Recently a post came across Facebook where the Native Americans said they would deport all illegal immigrants, accept payment from white who wanted to stay and were willing to make apologies on behalf of their ancestors, etc. Immediately popping into my head as a "mixed breed" was "and what shall I apologize for; sorry my great-grandparent fell in love with and married your relative?".
Then today I was listening to talk by Marianne Williamson at Harvard Divinity School:
She speaks of the importance of apologies and reparations being made by subsequent generations if the previous hadn't. Then I remembered how Scott Lapp did a video apologizing to his mother and how it felt like every man who had ever abused me had apologized. It healed me. There IS something to this!
Being "mixed breed" or as we like to say of the "Rainbow Tribe", what is our role to play? Do we need to apologize as whites, as Native Americans, as Black, etc? YES. and THAT is our power. So, I sat and had an international apology break down within me all day. My white ancestors obviously had reason to apologize to everybody and then we got down to the nitty gritty as childhood experiences of "reverse racism" popped up. When I was a child and ran to play with a group a children and they all screamed and ran away. I didn't get it,not until I was a teenager, anyways. A guy was hitting on me until I touched and inquired about a necklace hanging around his neck "What does it mean?", I asked. He slapped my hand away and yelled"That ain't for a white person like you!". Then I got it: blacks hate me. I have have black ancestors, too. So, my inner black ancestors apologized to my inner white children today. The same for my Native American ancestors who called my white child dirty, stupid and less than human/"one of THE PEOPLE". For the Natives and African Americans who speak racism in front of their inter-racial children, for the white people who do the same. There is not a single drop of my blood who couldn't find something to apologize to every other drop for. And YES, every single one of those apologies is important. And who knows? if my energy field influences those around me, maybe, just maybe I have started a wave of apologies as each race in me resonates toward the those in the person living next to me. As for reparations to go with those apologies, I can only strive to do well, be well, treat well every aspect of myself. Including the part of myself that believes such could never make a real difference for anybody.
As a quick blurb: recently posts coming across my facebook page have been about just loving everybody because love heals everything. Well, if that was true, every family would have been healed with the birth of their first child. Children love unconditionally. A bit more is needed. It's a good start and appropriate for every approach, but don't expect it to be perceived by the one we are approaching. To those only accustomed to being whole-heartedly agreed with or completely argued with, option three does not exist in their reality or potential reality. You have to guide them to it by first explaining to them what you do NOT mean by what you are saying.
On to this whole Swissindo offer to liberate humanity from debt and poverty. The talking heads say we need leaders who can arrange and organize a system. That kinda puts someone like me who does not want to give authority over to waiting for such people to step forward over the edge. And then it hit me: we don't need people who know how to work a system, we need people who know what sovereignty is and how to conduct themselves as sovereigns. People like me who know the right to life includes the unconditionally right to everything needed to sustain it. Period. Very simple. Let them draw the picture, the lines and let everyone else strive to meet them. As Marianne Williamson said in her talk above linked; watering down so it is more close to what is already in practice is NOT effective. You cannot water down sovereignty. This is what it means! The right to life includes the unconditional right to everything needed to sustain it.
This year was supposed to be the super-duper mother of all jubilees. That means we should be expecting release from debt and enslavement. We have been programmed to distrust. "If it's too good to be true, it probably is". We have movies like "The Island" drilling the message into our heads that paradise is only a false carrot to lead us to our deaths. The female empowered must become a martyr in "Lucy", the "Divergent"series, etc. Fuck that! I'm a Mocking Jay, I can live through it all! And Jubilee does exist right on universal/heavenly time!
The Keshe foundation is giving away the means to free power:
I woke this morning with a scripture chapter hitting my right brain. That means to me it came from that which is already physically manifested. Isaiah 27. Depending on which bible version you read (I have three and checked in each one), the general message is this: the release of "Israel" without resistance from her captors. No war is needed. Simply have to allow ourselves to believe it HAS already happened. We ARE free.
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