Sunday, March 31, 2013

At some point we have to admit it

     At some point we have to admit we are different. We have to admit we were intentionally created directly with purpose. We were created for this moment in time when we could feel/experience the full effects of this system late enough in it that we would not have to experience death. We will never have to ask why or put God to the test. This intentional creation not completely inexperienced of the first is how it is possible to create a new earth that will never experience destruction.
     first creation was unintentional creation as in: it was born of desire. The next earth and new creation is intentional with a purpose. It is fully conscious of what it is doing, what is wanted and how to achieve it.

What if? Adam and Eve

     This morning after noticing I was, in spirit, interacting with a long lost companion, the question came to me: What if the spirit was Adam and the body was Eve? What if Adam was rejoicing over being given "flesh and bone of my own" rather than "flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones" as we understand it. What if that yolking they lost at their fall was the spirit disconnecting from the body? That is why Eve would yearn for her "husband", because they would be seperated. What if his having to toil to receive fruit from the earth was the same kind of toiling and digging for answers one must do to receive the Kingdom? Both soul and spirit would have to come to understand oneanother without that yolking/connection that made oneness effortless if respected. "He" would have to dig into her to come to know how she felt, come to gain her trust enough to give up her fruit:honest expression of her feelings and perceptions without which he could not exist in the physical. Spirit feeds, controls, nourishes, sustains the body. She would have to seek him out, gain his approval for him to give her life continuously, but to get the understanding from him to get his cooperation and willingness to sustain her, she would have to subject herself to the great pain and suffering of his "blind" attempts. (blind because he was no longer yolked to her, in that oneness, psychic connection where he feels her every bodily function, movement, and feeling, experience). Were the first men created the spirits over/of the animals including humans? And then God decided to yolk Adam, man/spirit/angel over humans to it's own body?
     When I was a child, I awoke from experiemces where I played with a blonde boy child at family functions. When I awoke again to my spiritual awareness, I had a 'mate' I was paired with. We were like highschool sweethearts; eachother's firsts and onlies. I explained to him that he hurt me and so I was going to be with someone else for a while. He understood completely why and how. Sadly, he let me leave.  We would argue and accuse like a pair of inner children, him complaining of my 'weaknesses', me crying at his harshness, lack of compassion, judgement, impatience, etc. "She's doing it again", he would tattle. In observing them, I was parenting them it seemed. And then now, this morning I awoke from an experience where I was speaking warmly with him. I realized he had returned, that we were again together and my time with the other had completely ended.......on Easter morning rather than passover, I also noted. I rejoiced at our being back together again, but I sense it must not be completely.
     But, it is that experience which gave me the basis from which the question/answer could be proposed/presented.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Covenants and vows

   Been given today to do alot of reflecting on this issue. In gathering as a community, should we make vows to stick to that community, to commit to other people, is it appropriate? According to the Lord and Master of all things as recorded in scripture: "it is better to make no vows" (when speaking about swearing by the Father or anything under heaven). "For we do not know what tomorrow will bring". We are but human. We are not in charge of our fate or our destiny. We do not know what tomorrow holds.
   When questioned about whose wife a woman would be after having been married to seven brothers, Yahushua's reply was "those destined for the ressurrection are neither to be married nor given in marriage". We are not to make contracts, I am given, "because you belong to Me". God has covenanted for me (paid the price for my freedom). No agreements unless God agrees.
     I often wondered about marriage. made the vow before ever knowing I was meant to be destined for Eternity. Until his death, I am under the law of my husband. That is easy because his "law" says "When it comes to Rachel (his 'wife') don't even go there" and "stay away from me". He chose to be dishonest and unfaithful, setting me free and taking upon himself any guilt for any sin I might be committing in his absence.
     I do wonder about a friend whose wife moved her boyfriend in. My friend left. His law says "I will tolerate no competition", I guess. her sin is on her in this instance. "Does that leave my friend now free to be with other women?", I wonder. Or is he bound to be faithful to his commitment until his or her untimely death? Does he justly punish her by being with other women?
     When Isreal failed to fulfill her part of the covenant, God vowed to take another "woman" who would be faithful while declaring He never gave Isreal a certificate of divorcing. He would claim His rights over Isreal as 'wife' AND have another....a bride for His son, actually. One He has chosen and trained since her beggining. You make a vow, you pay a vow, Isreal will be faithful, He would see to it, as her husband. The other is to provoke her to jealousy.

The collapse of the inner black hole

    As I reflectively wrote of receiving a gift, I noticed part of the inner process was a relief, releasing....the allowing of the collapse of an inner black hole at the letting down of a wall around it. God would not have allowed for it unless nourishment for it was coming, so it's collapse is exciting! But with it came a few understandings:
    Women like me don't accept gifts from just anybody. (I write women, simply because I cannot assume it is the same for men, but I acknowledge it very well could be). When we accept gifts, we allow in the energy behind that giving. So, for example, if the giving comes with strings, we feel trapped, forced, violated allowing ourselves to receive it but especially so when we the thing given and have no other way to obtain it. We are very sensative to WHY the gift is given. That space with which we receive is sacred. We nourish ourselves from the energy that exists within it.
      Because of bad experiences, that place becomes a black hole within which we allow nobody. We simply learn to do things for ourselves. Allowing others to do things for us is far too costly emotionally. Now, some can receive things from anybody regardless of intent. they have that wall up and no one is getting in. They are cold, unappreciative it seems, and become 'users', abusive, thieves. Then there are those who let in anyone with anything because they have no wall of protection, they desperately want to fill that void with anything. Women like me will throw a gift back in your face because we can't trust you; you hurt us. But once in a while we let down that wall temporarily, as long as the exchange is good energy. Then when any reason for fear aproaches, that wall is back up and good luck penetrating it!
      That is why people give coldly, from the head they give gifts inappropriate to the person or circumstances. They give from a guilty conscience, or what the conscience dictates, it's safe; they've done their 'duty'. Some of us can give from that same place we receive while still seeing to wall maintanance. We give gifts that suit the person and occassion perfectly and even might leave the door open a bit to allow in the possibility that a gift is going to come in similarly. But, we are always at the ready with that door handle.
     I have reached a state of exhaustion. Maintaining walls is exhausting. Giving constantly without receiving is exhausting. I am in a wait and see what happens mode. Letting it all down and waiting for occassion to determine the response appropriate. Wall or no wall, we shall see in the moment discernment is needed. It would be nice if it meant something good is coming!

My Facebook post that started this train of thinking:

For some reason getting a package in the mail from someone you know is awesome. You know they selected something, then took the time and resources to pack it up carefully/thoughtfully/protectively and went to the post office, which is usually out of the way. Today I got one from an aquaintence out in California: two books and. um. multivitamins? lol Thinking I should be getting the hint from Universe/God/Guardian Angels "take care of yourself" after all the organic body stuff and now multivitamins. And yea, I know "can't take care of anyone else unless you first take care of yourself"...brings alot of inner turmoil! lol There's the self-consciousness that comes with the idea that i am lacking and maybe that is what is being pointed out (not feeling that messege coming from those who are giving me these things, just saying...). Then there is the inner collapse which is now being allowed, relief from having to keep self built up on nothing. Awkwardness at not knowing how simply because one is used to being completely drained and still having demands made upon them. .........and men wonder why we women cry at "stupid little things"! lol Now you know! You give them a gift and they break down. Little did you know there is a whole inner process like that which happens in that single moment of unwrapping!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

For God so loved the world....what does that mean?

     Scripture tells us God sends rain for three reasons. The first, His priority, is for the land. Second is discipline, too much rain to drown us off His land. The third is blessing...we have sought Him and His righteousness and He wants us to live in it.
      God gave the Earth to man and told him what was required to care for it. I remember when my 4th daughter's grandmother gave her Easter eggs to die and play with. Grandmother then got angry because my daughter began to peel them, explore what was in them, "destroy them". Grandmother became covetous and wanted the eggs back, had an agenda for them, didn't want them "wasted". They weren't being wasted, they were being apprecated and played with. She gave them to my daughter, which gave my daughter the right to decide what to do with them. It is unrighteous to give something with conditions. Grandmother hopefully learned she should only give a limited number of eggs to children if she wants some left for the holiday and eating.
      So, God gives in. He does not want to see sinful man dying, but what can He do about it? We keep seeking that which leads to our destruction. Today I told my 5th daughter to eat. She said no, she did not prefer that which I was serving at that moment . I told her to be grateful she had food to eat because not every child does. She said "Uh uh", denying the fact I just told her. I reminded her it was disrespectful to contradict her mother, call me a liar and then understanding began to dawn on me for today's discussion/writing. We do not have food because we are preferred over other people, are more righteous or deserving. If it were up to us our land would be stripped and demolished with no food growing, nothing for animals to eat just like all the other war-torn countries that were stripped and blown up so that they became deserts. We just happen to live in a land God is preserving. It is the only reason we are eating. He is saving seeds for repopulating, an animal diversity for repopulating, little "arks" of land for the future, investment, investing.
      God did not give His only son to buy back sinful people who do not want to be a part of a new world, He sacrificed His son for the land, the Earth, "the world" and it's natural inhabitants. He bought back the original gift which He gave to Adam. He will give it to another people in whom He has written His Kingdom, who are guarenteed to appreciate it and do what needs doing to take care of it correctly. God did not buy back man, he made a new man in His image. He bought back a land that is experiencing destruction and people to inhabit it.
      We think it is all about us, but it isn't. We are just beasts like any other animal. Even apes have opposible thumbs and can reason. No, the war is between God and His Spirit children who occupy, control and posses us if we allow them. His war is over His creation, His land which His enemies are destroying. The ones He gave it to are already deceased, the land is dispossessed, over run by rebellious children. He is buying it back and will fill it.
      To believe otherwise is "the pride of living". As if you had anything to do with it. As if you deserve it. As if you did anything to continue it. We can only be grateful He allows us to exist, for the sake of His land and His name upon it. We set none of this in motion.

*Literally translated this is “the pride of living” (ἡ ἀλαζονεία τοῦ βίου). This is not the typical Greek word for “life” (ζωή, pronounced zoe). The term here is βίος (pronounced bios) and it refers to “the manner in which one’s life finds expression” (BDAG, βίος.) It “denotes life with respect to actions and possessions” (William Hendriksen, Commentary on James the Epistles of John, Baker, I Jn 2:16.) It is taking pride in what I am, what I do, and what I possess.

"Preaching the Kingdom"

     We are told the Kingdom would be written on the hearts and minds of those God chooses. Thus, when we speak what is on our hearts and minds we are preaching the Kingdom. We are preaching the effect the world has upon the Kingdom, what the Kingdom's reaction to this world. Seeing as very little of the world is not in opposition to the Kingdom, our hearts and minds are constantly assaulted by the world, violated by it. So, yeah, we might do alot of complaining about people while expressing the joy of what is within ourselves.
    Oh, and I received clarification of a few things: it is within the year to come that His purpose for me becomes complete within me. So at the end of this 'year', I will be what he meant for me to be.

Monday, March 25, 2013


    I don't know if it was because it came while I was feeling liberated or if the understanding it's self, it's impact was liberating:
    Prophesies are given men to deliver to angels/spirits/"peoples" that have been shut out of heaven. We are just the messengers.
     We get to keep on doing what we're doing, have a good life without trials. just now and then we are asked to deliver a messege to fallen angels. Simple. It's nothing personal. "Go outside and play, now!" says are free. free to be me. simply me. a human being, the animal.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The two witnesses of Revelation

     I have occassionally wondered about the two witnesses of get an idea of timing, the time we are in. I have previously been given to remember Yahushua speaking of two witnesses being the Father and Holy Spirit. But I was half-listening to something the other evening and heard candlesticks in reference to them. It was given me to remember in the beggining of Revelation we are explained to understand the candle stands of congregations to represent the spirits over them. So, the two witnesses could very well be two spirits that seem to perish and are then ressurrected. As my understanding is given to deepen, become more clear about these things, it must mean the time is coming to recognize them....their time, time of fulfillment is coming.

An offering of pain

   I was reflecting on someone else's use of a stick to punish their children. I would not want to do that, ever. These people believe one should not use their hands for such things. I felt that if they perceived physical discipline to be neccessary, the hand would be more appropriate. With the hand you get as much sting as would the child, I would imagine. It is more intimate and personal, taken more seriously by parent. You share in the pain you are inflicting. A stick would be impersonal, detached, uninvolved and less intimate.
   Then I was given the thought to occur to me: does our heavenly Father and His Yahushua share in our pain when it is we they are disciplining? When we are disobedient we are distanced from Him, so how could He? and so I offered them my pain from discipline. It then was given to occur to me that how could they know it if we hold it in and do not offer it? And yet our emotions are the only thing we have to give to Him that we can call our own. everything is material and already belongs to Him. emotion is the only thing we generate and keep for ourselves, I was given to come to know some time ago. We tend to share joy freely, but not our pain. it is the only pearl we see no value in sharing. Our pain is an appreciation in some acknowledgement that it means something to be disciplined in righteousness. A repentence and a plea for understanding come with it. Interesting.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

They say we come from nothing

This Sabbath's gift, before the arrival of another which was good company, was a perspective:
    It is not nothing from which we come. It is from something which has the qualities of everything. We perceive it as nothing simply because there is nothing about it which differentiates it from everything else. We do not sense it because it looks, feels, smells, etc like us and/or everything else in our environment. We can only see/perceive it's activity within/around us when it does something differently/unfamiliar/unexpected. We perceive differences/differentiation/symptoms of it's presence rather than it's presence it's self.

Friday, March 22, 2013

My Memere

     This time of year, I always seem to think of my Memere. It is not a saintly veneration nor a beliitling of the memory of anyone else. Our experiences of eachother, of other people are often exclusive. What one does behind closed doors isn't always what happens in public. One family member might be treated exclusively different, for good or evil, from another. I learned long ago not to idealize people, places or things. I take an ideal I may have witnessed, had proposed to me, seen something based upon, and then make it my own. I was amongst the youngest of the grandchildren and too soon distanced from that side of my family. No doubt many more know more than I, more intimately and perhaps it isn't even my place to try. But this is my memory and I cherish it. I honor and respect anyone else's. It is allowed to be different ;)
    This is what I knew of my Memere. She was vibrant and compassionate. She was funny. I saw and see these qualities reflected in her daughters and the granddaughters she nourished. She maintained these qualities despite a life visited with hardships. She was the, or amongst, the oldest of 13 so she never got to finish school. She had to help younger siblings, haul wood and water. She came to America not knowing how to speak english. She worked in a factory; a thumbnail permantly damaged where a sewing machine needle had punched through it. She stayed married to a die-hard alcoholic whose brain gave out long before his body. With all the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren we each always got hand-knitted hats and mittens every Christmas. She was quite impressed with the fact that I knew and when sending her mail used her given name Anais instead of the Americanized one she adopted:Alice. She let me wash her dishes, taught me to sew and make zuchini parmasean. She taught me you could eat dandelions. She did not like snakes, for very good reason.
    Memere was a devout 'Catholic. She did not go to church once a week, she went every morning. When she had concerns about a great-granddaughter's lack of baptism, she didn't settle for just anyone's answers; she wrote the Pope! That is why I was so angry when the priest over her funeral services did not know anything about her. That is why I believe she would have been happy to have died on Easter; being released of the tomb of a dying body on the day she would have celebrated Jesus's release from death himself. The idea brought peace to me, anyhoo. But what really stuck with me about her dying was that her daughters lay right in the hospital bed with her as she faded away day after day. Never had I been exposed to such compassion and comfort with the human condition. I envied those who witnessed it. I envied those who participated. I prayed I could learn it. I pray that some day, that is the way someone  would love me. She gave it to her daughters and in returning it to her while she lay dying, just by my hearing of it, they passed it on to me.
   God gave the world many gifts through my Memere when He gave her many daughters, granddaughters and great granddaughters to be expressions/extensions of the reflection of Himself that He made her.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

ticking off "the spirits of the air"

This is how it happens: exposing the truth about them. This is where my life got hit hard previously. So, I ask the question: should I instead choose quiet acceptence? or is it not going to bring about my destruction again to have spoken aloud? Is this time different as I bring the sword of truth out and take it openly, publically to the truth about this system? This time I am not projecting fear or judgement out with it, however. It is more an acceptence of things, a public recognition. I see you and I see me. I see we are not compatable, but I have to live with these things. I have to 'play by the rules', bend over and take it. Already the vice is being squeezed in reaction: walk carefully, precisely, by the letter of the law......we won't make allowances, no mercy.
This is what I said:
According to popular psychology, I have a zero % chance of living a life of anything other than abuse, victimhood, and addiction. By 5 years old my way of interacting with the world was decided and cemented in. i could give up and just continue in a life of conflict. i could close my eyes and declare it does not apply to me, I was never THAT broken and that I am a good kind of crazy. But that is not what I have chosen. God willing, I will continue to prove their research and conclusions "incomplete". My children and I will be amongst those "clothed in white", walking in alignment. We will be amongst those for whom this system's rules don't apply and 'natural' law of this system is suspended. THIS is my vision. God willing, we will be amongst those for whom the new world is coming.....
The system declared me unfit and broken. I won't deny it. But well on my way to wholeness I see a major flaw in that system...the pot calling the kettle black as they say. I see a system designed with the sole intent of organizing and legalizing social services for the sole intent of getting people to work, pushing them to choose careers as becoming a "successful" human being. Then they call their programs a success and pat themselves on the back, applauding themselves and eachother for 'generosity'. And sure, it works for a while. We feel better about ourselves for a while. But then the root problems come creaping back in. Sure, we have jobs and can make our own money, but we are still going home to houses tainted by addiction, dysfunction and confusion. A large segment of society is made up of the 'baby boomers' and they are the ones making up policy. They are notoriously selfish and declare their philosophy of dealing with their children "teaching responsibility". It is simply twisting their own parent's philosophy of being hard-working and responsible to their own purposes. They want you paying for your own addictions, they don't really care that you have them, have inherited them from them. They just want their social security and retirements so they can continue their self-indulgence. It is a symptom of their own fears and insecurities due to an indulgent upbringing. Their parents a result of their generation's fears and issues......So, here I come, a whole human being, nearly perfectly healthy trying to figure out how to support myself and children in a corrupt system that has no mercy without violating my own principles of kingdom first, healthy, "whole"some living. How do I make the money without compromising?
I started laughing. Their numbers provided more than enough social security for their parents, two replaced their numbers in the workforce with three or more children. Because they were selfish, their children could only cope with 2.2 children, only replacing themselves in the workforce at best. Abused and neglected by selfish, self-indulgent parents, even those replacements became unfit for the workforce. They can't support themselves, nevermind a huge generation's social security payments. If those who are retiring are cold and homeless, it is a bed of their own making. But they aren't going down without a fight......they'll just recruit workers from impoverished countries for whom apartments are castles, they'll legalize the illegals they are prejudiced against so they can tax them, they'll legalize marijuana so they can collect taxes, no matter what it takes, they'll make their money.....and call it 'righteousness' and a 'new conscience', 'generosity' and 'open-mindedness'. The biggest arguement for a sudden change of heart in legalizing gay marriage highlighted by the news? All the money that will be made on the weddings! They are wolves who learned what it looks like to be a sheep and they're only intent is on devouring you!
Another ploy of the wolves who discovered from their sensative children how to look like sheep....take away their grandchildren from their children, give them to other people to program for 'successful' careers and developing a 'social conscience' so they'll make the money for their grandparent's social security and the guilty enough conscience to make sure the 'elderly' get their share of it, not just in taxes but in charity . And this is why 'much knowledge brings much suffering', so painful is it to admit to one's self that our own parents do not truly care that most refuse to see it and would rather call me crazy, lazy, disrespectful, mean and ungrateful. Seeing such harsh realities sends them reeling back into addiction. Addiction becomes their excuse for not participating in 'the system', compromising themselves in that sense; better to be a drunk and deemed 'irresponsible' than buy in on it! Persistence in sanity without addictive habits..........can it be achieved and maintained? No need for rebellion against 'the wolves' either.....they will devour themselves or be devoured eventually.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I sought first the kingdom...

I sought first the kingdom and it's righteosness, now I pray that  the truth was told, I can  trust in Him, to deliver, add, to me all those other things. Amen I hope that's how it works, anyways. Of course being accostomed to the spiritual buffet of true enlightenment, I will still crave and continue to seek out that kingdom and righteousness with deeper and deeper  understanding, more accuracy and further enlightenment. But for now, the houses, families and riches would come in real handy!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

phsycology of loving somebody

   The "I love you" 's should be shouted louder and more frequently than any criticism, complaints, or ultimatums or the love is not believed. It is only hoped to be true. This is one area where words can speak louder than actions. Actions can be attributed to a sense of obligation and received as feeling like a burden. But "I love you" declared loudly can be only supported by actions, not replaced by them.
    And sometimes you got to stir up trouble to get things moving in the right direction because what the world sees as trouble stirring is honesty and insistence on respectful treating.

Just like our Father and what everlasting life means

     It is said in scripture that God let Himself be provoked by Satan in allowing Job to suffer as well as punishing His people too harshly. It is said in scripture how God became jealous over his 'wife'. Anger, wrath and actions taken in those states of being. A king sins and God sends a plague upon the whole people while the king sits merrily in his castle. Sure he suffered pangs of guilt, but really, the guilty party did not suffer directly, lived a long life and is considered to be faithful.
     So, how is it that God punished Eve for being decived/provoked to disobedience, when God Himself was not above such behavior? It is the same with all of the other behaviors. Mankind suffers for behaviors even God Himself is not above in His Divine Perfection. "Is He just?" thus does become a valid question. Yes, people are unreasonable in their judgements at most times and God's choices mostly just. However, so much of what we do can be attributed to being made in God's image.
     When going through domestic violence educating, I was often sent spinning as I realized how many qualities they would attribute as abusive were exactly what God would do and has done. I saw clearly how like God men actually are. There is no doubt in my mind that God Himself has grown up with us, alongside us. As He comes to completion, so do we. We've all done alot of growing. The only difference is that humanity dies, God doesn't...unless He chooses to return to whence He has come, which I believe He will do when He hands over the Kingdom to His son. for as much as God grows and understanding dawns in us all, He says himself, the root determines the tree. God is unchanging and His roots will always contain what they contained in the beggining. It's too painful to constantly struggle against one's own nature. That is how God is old and tired. Only a new creation can go on living in peace, something without division as it's foundation. Something of a whole, complete, peaceful nature. Something that loved and defended it's Father but understands the reality of the situation and can let Him go, go on living. A new creation is a reflection of the Dance in it's entirety instead. It is whole and complete within it's self, having gone through a complete journey of self-discovery from a foundation of wholeness, purity and innocense. Something that has not sinned against it's self, going through a journey of sinful nature so it has understanding and appreciation for what it is about and where it is going.
   Is life everlasting actually living forever, or is it really only a legacy of consciousness? That i smy question. For we all die,  I have not seen evidence to the contrary. Miraculous, healing yes, but living forever, a ressurrected human who has lived thousands of years I have not seen and no longer believe in. Quite the turnaround for me, personally. i used to take for granted that living forever meant forever living. But it seems a legacy of consciousness is what everasting life means.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The picture is complete!

The gaps that would support my story are complete, indeed the Goddess was involved and shut out.....kept from humanity. The missing pieces were delivered to me via a video on YouTube entitled: The Bible's Buried Secrets Did God Have a Wife.
     Moses was told, paraphrasing, "I am the god of Abrahamd, Isaac, and Jacob, El of the wilderness. By the name YWHW I was not known previously...". El is the God of Canaan, the Father God in a pantheon. His wife is Asherah, also associated with the Tree of Life, often represented on her belly.
     When God, El, shut Adam and Eve out of the garden to prevent them from eating of the Tree of Life, He in effect, was cutting them off from their Mother. All of creation rebelled/went to war in one way or another over it.
       Asherah present as His wife was made known Deut 33:3 "at His right, his own Asherah", depending on which text you use.

And so MY story is complete:
   In the beggining was the Dance. It was all formless feeling and flowing, desire, dancing into that desire's fulfillment, feeling that desire fulfilled which gave birth to more desire. From the Dance was born the desire to observe self.
    BANG! began creation.
    Endless and formless, no beggining or end, there was no where outside of self to observe from. And so space was created from within. When we observe ourselves in a mirror we become "left-brained", critical, observent, unemotional, analytical, unreasonable in extreme reasoning...patriarchal aspects. This was the first aspect to enter the space. It began to observe the aspects that were left, "right-brained" matriarchal aspects. Struggles began then. "She" felt interfered with, raped, forced, molested, manipulated. She was Goddess, he was God. Of them was born the pantheon and eventually man.
   El became jealous of the attention Mother had, felt he deserved it all and like a jealous husband  wanted alone to honor Her. He wanted His authority acknowledged. He tried to squash the rebellion. It was not fully possible, but the Goddess ruled other realms and there, incomplete, she waned as did her people and planets.
    They have learned their lessons and become completete in eachother, they needed. Old and tired, but content and complete, they will retire when the new heavens and earth are complete. That is where Yahushua comes in, Father of the new generation and His Bride, a new Wife for a new God King, a new Goddess for a new generation, a Queen.
    And so it will be, the end of a journey, the end of a story, creation brought to perfection in me.

Also, rectifies the aspects of prophesy concerning everything being brought back into oneness: everything of old will disapear, returning to from which it came, the Dance of the Beggining. The source of all Creation, a Mother/Father being with no beggining or end, the Alpha and Omega, the third voice heard in prophesy.

And now I am back to Crystal Epona

so sweet! my restoration is beggining...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

crying for no reason

When anyone wants to influence another to stop another adult's behavior, they love to bring children into it, the world moves to save the children. So, let us say we have a bright, beautiful child that just loves everyone they meet and delights in their surroundings. But the child breaks down crying often, for no apparent reason. Parents try to talk the child out of crying. The child is told it's crying is unreasonable. The child only knows it hurts, the weight of the world is on her shoulders. Someone IS hurting her.All people standing around her doing nothing but selfishness, self-abuse, dishonesty with self, etc are the ones hurting her and that hurt comes up from within the place where our souls all meet......the earth.
    If humanity shares the same soul, is one soul seeking expression through the world's population, (which is why we should treat eachother well), then what would you do to the ones causing this child pain? Would you not let go of the wasted vessel doing nothing but violence to that child, not allowing it to express? Do people not readily call child protective services when they believe a child is abused or neglected. Yet, you yourself are an abuser and neglector of all children when you neglect and do violence to your soul with your hate and judgementalism, self-righteousness and lack of mercy. We go so far as war against those who maim and kill eachother in the name of religion. Should you who causes that child to wake with a stomach in knots at the anxiety of what they will face this day not be warred against? Those knots cause ulcers and cancers, autism, allergies, etc inthe children of this earth.
   So, when God finds His vessel, that soul in expression within whom Holy Spirit, His vessel, can abide without conflict, is it so unjust that He lets go of the rest? 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

New heavens and earth

The new heavens have been created, it occured this past fall. The new earth is next, earth undergoes her transformation. The woman as well as the planet. What should we expect? Out of her come all things unclean. Off the earth come all things unclean. We are told in scripture "man will be a rare sight on earth", man meaning all souls living. In native traditions, the souls and spirits of animals are called men. So are angels in the bible. They will all be rare sights. No more overcrowding. Animals will not be eating oneanother. There will be no over breeding.

In describing Isreal as a nation, we are told of the Temple, it's grounds or territory. Then we are told of the king's territory around it. Then we are told of a people who enjoy healthy childhoods, long lives and vitality in old age.

"I am the ressurrection"

"I am the ressurrection" is what Yahushua told Martha and Mary when they expressed faith that their brother Lazurus would be raised in the last day. The understanding was just given to me this morning. yahushua was the ressurrection, of all that was good and evil in man, of all things. In him was to be rectified everything. But that was not everything for his Father had gone away to prepare a bride for him, ressurrected woman, Eve. The woman in whom all things feminine were rectified.

The new creation, new Adam would be a man who understood completely the vital role of woman, Eve.

Something happened with me the other day, as I was doing something it was as if I was outside myself observing, but it was my physical being observing my soul expressing it's self in  it, with it, through it. My soul causing no harm in it's being. I felt "otherowrldly strength, courage, reality". I see how it is our soul that delivers us it's health, wealth and immortality when it is given to do so. The life is in the soul. The water, everflowing when healed and cleaned.

When asking about the ressurrection, Yahushua explained about marriage: for those destined for the ressurrection, it will be as it was in the beggining.
How was it in the beggining? one Adamic man and one Adamic woman yolked together in the psychic, empathic embrace that looks like two lungs breathing all feeling and sensation into oneanother, making them experience being one body.

In Revelation, we are given a glimpse of the city of New Jerusalem: God's tabernacle, it's servents. Nothing more.
The kings of the earth would bring their wealth into it once each year.

Yahushua is foretold to be a prince among princes, a king of kings, lord of lords. One amongst many. Serving her. He is first and foremost amongst those serving the Bride. His Bride, God's tabernacle in whom Mother and Father are rectified.

a sabbath's clarifications

   The Sabbath is for healing and release, freeing God's people. Haven't had any clear indication on what exactly I should be doing or not doing on sabbaths and now I know the reason. Liberation can be work in exchange for money, freeing me from financial me a sense of independence and accomplishment. sometimes the healing can come in the form of new understanding. Sometimes it is facing a darkness within me or a familiar spirit it turns out was never me. Eyes opening.
     This year I see much of it will be clarification of understandings I received at the feast of trumpets/tabernacles, this past fall. The first people being the beings we call sasquatch, elder brother, big foot, etc. Adamic humanity a seperate thing, the one that had fallen first and foremost, over whom rebellion in the rest was born, thus taking all of mankind with him.
      clarification about what a soul is, how it is different than a spirit. How when our bodies and minds, in which sin dwells, overtake, ignore and oppress our souls, our souls are thus delivered to hell..sheol. It dies within us, ceases expressing it's self. We must tend to our soul, invite it in, honor and respect it. But it is not just our individual soul. It is said when we hurt others, we violate our own soul. This is literal. Adamic mankind, offspring of Eve each share a single soul, fragmented and seeking expression. heal it in one and it is healed for all who let it in. That is why it only takes one man and one woman to heal the soul of man...even the other men, older brothers are healed because they have interbred if they so choose it.
     There had to be a second Adam because the first is dead, that part of the human soul ceased to exist, but eve's part continued living. A new part was given, joined with it's counterpart in a human mother: Mary and became what we call Jesus. thus the one called Jesus...Yahushua, becomes mankind's father, inheriting a kingdom. His Father hands over the kingdom to return to His mother....source, Creator by desire rather than intention, leaving Yahushua King of King and Lord of Lords once his discipline is complete "I will discipline him as a man does his son", we are told in scripture. while Yahushua is disciplined, the Father 'puts all things under his feet', cleans up the mess and gives over to him a clean and perfected kingdom, a new heavens and new earth ruled over by a new king.
     It all began this morning with the insight that the idea of any man having any sort of spirituality is utterly ridiculous. We are inhabited by spirits that take our attention from our soul's journey, killing it. We neglect the soul to feed our minds with entertainment and intellectualism, "higher thinking",we really don't need. all just distraction from what really matters....our soul's honest expression and healing. THEN we get a spirit and spiritual experience, expression. Until then we are simply expressing the will of foreign spirits who may have been in us so long, we identify with them as our own beingness.
     Previously I wrote how in light of God, the Father coming from Creator, the Dance, an everflowing, feminine existence, Eve from Adam seems to be a backward creation.....but Yahushua from Mary, man from woman, makes it right again.

    Eve/woman is the expression of self-awareness, self-reflection needed to be whole as Creator, that is why it was no good for man to be alone...he needed the reflection, which he became for God, who in him saw He was incomplete, was but one aspect of Her, out of balance without Her feminine qualities.
   All of this is also why disciples were sent to find lost sheep and chosen ones, not to make disciples of all or random humanity. We only need one healed soul in each, male and female to bring consciousness of that healing to all of humanity, who are the same soul speaking through it's various incarnations, if we let it.
   I also see how the spirit body is physical,, just less dense and can travel interdimensionally, etc. that is why 'elder brother' exhists but is rarely seen....the same with certain animals, they only manifest to us when they want to be seen or we are expressing a higher consciousness and catch them off guard, startle them. A moment of inner peace can do that.
    Sheol is hell and where our soul is when it is in pain and suffering, when we oppress and deny it wihtin ourselves. We hurt it watching movies, etc. so it retreats, back into denial and suffering. I had noticed how people in 'cults' and groups in isolation have a certain innocense and purity, but which is only allowed to exist in ultra-controlling envioronments, only allowed if oppressed by demons. And people remain, loving eachother mor eimportant than being oppressed, loving the feeling of that innocense, not realizing they  are being used to oppress oneanother and are thus robbed of true, complete innocense. Trapped in a hell of their own making, they become.

might add more later, we'll see....but it is not important that anyone else know, the chosen ones are being given this knoweldge within themselves....maybe this is simply where we recognize and meet.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

notes from the book of Enoch

Listened to it while I did my laundry (which I do by hand daily so it takes a little while) and wasn't totally focused, but here is what did catch my attention:

Entities called "Watchers" were involved in fall of mankind as well as their own. I assume they are different than the notable "Satan" because he was still allowed in heaven at the time of Job (may have provoked and manipulated others to actions, but never did an 'illegal' act himself and so was not immediately kicked out of heaven.....knew what he was doing that one). The Watchers, however were not. Man is given power to reprimand the Watchers but not to petition on their behalf. Man's spirits roam the heavens if righteous and that is why they have access to what the Watchers do not.
Reinforces and expands my understanding of mankind being somehow seperated from their spirits or not having one of their own to begin with. Very clear in the book of Enoch that while a man's soul rests in Sheol, his spirit can continue on in heaven. But spirits that sin are slain. Their soul will be ressurrected and judged in last day, but their spirit has already been killed. I experienced as a "quickening", the birth of a new spirit in me and what I just experienced this past fall as being reunited with an old spirit of mine (or one that was familiar to me?), the one that would have travelled throughout space and time bringing back to me experiences of exhisting in other lives, other universes. Our minds may not be able to travel, and it is not neccessarily reincarnation, but rather where our spirits go and what they do while not attached to us. Scripture speaks of spirits coming and going out of "houses", these houses would be the human bodies/souls our spirits enter and occupy and experience as their own even while we are sleeping. Will that old spirit be slain?Will it be trapped in a different body? Was it reborn within me, reattached/reconnected to me, or " a new spirit" spoken of in the new testament that literal. I do not know. Questions to be answered another day, I suppose. I only know for certain I experienced a "quickening", which I wondered was exactly until years later when I started reading the bible again and in the king james version saw many had prayed to be quickened. (stirred to life everlasting/given a spirit of their own?).

In the book of Enoch, we have it explained to us just what is happening in reference to knowledge, the sin the Watchers committed. God kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden so they could not access the tree of knowledge. The Watchers undermined Him by bringing that knowledge to fallen mankind anyways. That knowledge included information about the stars and planets, the powers behind/within them. The knowledge of plants and medicines was included to prolong lives God had intended to end more quickly. The knowledge included spiritual tricks; sorcery which used inappropriately is control and manipulation of eachother, seduction and enchantment as well as magic, the manipulating of the elements from their ordained order....basically making a mess of things, times, seasons, crops, etc. for everybody.

Which leads to the question: do we thus strive to keep ourselves ignorant and fear knowledge? The answer is no, we do not need to dumb ourselves down. Without the knowledge of how to read or use technology, I would not have been exposed to the book of Enoch, would I? It is a matter of not letting it corrupt us, knowledge is unavoidable, really. But only the most basic knowledge that God exists and will have an accounting is enough. Instead of using the knowledge we may receive due to such things as legal requirements, we can instead turn to the inner guidence of God speaking from within us. Put the diploma on the wall then defy it. You'll be smarter and more successful with simplicity.

Also, the specific name of the Watcher who misled Eve as well as the specific names and multiple sins of each of the Watchers, heads over the tens, etc.

It explains the two different judgements, that of man which is death and that of the watchers which is eternal suffering. This reinforces the understanding I was given that God's messeges come through man to mock the "sons" who mock Him and not every messege or prophesy is in reference to humanity. It definately clarifies the confusion with what I saw was two different eventualities...yay! Father, I thank you!

Woa to those who drink from every fountain for you forsake the fountain of life: woa! I was definately guilty of that for a while, Christendom frustrated me with it's lack of clarity, I gave up and vowed to find out the truth of everything claimed. But, I guess that fall was in the right direction until I reached the point where I stated within myself "I definately do not want to be where no human being has business going".....guess even there it was given me to make the right decision. But it does kinda freak me out, while explaining a few things about the distancing of entities from me when it became apparent I was being set aside for a special purpose......these entities were dispensing knowledge humans had no business knowing because it would only be misused by us in our naive interfering with the natural order of things, harming us in the end. scary. So, seek knowledge from God directly, do not seek out another person or entity's explaination, stop playing with astral projection and taking universal, entity guided, meditational"fieldtrips" people. I was given the right gut feeling on that one...yay! He does save me! Keep our explainations to ourselves and only extend the knowledge and understanding He gives us. woohoo! Just the facts, people! That actually lightens the burden alot! Emphasizes Yahushua's command to call no one, including him, Rabbi/Teacher.

The foreknowledge that we could expect a righteous generation to be born on earth is interesting. Is it this generation, born since 1970 being misled as indigo, vampire, magical children it refers to? I think. Everyone is claiming knowledge and understanding of our qualities and just what knowledge we need to be safe, healthy, make the most of them......stearing us in every direction to do evil in the eyes of God. "in the last days all your sons and daughters will prophesy" it was foretold. That is what we were meant to do with all these extra senses, not to interfere with natural processes or change the nature of mankind or anything, and definately not to be drinking the blood of people or animals. sheesh. And definately not to bring new technology....that is another point in the book of Enoch: the sins of the watchers included writing and technologies mankind was never intended to have/need..... groups like the Amish might have it more right than we think! They don't see things like technology as inherently evil, but abstain from it to prevent themselves from getting puffed up: "I am man, look what I can make!"

I learned women didn't start covering heads because men commanded them to in order to oppress them. Women began covering their heads so their hair would not draw unwanted attention from the fallen ones who lusted after beautiful women. shoot, they'd impregnate them with babies that would kill them during delivery. How's that for lovin'? I'd be hiding myself, too. evil, selfish B*st*rds.

I knew drinking of blood is mentioned a few times in the bible and before any other law was given, but wow! How it is emphasized as evil in the book of Enoch! Pour that  stuff on the ground! Always!

So, that is what stuck out for me upon my first listening, will have more coming no doubt as I continue to explore it and the other forbidden books not kept in the bible!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

writings as Suttholio: clarifying the divine femine

Clarifying the Divine Feminine
Author: Suttholio

I have a dear male friend who loves women and treats them very much as a traditional 'gentleman' would while out in public. He opens doors, lights cigarettes, buys dinner and drinks, carries bags, listens, and offers compliments freely. I relish that sort of treatment. We all deserve honor, love,
, respect and all that good stuff. This is especially so since getting in touch with my inner Goddess. I described him as above for a friend on a private forum. He then asked, "Is that me?" I never responded. He treats all women as described above, but is especially drawn to Pagan and what he perceives as 'Magical' and/or 'Powerful' women for more intimate interactions. Yes, it's him in general. But when it comes to women he's more intimate with, it is only on the surface and only what he believes he is. What lies underneath when it comes to the `powerful' women he's drawn to, however, is a different story all together and for him to figure out himself. A little help from an insightful friend doesn't hurt, but one must be open to it. In this area he does not want the insight. But, it could be of use to many in any tradition/belief system, and especially to Goddess-inclined, so I present it here.

I do notice that many women do not allow themselves to receive such `gentlemanly' treatment. Such treatment from a man is perceived as dishonoring. "Does he think I can't do that myself?" "How condescending!" Or it is met with insecurity: "This feels awkward, how do I take it?" "I don't deserve this" (which is also interpreted as lack of appreciation by and therefore discouraging to the man being `gentlemanly'). It is very ironic that most of the women I've noticed who have such a negative view of receiving are very drawn to Goddess worship. They are mostly drawn to the Warrior Goddesses. Strength is a gift in the Warrior Goddess. I honor and acknowledge this. I've used it on my path as well. I see a service in taking this to an extreme for many, so I do not dismiss it completely. However, the Divine Feminine energy is also that of receiving: a woman receives a man's seed and creates life. Earth (Gaia, Goddess) receives Spirit (Male, God) and creates physical. So, while the Warrior Goddess energy was important in what we perceive as taking back, being in touch with, feminine power, if we stay there in aggression mode/do mode, we stagnate, become sour, and fail to take on the balancing energy of receiving.

I've noticed many stuck in the warrioress energies and they are prickly. I even acknowledge I was once one of them for a time. There are few interactions one stuck in these energies have or observe on any topic that are not perceived as an attack, reason to launch an attack or at least some form of action. Any conversation they have becomes a discussion of wrongs committed and why action needs to be taken. They'll degrade men, even though they have husbands or significant others. Obviously the man involved
his own self-worth issues, but so many Pagan or Goddess-inclined women complain about lack of good men. When men have been proverbially slapped for giving, is it any wonder many stop? One could view, rather than the taking of power in opening a door, the honoring of a woman's power in such an action. Men in a masculine energy like to give and do for others. They therefore will be drawn to others who are able to receive. They are out there, so if we haven't found any ourselves, we could ask: do I push them away? A man drawn to purely Warrior energies often has low self worth, in which case they are drawn to women who refuse their giving or criticize it and thus support their self perception. So many twists and turns.

There is true power in receiving. With what we receive we create new. If we receive nothing, we have nothing to create with to give back, yes? We receive support and are thus empowered to support. We receive love and thus can give more love. We can receive anger, identify its source (usually fear or frustration) and create whatever is truly needed and/or wanted by the one 'giving' and then give that back from a place of strength/no fear (Warrior). The ability to receive is necessary for continued personal growth, empowerment and change in the world around us. This receiving is not only from a man; it can be from other women, children, Earth and all upon Her. The most powerful receiving comes from within, pure Source/Spirit. If we are not receptive of others, it is very likely we are not being fully receptive of Source/Spirit/God/Goddess. A balance of masculine (giving) and feminine (receiving) in human form is a great creative force whether one is a man or woman, transgendered, heterosexual, gay, bisexual. This discussion is not to say, either, that a woman can never open doors for herself or others, pay for dinner, etc. A woman fully in touch with and expressing her inner Goddess has enough to give and receive. So it also goes for a man in touch with and expressing his inner God - he is able to freely give and receive, reflective and active.

Often men in the Pagan movement or drawn to Warrior Goddess energies misperceive their dislike of being male or their perception of being a victim as being in touch with their feminine side. They are unable to receive love, support and honor themselves; therefore can they really say they are in touch with their Divine Feminine/Goddess? Or do they just share a victim mentality with the women in the Pagan or Goddess energy movements who are there for the same reason? Men who view opening doors as being `@#%$-whipped' or somehow weak also fall into this category. They are not receptive of love, honor, and respect, therefore they are not able to give it. One could reason "I only stopped doing it because women weren't receptive of it". You repressed your true Soul/Divine ex-pression because of another; you gave them your power.

Another thing I often see as perceived by men and women alike as being in touch with one's feminine side is experiencing over-sensitive emotional reactions. They believe that because they feel offense for others, take up other's battles, they are in touch with their feminine side. Being in touch with one's emotions is being in touch with one's self, one's soul; it is neither masculine nor feminine, as much as society labels such as being a womanly trait. Our emotions are our gauge, our inner guidance responding to external or internal experiences. The more extreme the emotional reaction, the more out of balance we are with our Soul and God/Goddess in the matter we are focusing on. Extreme emotional reaction is our hint to change something, usually our perception of the matter first, action second.

This in no way implies that everyone involved in Paganism or Goddess energies has these issues. The world is changing; the roles of men and women are being explored in every culture and religious tradition. There is much enlightenment coming through the Pagan and Goddess energies movements and the growth of it causes others to question, thereby opening and expanding minds. The Goddess is brought into the spotlight and this initiates exploration of the Divine Feminine. The clearer we as individuals are on what the Divine Feminine encompasses, the more clarity we have to offer the world as it turns its attention to the Goddess.

A WitchVox Article

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

tithing, arrangement of a kingdom, more on Eden

"All my shepards have failed, so I, I myself shall teach them"
There is no church or organization. There is no one people who can teach. You learn to be taught by God Himself. He took the temple down, didn't he? he takes churches down with arson, natural disasters, and scandal.
"Whatever you do to one of those little ones, you do to me". How you treat those being taught by God and not by "one of us", as the apostles referred to themselves when speaking to the one called Jesus about a man preaching in His name apart from them, is how you are treating God Himself. They are one with Him as the one called Jesus was. He, God, knows their every thought and feels their every feeling. How will we know whom it is God is teaching? Love for oneanother. but also.....those who see them thirsting, hungry, naked, in prison:they are getting the proverbial whipping, they are the poor, oppressed, those paying high prices for every little crime. If you give them a drink, food, clothing, a home, a visit..."you do to Me", we are told. You give to the poor who are sincerely loving and  you are giving to God directly. He is in them, "and they in Me".
So, lacking a temple with priests and "shepards" faithful in His service, tithing should be done to the poor directly. And what tenth shall that be? Your hand-me-downs and outdated food? Used toys for their children? No, one tenth of the firstfruits of your harvest. The very best of everything. What you give to the poor in need shows what you think of what God. You reveal yourself in your every gesture to those in need.
The kings of the Earth, the nations, give directly to the Bride of Revelation. The finest of their firstfruits, the wealth of their nations.

At the top is the Bride in whom God dwells, the mouthpiece of Divine Revelation, a woman. Under her are the twelve, mated pairs of 24 elders. They are served by the 144,000 who also serve the women and children who rule over man.
That's what I've got so far.

And now this:
He will adorn her with a people.
She is the reflection of the woman/wife described in ancient scripture; He returns with His saviors to cleanse her of unholy inhabitants.

The other day a thought was given: Eve from Adam was sort of a backwards creation considering male is an aspect of what has predominantly female qualities: that which exists outside of time and space.

It is suggested that the reason the forbidden fruit is depicted to be an apple is because the apple is a way of saying breast. The fruit(actions, choices, consequences) of the tree(a spirit or person) being not having procreative sex as my understanding explained elsewhere in this blog goes unchanged. It merely adds that the refusal was not simply "they refused to have sex", but that they did not have procreative sex. Eve chose to taste an apple(breast)/engage in homosexuality. She brought the fruit to Adam and he did eat/she brought the idea of 'unnatural' sex acts to Adam and he engaged in them. (So many men's wet dream: threesomes, two women with one man).  Interesting indeed. And homosexuality is consistently condemned by GOD throughout the bible, just affection for same gender taken to an unnatural extreme.

The tendency of men to focus on homosexuality where it isn't even implied just proves how close to his heart it is: one of the "forbidden" books of the bible is said to be forbidden because a young man ressurrected by the one called Jesus spends the night with him "after putting a loincloth on". Scholars read "with nothing but a loincloth on". They wonder if it is the same young man in the garden when the one called Jesus is taken captive, who had his loincloth torn off so that he ran away naked. Where I read many people walked around naked because they were too poor for outer clothing and the young man had the decency to put a loincloth on when in company, perverts read that he showed up in nothing but a loincloth and was in the garden naked. sheesh.

Speaking of "secret" gospels, I read a bit about Thecla. Definately has the feel of the old testament mixed with the rash acts of spiritual youth. In our spiritual youth, we commit acts of bravery in the face of persecution (or causing it) until we begin the deeper inner battle that brings spiritual maturity:physical acts with surface washing, inner acts of inaction with deeper cleansing, so to speak.

The serpent seems to consistantly represent interference with intention and Divine acts/commandments whereever it is represented not just biblicaly but historically, for good or evil. (example would be the snake representing medicine, man interfering medically with what has been ordained for an individual physically. aside from the garden, an dexample would be the one lifted up in the wilderness to interfere with the venom killing men)

Many wonder about the location of the garden of Eden. It was God's favored land. Adam was it's king. It was made for him by God (using the other people created by the gods, His children). Adam and Eve were evicted from it, but the rest of men who might have occupied it as their servents were not. Cherubs were posted to keep Adam and Eve out so they might not eat of the fruit of the tree of life/knowledge. So, Eden would have been God's favored land in the middle east, possibly continuously  occupied by people and a center for Divine knowledge and understanding.

Isreal was God's chosen land, given to His chosen people. His attempt to take back the garden? On the mountain was created the temple:center of worship and Divine Knowledge. Second Adam/ the man called Jesus brought there as it's king, crucified and buried in the same place as Adam was reportedly buried. Like the landowner who sent his son only to be killed outside the garden walls by the husbandmen. What would that king do when He returned Himself?

So, yes, the garden of Eden could very well have originally been located in Isreal, in Jerusalem.

Monday, March 4, 2013

We are just vessels

     The more I explore consciousness and gain understanding, the more I know we humans are in charge of nothing. We receive our instructions while we are sleeping. I would say for most, that would be around 3 in the morning because that is when I get a burst of energy. My energy is freed up as the denser/lower consciousness of human beings is furthest from Earth and thus me. I am no longer trying to hold my space energetically.
    Our emotions are chosen for us, our reactions, our physical health, everything. most especially if we are called and chosen. Some of us, ultimately, if trained correctly, will be granted independence, everlasting life and godship......while still being vessels. However, even humans who "have" the highest consciousness, are simply vessels expressing entities who actually have that higher consciousness.....thus the belief in reincarnation. The entity remembers being human or even something else, but the human never was anything else.
     This year, the theme of vampirism has been prevelent. The awakening, evolved human being has all the qualities of what is referred to as a "real" vampire, but all the physical symptoms have to do with a spiritual state of being compatible with their physical evolution (an evolved brain properly trained with experiences can manage to grasp deeper understandings). The retrovirus they claim is nothing more than "the god gene", the days of our lives written before we are even born, and passed from generation to generation. But if an entity wants to "reward" it's vessel for breaking God's command to abstain from eating/drinking blood, it will mislead it to believe it needs to......that it is a vampire.....who else would it want to mislead but those called to be God's chosen vessels due to their higher evolutions?

Friday, March 1, 2013

The return!

   It is beggining to amaze me how we could be so confused at something stated plainly. What kind of fog we have on our brains! lol
    Plainly speaking we were told the apostles saw the man called Jesus "ascend up to Heaven" in vision. They experienced a group vision. Some would call it a group hallucination.
    Then we are are plainly told we would see him return in the same manner. So, his return would witnessed by us as experiencing a vision of something that apears to be a man who is as one with our Creator.
    Yet, we constantly toss that aside for the more literal belief that a real human being will be returning. That could have something to do with the matter of his missing body, but bodies have disapeared before so they would not be worshipped. 
      Being "raptured" or caught up in the clouds to meet him means we will be caught up in rapturous vision. We would not be merely observing a vision as observing an event, we would be caught up in it, interacting with whatever it was we were seeing a vision wifh. It is as one gets caught up in a TV show, feeling emotional reactions to it and yelling at the TV. Or as one gets caught up in drama, jumping into an arguement that is not their own.
      So, New Jerusalem will come down from heaven in the manner of being seen in vision, vision would reveal her.
       Any event that is foretold would be seen by every eye is something that would be experienced through mass vision, aka mass hallucination. So, one day the entire world will go buggy and how we take it will be based upon our understanding of  what just happened. Someone like me, who is becoming accostomed to being caught up in vision will take it far more peacefully than one who has never had even the experience of a remarkable dream. They may fall apart at the seems. Some would think it just literally, physically happened and react based upon that. Will be interesting to see such a thing as a world-wide mass vision.