Friday, October 16, 2015

Whose hat is that?

     In preparation for winter I went through my children's closets to see what could be used this year and what no longer fit. I gathered all the winter hats and mittens in a bag and set them by the door where they'd be easily accessed. My son wandered over a few days later and started going through it, trying on all the hats. He pulled out a hat and asked me "Whose hat is this one?". "Whoever's head is cold", I responded.
    In developed countries, even amongst the most "enlightened"....... people can't even imagine a life without money, without everything being a commodity, without permanant sole ownership. The closest they come is believing the answer is a system of barter and trade. So, the veggies become the money and the system begins again, determining a value of number of these veggies compared to those veggies and that hat. They think it will rid us of overlords....ummmm, history teaches us they'll take those veggies as tax payments and if you have no veggies to turn over, they'll take your children.
    The "enlightened" souls want crowds of clueless people to preach to, life coaches want people experiencing helplessness to coach. They ALL want money to live lives of luxury. They do not REALLY want to see the present system fail. They'd like to tweak it a bit so it is more comfortable for them, but they still envision and dream dreams of becoming big corporations, being on the covers of magazines, to be the "success" stories.
    We can imagine knitted hats as free to whomever needs them because we all have too many anyways. Grandmas are always knitting them, sisters, neighbors, cousins. Hats and mittens for everyone and anyone willing to take them. With those, it is easy to know it belongs to whomever has need of it. But that housing? That land? That wool? Those veggies?
     The wool belongs to whomever knits. Whatever is knitted belongs to the one who needs something to wear. The land belongs to the one who can cultivate it. What is cultivated belongs to the one who is hungry. The house belongs to whomever needs a roof over their head. Simple, really. If the world can cough up millions of people in need of life coaching to fulfill your dreams of being a life coach, do you not believe it can muster up a builder for your home? A weaver for the fabric and seamstress for your clothes? Aren't women renowned for "social networking"; knowing who is needing what and what others posses? Aren't there awesome coordinators of information who can see things get to those who need them? Aren't there those with strong backs who love nothing more than a day's hard physical labor who might enjoy moving them? Alot of them will do it for pizza and beer and do we not have those who love nothing more than brewing? We have those who love to travel and we have devout 'homebodies', networkers and stabilizers.
     We already have everything we need in abundance, in Earth and in each other. We only need to let go of the perceived need to control and permanently posses.


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