Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Astral Inversion and the True Rainbow Tribe of Children

A few things I haven't reset as of this moment, but are sinking in that it may begin:
  First, a rabbit hole, Hold onto your britches, Alice, we're going in and riding the ride!
    The un-incarnated children, bright little lights of consciousness born of love between two lovers who shut off the love before the child could physically be born are told "Oh, no, it's not due to lack of love, it's because you need a soul contract to gain your physical form", Deep psychological twists and turns of the innocent mind here:   an innocent idealizes the parent, so to believe a parent is incapable of loving self, they prefer the belief that the parent doesn't love them(the child)..... in their naivety and desire to believe the love was love for them (the truth which they know and believe contradicts the preferred belief) rather than the belief that it was love of self and each other that was killed, chooses to form dependency (a salvation, an escape from the painful and confusing contradiction, a seemingly more simple solution) upon a soul contract (intellectual escape).
  From the beginning of the forming of physical form children are telepathically pelted with the thoughts of dependency upon fulfilling soul contracts and coming from a place of "there's only me" where there never were anything but their own thoughts in their 'heads', they believe the thoughts are theirs and telepathic psychic intrusion is not recognized but rather believed to be their own psychic knowledge turned into thought in their own brains. We gain physical form by simple creative force but are not aware of that because the process is intruded upon and the "voices" sound as one's own, the presence as or own. We pursue these contract fulfillment for all our self worth, but the vibe of dependency leads to victimization created by us due to it's mere presence within us. We are not allowed to rest as the thoughts are repeated constantly and often enough that their absence feels like loss of sense of self and we ourselves create thought loops to remind us. We thus become our own wardens in the prisons we are led to believe we created and are solely responsible for and cringe at exposing them to ourselves for we know we are only able to love ourselves, so we shut off that love for that prison making aspect of us because it can't be us (another contradiction making us yearn for intellectually simple release and salvation, making us even more of a victim and abuser of self and others without any acknowledged awareness).
  Now all this thought maintenance requires energy and attention which drains us. The offered escape and salvation is to go even further outside our core center into places of astral projection...meditation, abandoning our bodies and all our denied, unacknowledged, disowned, disassociated....shadow...aspects along with all our inborn knowledge and truth of our being.
  Our true nature is to astrally invert, go back home into the source of our being, our very own core of creation....the opposite direction we are sent in by misleading guides and loving "teachers" who are actually energetic, psychic, telepathic vultures and vampires who want us to disown ourselves and give ourselves over to them.
  Because we have a lack of words to explain our true nature, and are too distracted from "going in" to get those words and answers, we feel intellectually inadequate, unable to justify our experiences, too tired to think and reflect clearly due to the sucking dry of our energy, we deny our experiences and we seek out teachers, nurturers, authority figures, purposes, missions, and more dependency which draws more abuse and victimization we are supposed to take sole responsibility and credit for. And we master it and perpetrate it unwittingly upon our own children and the children of others.
  And always remembering: none of us could have chosen differently, not perpetrator nor victim, there was no way to know any better.
  I was given to be shown my lips being touched after a long silence of spiritual awareness. This was followed by being shown my being in a mansion filled with boulders that had fallen or been dropped through the ceiling of glass portions. Called to come within the mansion angel arrived angels of iridescent swirling colors. They removed the boulders and began to hold up the ceiling in place of the original pillars broken by the assault of boulders.
  Not long later I was shown myself to be entering what looked like a diner full of men in black suits and ties. I followed by a strong masculine presence always behind me. We sat at the back of the dining room. The command was given to stand and remove shirts. All the men stood and removed their black suit coats and shirts to reveal white t-shirts underneath them. i continued to sit. The presence behind me prompted: you, too. It is your turn. I removed my shirt to find underneath an iridescent rainbow sequined tube top with a white skirt attached. I wondered what it meant. "You will be a teacher of men". [men means angels (of intellectual/masculine nature), not male engendered human beings]
  The true rainbow tribe are not multi-nationality/ethnicity/mixed raced tribe of love and light. They are the nature babies who embody the qualities of all colors of the rainbow we are told exist separately as indigo children, children of the violet flame, crystal children.....we embody the qualities of them all with iridescent sheen, multi-faceted, multi-dimensional experience and existence.


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