Friday, October 30, 2015

One of the biggest keys to sovereignty- the SwissIndo problem

     One of the biggest keys to sovereignty was given to me some time ago, but I am reminded of it as I present the potential to my children of moving and having to only take what we can carry. I was prepared for the resistance. We all go through it: I only need this and as we put that in the bag we see something which had sentimental value and then something of practical value and something we created and the load gets bigger and bigger until we realize what we are doing and either give up on the idea of moving or go back to only what we can carry.
    Then my daughter came to me asking I write a note for her to tape to her wall: "Please don't break these toys that I love" and I immediately felt the poison. Of course I let her do it and returned later with a concept that she could take into consideration and then choose on her own.
    Giving MUST be unconditional. We must trust that we are given to give to those with whom that which we give CAN be entrusted and/or that which we are giving arrives at it's state of destination. To give something to someone and tell them what they need to do with it is an attempt to maintain possession, which is an attempt to control the situation, which in effect is an attempt to control the recipient to whom you have given control over the item given.
    If our giving is tainted, it will usually be refused by a sovereign being: which is why SwissIndo's money was not accepted by governments. It's their debt, their people(their perception to which I do not agree on legal, moral,intellectual, emotional nor spiritual basis), their decision. As a matter of fact, giving first opportunity to governments rather than individuals defeats the idea of sovereignty and only empowers governments to continue to perceive themselves as owners/lords/masters of individuals. SwissIndo must trust that the right people will be drawn to receive their intention, which means any who request their inheritance will be those led to it-are a vibrational match to it. So long as the intention is to control/set conditions/do a background check to see if their history proves a matched intention, they will also draw those whose intentions for their inheritance are tainted. "Law of attraction" will even cause the inspiration of a sovereign being who "checks out" to act rebelliously. A truly sovereign being recognizes the "invasion" of "Law of Attraction" and can check to see if it is in alignment with inner being/divine inner being/central core sun of the human being.
   One cannot envision a future for humanity, the telepathic nature of setting an intention for another is an infringement that will absolutely be met with resistance. it is invasive. It is setting an agenda. What one CAN do is envision for themselves their own highest state of being in which that creates an environment(world) that is an extension of themselves, a manifestation of that state of being. As one does that, they draw to them anything already in existence that matches that image. That means they draw forth from within others on the planet upon which they already exist with the same vision and that planet begins to manifest it's self to become the imagined manifestation. That only happens because WE are a manifestation of the planet's imaginings, sharing her dream for her own body. One can only picture for one's own self.
   If SwissIndo really wants this to work out, the representatives are just going to have to begin presenting the means to the inheritance to the individuals brought to them, unconditionally without suspicion.

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