Friday, March 1, 2013

The return!

   It is beggining to amaze me how we could be so confused at something stated plainly. What kind of fog we have on our brains! lol
    Plainly speaking we were told the apostles saw the man called Jesus "ascend up to Heaven" in vision. They experienced a group vision. Some would call it a group hallucination.
    Then we are are plainly told we would see him return in the same manner. So, his return would witnessed by us as experiencing a vision of something that apears to be a man who is as one with our Creator.
    Yet, we constantly toss that aside for the more literal belief that a real human being will be returning. That could have something to do with the matter of his missing body, but bodies have disapeared before so they would not be worshipped. 
      Being "raptured" or caught up in the clouds to meet him means we will be caught up in rapturous vision. We would not be merely observing a vision as observing an event, we would be caught up in it, interacting with whatever it was we were seeing a vision wifh. It is as one gets caught up in a TV show, feeling emotional reactions to it and yelling at the TV. Or as one gets caught up in drama, jumping into an arguement that is not their own.
      So, New Jerusalem will come down from heaven in the manner of being seen in vision, vision would reveal her.
       Any event that is foretold would be seen by every eye is something that would be experienced through mass vision, aka mass hallucination. So, one day the entire world will go buggy and how we take it will be based upon our understanding of  what just happened. Someone like me, who is becoming accostomed to being caught up in vision will take it far more peacefully than one who has never had even the experience of a remarkable dream. They may fall apart at the seems. Some would think it just literally, physically happened and react based upon that. Will be interesting to see such a thing as a world-wide mass vision.

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