The Sabbath is for healing and release, freeing God's people. Haven't had any clear indication on what exactly I should be doing or not doing on sabbaths and now I know the reason. Liberation can be work in exchange for money, freeing me from financial me a sense of independence and accomplishment. sometimes the healing can come in the form of new understanding. Sometimes it is facing a darkness within me or a familiar spirit it turns out was never me. Eyes opening.
This year I see much of it will be clarification of understandings I received at the feast of trumpets/tabernacles, this past fall. The first people being the beings we call sasquatch, elder brother, big foot, etc. Adamic humanity a seperate thing, the one that had fallen first and foremost, over whom rebellion in the rest was born, thus taking all of mankind with him.
clarification about what a soul is, how it is different than a spirit. How when our bodies and minds, in which sin dwells, overtake, ignore and oppress our souls, our souls are thus delivered to hell..sheol. It dies within us, ceases expressing it's self. We must tend to our soul, invite it in, honor and respect it. But it is not just our individual soul. It is said when we hurt others, we violate our own soul. This is literal. Adamic mankind, offspring of Eve each share a single soul, fragmented and seeking expression. heal it in one and it is healed for all who let it in. That is why it only takes one man and one woman to heal the soul of man...even the other men, older brothers are healed because they have interbred if they so choose it.
There had to be a second Adam because the first is dead, that part of the human soul ceased to exist, but eve's part continued living. A new part was given, joined with it's counterpart in a human mother: Mary and became what we call Jesus. thus the one called Jesus...Yahushua, becomes mankind's father, inheriting a kingdom. His Father hands over the kingdom to return to His mother....source, Creator by desire rather than intention, leaving Yahushua King of King and Lord of Lords once his discipline is complete "I will discipline him as a man does his son", we are told in scripture. while Yahushua is disciplined, the Father 'puts all things under his feet', cleans up the mess and gives over to him a clean and perfected kingdom, a new heavens and new earth ruled over by a new king.
It all began this morning with the insight that the idea of any man having any sort of spirituality is utterly ridiculous. We are inhabited by spirits that take our attention from our soul's journey, killing it. We neglect the soul to feed our minds with entertainment and intellectualism, "higher thinking",we really don't need. all just distraction from what really matters....our soul's honest expression and healing. THEN we get a spirit and spiritual experience, expression. Until then we are simply expressing the will of foreign spirits who may have been in us so long, we identify with them as our own beingness.
Previously I wrote how in light of God, the Father coming from Creator, the Dance, an everflowing, feminine existence, Eve from Adam seems to be a backward creation.....but Yahushua from Mary, man from woman, makes it right again.
Eve/woman is the expression of self-awareness, self-reflection needed to be whole as Creator, that is why it was no good for man to be alone...he needed the reflection, which he became for God, who in him saw He was incomplete, was but one aspect of Her, out of balance without Her feminine qualities.
All of this is also why disciples were sent to find lost sheep and chosen ones, not to make disciples of all or random humanity. We only need one healed soul in each, male and female to bring consciousness of that healing to all of humanity, who are the same soul speaking through it's various incarnations, if we let it.
I also see how the spirit body is physical,, just less dense and can travel interdimensionally, etc. that is why 'elder brother' exhists but is rarely seen....the same with certain animals, they only manifest to us when they want to be seen or we are expressing a higher consciousness and catch them off guard, startle them. A moment of inner peace can do that.
Sheol is hell and where our soul is when it is in pain and suffering, when we oppress and deny it wihtin ourselves. We hurt it watching movies, etc. so it retreats, back into denial and suffering. I had noticed how people in 'cults' and groups in isolation have a certain innocense and purity, but which is only allowed to exist in ultra-controlling envioronments, only allowed if oppressed by demons. And people remain, loving eachother mor eimportant than being oppressed, loving the feeling of that innocense, not realizing they are being used to oppress oneanother and are thus robbed of true, complete innocense. Trapped in a hell of their own making, they become.
might add more later, we'll see....but it is not important that anyone else know, the chosen ones are being given this knoweldge within themselves....maybe this is simply where we recognize and meet.
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