Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Shalom of Sensuality

      "To touch, feel and taste be touched, felt and tasted in return" is the phrase that was brought up from within me this morning. I felt no resonance with it, thus it must be VERY deep within. So, I begin to open to what may come in reference to it.
     Obviously it applies in some way to me. My oldest shocked a congregation when she licked the face of the guy whose lap she was sitting on. The congregation's little darlings became shadowed by "perversion". Just the other day my youngest daughter licked me. Uh, O.K. I licked her back. Everyone began giggling. Silly child's play.
   A stranger in a bar walked up to me and said "You love sex, don't you?" "Uh, yeah". He walked away. That was the whole sum of the interaction. I was choosy and prudent, but yeah, when deemed appropriate I had no inhibitions.
   This sensuality does not have to be literal physical touch. This is can be a purely energetic thing. So starved of it, we have energetic vampires and complete shut-offs. We have prudes and we have perverts.
   So, it is given to me to allow an appropriate experience of our natural dynamic to rise up from within me. Everything in nature, even that which is poisonous, has something that feeds on it. It does not mean we have to consume anything and everything we find tasty.  It simply means we were meant to experience one another as well as our environment in an honorable, respectful way, recognizing maturity and ability, healthy limits and such things. What a delight is it to "breath in" another's essence! To breath in those things we find pleasing in our environment!
  Time for me personally to resurrect, summon forth and gracefully embody the sensual aspect of this creature who has been shipwrecked by duality, extremes of deprivation and going too far and inappropriately discover the Shalom of then occurs to me: it's not about consuming anything or anyone, it's about allowing ourselves to fully BREATHE in our experiences, focus on and delight in the aspects we delight in and then breathing them out again while we dwell joyfully on the 'taste' of the delightful aspects for as long as they last within us. And it is further given to me: that is reason for 'shocking' behavior like a child suddenly licking your face-they are being used to remind you to breath. They're kind like 'shock treatments' for the lungs instead of the hearts:)

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