Sunday, March 10, 2013

crying for no reason

When anyone wants to influence another to stop another adult's behavior, they love to bring children into it, the world moves to save the children. So, let us say we have a bright, beautiful child that just loves everyone they meet and delights in their surroundings. But the child breaks down crying often, for no apparent reason. Parents try to talk the child out of crying. The child is told it's crying is unreasonable. The child only knows it hurts, the weight of the world is on her shoulders. Someone IS hurting her.All people standing around her doing nothing but selfishness, self-abuse, dishonesty with self, etc are the ones hurting her and that hurt comes up from within the place where our souls all meet......the earth.
    If humanity shares the same soul, is one soul seeking expression through the world's population, (which is why we should treat eachother well), then what would you do to the ones causing this child pain? Would you not let go of the wasted vessel doing nothing but violence to that child, not allowing it to express? Do people not readily call child protective services when they believe a child is abused or neglected. Yet, you yourself are an abuser and neglector of all children when you neglect and do violence to your soul with your hate and judgementalism, self-righteousness and lack of mercy. We go so far as war against those who maim and kill eachother in the name of religion. Should you who causes that child to wake with a stomach in knots at the anxiety of what they will face this day not be warred against? Those knots cause ulcers and cancers, autism, allergies, etc inthe children of this earth.
   So, when God finds His vessel, that soul in expression within whom Holy Spirit, His vessel, can abide without conflict, is it so unjust that He lets go of the rest? 

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