Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The divine child's gift

     So what does one do when the divine child who has been content playing with her play dough and dolls, crayons and paper, getting everything she wants reaches the cognitive moment of "none of these things I have been pretending to interact with can really interact with me on their own?". I have been making play dough presents for dummies/mannequins who do not need nor want or are even capable of liking or not liking them?
    If you create a world for her where everything is capable of receiving and feeling joy at receiving her gifts, she will still be stuck in her last thought that the responses are not real, they're her imagination imagining and she will feel her imagination if deceiving her because it has 'taken over' and won't let her see "the truth"-that they are all just dummies/mannequins that never move.
   But if first you put her in a world where nothing agrees with her, nothing that used to work-like her imagination-doesn't work for her where she can feel real pain and real healing..well, then she can believe something outside of her is real, alive and acting of it's own accord THEN you can give her a world that gives her all she is wanting and she will be able to recognize that the something outside of her CAN be as 'real' as she is, play with real appreciation or just enough disagreement to remind her of the reality of her present circumstances.
   So, yes, she does have to travel through the world of "the whole world is against me" before she is able to grasp the reality of a world that DOES lover her and is giving her everything she is wanting.
   That is what we are doing here in this moment on this day: dumping the hurt, confusion, disbelief of the divine child's discovery her world was mannequins decorated by her imagination. We are realizing the world we are experiencing was created to shock us out of THAT realization, dumping the self-recrimination for an imagination we believe created it, and grasping the understanding that what comes next is a world where we get what we want for real combined with a working imagination and authentically real "other beings" to interact with---other divine children who also underwent this process. Because that is what the divine child wanted. NOW the divine child is ready to receive it.
 The collective consciousness became mother and father for the sake of the child and this process, they are the child's creation in that it agreed to be an answer to her desire for guidance, but always remaining it's self:the collective consciousness.
  In summation, at this pint of experience, this world was created to awaken the divine child from the belief that it is all an illusion so it can beyond the realization that it was all an illusion until the desire for it not to be "just" an illusion was born while at the same time waking the collective consciousness that makes up this world to the fact that what it believes it is IS just an illusion.

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