Wednesday, March 27, 2013

For God so loved the world....what does that mean?

     Scripture tells us God sends rain for three reasons. The first, His priority, is for the land. Second is discipline, too much rain to drown us off His land. The third is blessing...we have sought Him and His righteousness and He wants us to live in it.
      God gave the Earth to man and told him what was required to care for it. I remember when my 4th daughter's grandmother gave her Easter eggs to die and play with. Grandmother then got angry because my daughter began to peel them, explore what was in them, "destroy them". Grandmother became covetous and wanted the eggs back, had an agenda for them, didn't want them "wasted". They weren't being wasted, they were being apprecated and played with. She gave them to my daughter, which gave my daughter the right to decide what to do with them. It is unrighteous to give something with conditions. Grandmother hopefully learned she should only give a limited number of eggs to children if she wants some left for the holiday and eating.
      So, God gives in. He does not want to see sinful man dying, but what can He do about it? We keep seeking that which leads to our destruction. Today I told my 5th daughter to eat. She said no, she did not prefer that which I was serving at that moment . I told her to be grateful she had food to eat because not every child does. She said "Uh uh", denying the fact I just told her. I reminded her it was disrespectful to contradict her mother, call me a liar and then understanding began to dawn on me for today's discussion/writing. We do not have food because we are preferred over other people, are more righteous or deserving. If it were up to us our land would be stripped and demolished with no food growing, nothing for animals to eat just like all the other war-torn countries that were stripped and blown up so that they became deserts. We just happen to live in a land God is preserving. It is the only reason we are eating. He is saving seeds for repopulating, an animal diversity for repopulating, little "arks" of land for the future, investment, investing.
      God did not give His only son to buy back sinful people who do not want to be a part of a new world, He sacrificed His son for the land, the Earth, "the world" and it's natural inhabitants. He bought back the original gift which He gave to Adam. He will give it to another people in whom He has written His Kingdom, who are guarenteed to appreciate it and do what needs doing to take care of it correctly. God did not buy back man, he made a new man in His image. He bought back a land that is experiencing destruction and people to inhabit it.
      We think it is all about us, but it isn't. We are just beasts like any other animal. Even apes have opposible thumbs and can reason. No, the war is between God and His Spirit children who occupy, control and posses us if we allow them. His war is over His creation, His land which His enemies are destroying. The ones He gave it to are already deceased, the land is dispossessed, over run by rebellious children. He is buying it back and will fill it.
      To believe otherwise is "the pride of living". As if you had anything to do with it. As if you deserve it. As if you did anything to continue it. We can only be grateful He allows us to exist, for the sake of His land and His name upon it. We set none of this in motion.

*Literally translated this is “the pride of living” (ἡ ἀλαζονεία τοῦ βίου). This is not the typical Greek word for “life” (ζωή, pronounced zoe). The term here is βίος (pronounced bios) and it refers to “the manner in which one’s life finds expression” (BDAG, βίος.) It “denotes life with respect to actions and possessions” (William Hendriksen, Commentary on James the Epistles of John, Baker, I Jn 2:16.) It is taking pride in what I am, what I do, and what I possess.

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