerprinting to protect the public from "double dipping" into the welfare system. Ya know what? Most just want to set down roots and get on with their lives. It's the very rare few who are going to drive from state to state to engage in such a 'scam'.
  These are all the extremes we've given birth to by allowing ourselves to embrace and encourage fear based conditional giving. I'm not proposing activism of any sort, simply sharing my observations to 1) release myself from the energy I took on for this "mission" 2) share with others why unconditional giving is soooo important. As a matter of fact, maybe "sharing the abundance we live in" is more appropriate way of expressing "giving": we own nothing for it is all given to us and so we can only share what w have been given/entrusted with or what we, as creators have generated. Instead of fighting the old(which only feeds it and perpetuates it), I am presenting aspects we would want absent from the new we are creating. Don't ask 'qualifying' questions, don't require explanations, trust in your ability to create the most loving and unconditional experience possible and if someone 'takes advantage' or 'mistreats', we've fine-tuned our preference and can give thanks it has been brought to our attention our alignment needs some tweaking.
  Let's stop clipping our wings and requiring others to do the same. Let us fly free as angels of unconditional love and well-being!
 So mote it be ;)

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