Tuesday, March 5, 2013

tithing, arrangement of a kingdom, more on Eden

"All my shepards have failed, so I, I myself shall teach them"
There is no church or organization. There is no one people who can teach. You learn to be taught by God Himself. He took the temple down, didn't he? he takes churches down with arson, natural disasters, and scandal.
"Whatever you do to one of those little ones, you do to me". How you treat those being taught by God and not by "one of us", as the apostles referred to themselves when speaking to the one called Jesus about a man preaching in His name apart from them, is how you are treating God Himself. They are one with Him as the one called Jesus was. He, God, knows their every thought and feels their every feeling. How will we know whom it is God is teaching? Love for oneanother. but also.....those who see them thirsting, hungry, naked, in prison:they are getting the proverbial whipping, they are the poor, oppressed, those paying high prices for every little crime. If you give them a drink, food, clothing, a home, a visit..."you do to Me", we are told. You give to the poor who are sincerely loving and  you are giving to God directly. He is in them, "and they in Me".
So, lacking a temple with priests and "shepards" faithful in His service, tithing should be done to the poor directly. And what tenth shall that be? Your hand-me-downs and outdated food? Used toys for their children? No, one tenth of the firstfruits of your harvest. The very best of everything. What you give to the poor in need shows what you think of what God. You reveal yourself in your every gesture to those in need.
The kings of the Earth, the nations, give directly to the Bride of Revelation. The finest of their firstfruits, the wealth of their nations.

At the top is the Bride in whom God dwells, the mouthpiece of Divine Revelation, a woman. Under her are the twelve, mated pairs of 24 elders. They are served by the 144,000 who also serve the women and children who rule over man.
That's what I've got so far.

And now this:
He will adorn her with a people.
She is the reflection of the woman/wife described in ancient scripture; He returns with His saviors to cleanse her of unholy inhabitants.

The other day a thought was given: Eve from Adam was sort of a backwards creation considering male is an aspect of what has predominantly female qualities: that which exists outside of time and space.

It is suggested that the reason the forbidden fruit is depicted to be an apple is because the apple is a way of saying breast. The fruit(actions, choices, consequences) of the tree(a spirit or person) being not having procreative sex as my understanding explained elsewhere in this blog goes unchanged. It merely adds that the refusal was not simply "they refused to have sex", but that they did not have procreative sex. Eve chose to taste an apple(breast)/engage in homosexuality. She brought the fruit to Adam and he did eat/she brought the idea of 'unnatural' sex acts to Adam and he engaged in them. (So many men's wet dream: threesomes, two women with one man).  Interesting indeed. And homosexuality is consistently condemned by GOD throughout the bible, just affection for same gender taken to an unnatural extreme.

The tendency of men to focus on homosexuality where it isn't even implied just proves how close to his heart it is: one of the "forbidden" books of the bible is said to be forbidden because a young man ressurrected by the one called Jesus spends the night with him "after putting a loincloth on". Scholars read "with nothing but a loincloth on". They wonder if it is the same young man in the garden when the one called Jesus is taken captive, who had his loincloth torn off so that he ran away naked. Where I read many people walked around naked because they were too poor for outer clothing and the young man had the decency to put a loincloth on when in company, perverts read that he showed up in nothing but a loincloth and was in the garden naked. sheesh.

Speaking of "secret" gospels, I read a bit about Thecla. Definately has the feel of the old testament mixed with the rash acts of spiritual youth. In our spiritual youth, we commit acts of bravery in the face of persecution (or causing it) until we begin the deeper inner battle that brings spiritual maturity:physical acts with surface washing, inner acts of inaction with deeper cleansing, so to speak.

The serpent seems to consistantly represent interference with intention and Divine acts/commandments whereever it is represented not just biblicaly but historically, for good or evil. (example would be the snake representing medicine, man interfering medically with what has been ordained for an individual physically. aside from the garden, an dexample would be the one lifted up in the wilderness to interfere with the venom killing men)

Many wonder about the location of the garden of Eden. It was God's favored land. Adam was it's king. It was made for him by God (using the other people created by the gods, His children). Adam and Eve were evicted from it, but the rest of men who might have occupied it as their servents were not. Cherubs were posted to keep Adam and Eve out so they might not eat of the fruit of the tree of life/knowledge. So, Eden would have been God's favored land in the middle east, possibly continuously  occupied by people and a center for Divine knowledge and understanding.

Isreal was God's chosen land, given to His chosen people. His attempt to take back the garden? On the mountain was created the temple:center of worship and Divine Knowledge. Second Adam/ the man called Jesus brought there as it's king, crucified and buried in the same place as Adam was reportedly buried. Like the landowner who sent his son only to be killed outside the garden walls by the husbandmen. What would that king do when He returned Himself?

So, yes, the garden of Eden could very well have originally been located in Isreal, in Jerusalem.

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