I got to thinking about how when I first woke fully I was met by someone with a dire warning from their own experience "you better slow down or you'll burn yourself out". Out of respect for the existence of that fear in another, I shut myself back down and awakened more slowly, step by step, aspect by aspect. It has become a painfully slow process at some points until I was given to realize we have all the time in the world...we are, after all, immortal..........and now it is all coming rushing in but again, one aspect by one aspect......and it is DELICIOUS. When I first awoke one could have said that I was decadent or brave or anything and I would have just taken their word for it because I would not have known what that meant. One could have asked me if I was decadent and I would have replied with "I don't know". Now I DO know. So, respecting that fear in loving innocence that put me back to sleep was a wondrous gift to me. In slow motion I have been given to observe and analyze every aspect coming in and every aspect "leaving", to commune with each exclusively with undivided attention, thus loving every aspect of every nuance of every energy making up that which is and always has been love.
Even our 'weaknesses', our fears lend strength to our presence in the experiences of others. For if we are fully awakened and floating about higher than all others, we are not on their radar. We are birds flying above clouds over the heads of those looking down at the ground. So our 'dysfunctions' are loving ties to the ground that they trip over and thus notice and then follow the rope up to see it goes through the clouds and wonder what is tethered up there? and their wonder opens the clouds, the end of tether forcing the imagining of an image that entices and inspires and once that happens, we no longer need the tether tying us to their experience and bringing their attention upwards then trying to strike up their imagination. But none of it is intentional, it simply happens, the natural response to fear-based/'forbidden to love' love. And now that is known, I can see that what was given to be 'dire warning' to prevent that which I was doing was an expression of one LOVING what I was doing. And I can LOVE what I was doing all the more.
For whatever reason we have been given to perceive many things as "forbidden to love". We perceive ourselves forbidden to love certain levels of heat, we call it "getting burnt" and so we fear intense sensations. We perceive unbridled, uncontrolled leads only to imbalance and so we forbid it in ourselves, in our experiences, our physical activities and even what we are forbidden to love: that feeling of potential unknown consequences, the love of fear it's self. Sometimes "forbidden" makes something more exciting, not because it will shake up anyone or anything but because we like the feeling of "bang" and so we fear resistance in one area, we fear lack of resistance in another when all any of it really is, is
All we need is the perception of unlimited permission to experience unlimited love of all feelings and sensations of energetic experience.
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