When the average human speaks, they make noise as they exhale. If they are trying to touch a heart, they "speak from the heart" literally. As they breath out, they add heart space energy and project it into the sounds they are making. If they are trying to be intellectually "authoritative" they project head and shoulder space energy into the sounds they are making. This way of speaking "hits" the receiver, leaving no choice but to receive. To an energetically sensitive person, this feels invasive, like an attack even.
Energetically sensitive beings will vocalize on the inhale. Thus their soundings and language are different and self contained....non-invasive. One has a choice whether or not to receive. When an "inhale" speaker tries to project their voice, they are overcoming trained habits in the speaking mechanisms, putting conscious effort into it and thus it will sound more uncontrolled and a big burst, thus sounding and felt as more forceful. They ARE using more force to vocalize in such a manner.
People accustomed to projection speech (exhaling) listening to another used to inhaling speech trying to mimic projection may mistakenly perceive a very mature, highly evolved being as sounding "child like" in their efforts. This leads them to not taking the inhaling speaker seriously and expecting less intelligence. Expectation seeking less intelligence will miss higher intelligence in conveyance. It's be like looking at the ground for footprints when what they are looking for is actually flying above their heads. They may miss the point of the interaction entirely following shadows as if the real thing.
Those who are not energetically sensitive have no idea how abrasive we can be. The average human is accustomed to constant electrical static. We live with the noises of refrigerators running, light fixtures humming, heaters and air conditions running and the thrum of electric existing in wiring surrounding or entire dwellings virtually. A being not conditioned to such an environment can sense the vibration of small electrical currant flowing through things we don't get a single sense of: a camera left on, a microphone listening. Motion and sound detectors all have to remain on to some degree in order to respond to the triggers. An energetically sensitive being living in a natural environment WOULD feel even such small electrical currants.
Add to that a telepathic nature and they know your intentions. They don't have to poke in your head and read them. The average human being thinks like they speak: they think loudly outwards (exhaling thoughts), sending their thoughts out for anything to receive. We broadcast constantly. We broadcast our intentions. animals can "hear us coming". Energetically aware people have learned to think inwards (inhale our thinking), to pray inwards to feel for the response within to our own thoughts to check for alignment with our inner being, our inner truth, before we speak. Someone like that is going to be far more comfortable to get close to for other energetically sensitive beings.
Eye contact to the average human being denotes truth in speaking. They associate it's avoidance with hiding something. Thus, to them, avoidance of eye contact denotes deceit. In energetically sensitive beings it's the opposite. Eye contact is intimate looking into another's soul and very invasive if unwelcome. They avoid eye contact when they speak so as to be non-invasive: it's a show of respect for your inner kingdom, your right to privacy, and avoids projecting their own self into the other's sacred space/environment. To them, eye contact feels like an attempt to influence or even control them.
It's the same with picture taking: those who are not energetically sensitive think the idea of stealing another's soul by taking photos is ridiculous. They do not know how it is a psychically sensitive person can look at a picture, follow the energy back to the person of whom it was taken. They get the "smell" of the person and follow the "scent trail", so to speak. Of course those of us who ARE aware of these things know the feelings a person is feeling and what the photographer is projecting of themselves during the taking create an energetic snapshot unique to that moment that can be misleading. It takes a more adept psychic to "sniff out" a more accurate "picture" to follow. If the picture is of the predominant "stance", expression, mood of the person photographed, then a psychic connection is incredibly easy. Most "primitive" cultures don't even have a word for "lie" or "deceit" and so they cannot fathom putting on a false "energy" for a photograph being taken. Thus, being consistent in charector would make them more vulnerable to "soul stealing" which is more like "soul trapping".
In summation, the average human being has been so violated, so consistently, they are entirely unfamiliar with an accurate idea of personal space and non-invasive self expression. We hold so much fear in our being, we feel uncomfortable to loving, energetically sensitive beings. Our discomfort becomes theirs, in essence. There's alot of inner clean up a human being could be doing to facilitate relationship with entities of a more expanded experience of the senses than we.
An etymology of me. Yes, I'm still open to accepting your gifts! paypal.me/bourdeaustacey
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Why would there be a "Bigfoot" cover-up?
I see it serving and benefiting the governments on two fronts:
1) The government is created to govern. This means people must perceive a need to be governed. If there is something out there the government cannot protect us from, we throw it off as useless. Better for them for us to believe in enemies we perceive them able to protect us from: terrorists, other human beings they can control and kill as easily as they do us.
2)The government has figured out it needs pristine environments to preserve and maintain our "standard of living", theirs specifically. So, how do they keep their control of the pristine wilderness they need to continue to live without the rank and file wandering onto it and growing healthy food so they can live? Allow fear of them to exist in the general population to a "reasonable" extent. Inexpensive fencing, that fear is. They know fear brought into wilderness draws violence, thus they can foster the perception that only "trained professionals" should be in those environments. So then you get self-proclaimed "trained professionals" bringing their guns out into the wilderness. The problem for them is: they're only trained to be more intimidating than the average human being, which means they're trained in how to wield fear in an excited manner. Excitement is out of balance and thus draws violence. So, even "trained professionals" succumb to disappearance. Thus, it is, only "specialized" trained professionals can access it............those who wield powerful presence without excitement or emotion, "cold blooded killers". With emotional intelligence absent, they are "programmable", have no natural resistance to thought patterns introduced to them which bypass emotion. They grew up witnessing that "good" is acceptable and "bad" is not. They thus are told "for the good of all" something must be done. that feels good, and they'll have to overlook the "unreasonable, emotional" masses who they cannot empathize with anyways. They have no clue why one would resist the idea of good they are enacting. It's "reasonable" and "logical". It is easy for them to turn away requests for information because they are not susceptible to the emotional value of them and the concept of a "right" as we would understand does not exist. they only know that keeping the information silent is "right" as in the "good" they have been programmed to defend. Thus they enforce the government's "right" to govern/control over any "natural right" someone else might understand.
So, the average human being, ridden with fear and insecurity has no chance amongst nature's "cold blooded killers" and man made "cold blooded killers". To flee one is to run into the arms of the other and to flee the other is to run into the arms of the one. The only way out is to fear neither and very few have the guts to make the journey that would take. Nature's "cold blooded killers" are capable of pure empathic states of being, which appear chaotic, illogical, unpredictable, and "impossible" thus surprising man made "cold blooded killers" which rely on programmed "logic". Nature knows how to become distracted, which is interpreted as patient, whereas man made warriors become susceptible in the absence of a mission, a target and action upon them. They become restless, insecure and thus begin to wreak of fear in uncertainty.
1) The government is created to govern. This means people must perceive a need to be governed. If there is something out there the government cannot protect us from, we throw it off as useless. Better for them for us to believe in enemies we perceive them able to protect us from: terrorists, other human beings they can control and kill as easily as they do us.
2)The government has figured out it needs pristine environments to preserve and maintain our "standard of living", theirs specifically. So, how do they keep their control of the pristine wilderness they need to continue to live without the rank and file wandering onto it and growing healthy food so they can live? Allow fear of them to exist in the general population to a "reasonable" extent. Inexpensive fencing, that fear is. They know fear brought into wilderness draws violence, thus they can foster the perception that only "trained professionals" should be in those environments. So then you get self-proclaimed "trained professionals" bringing their guns out into the wilderness. The problem for them is: they're only trained to be more intimidating than the average human being, which means they're trained in how to wield fear in an excited manner. Excitement is out of balance and thus draws violence. So, even "trained professionals" succumb to disappearance. Thus, it is, only "specialized" trained professionals can access it............those who wield powerful presence without excitement or emotion, "cold blooded killers". With emotional intelligence absent, they are "programmable", have no natural resistance to thought patterns introduced to them which bypass emotion. They grew up witnessing that "good" is acceptable and "bad" is not. They thus are told "for the good of all" something must be done. that feels good, and they'll have to overlook the "unreasonable, emotional" masses who they cannot empathize with anyways. They have no clue why one would resist the idea of good they are enacting. It's "reasonable" and "logical". It is easy for them to turn away requests for information because they are not susceptible to the emotional value of them and the concept of a "right" as we would understand does not exist. they only know that keeping the information silent is "right" as in the "good" they have been programmed to defend. Thus they enforce the government's "right" to govern/control over any "natural right" someone else might understand.
So, the average human being, ridden with fear and insecurity has no chance amongst nature's "cold blooded killers" and man made "cold blooded killers". To flee one is to run into the arms of the other and to flee the other is to run into the arms of the one. The only way out is to fear neither and very few have the guts to make the journey that would take. Nature's "cold blooded killers" are capable of pure empathic states of being, which appear chaotic, illogical, unpredictable, and "impossible" thus surprising man made "cold blooded killers" which rely on programmed "logic". Nature knows how to become distracted, which is interpreted as patient, whereas man made warriors become susceptible in the absence of a mission, a target and action upon them. They become restless, insecure and thus begin to wreak of fear in uncertainty.
Our cyclical nature and our magic
Just like the earth beneath our feet, we are cyclical in nature. As I come into the adult aspect of me, I pull out "observer mode" while still allowing emotions and feelings to flow.......fresh out of the teen I am given to reflect upon two things: playing dress up and a study done in reference to the North Woods of Maine. Both refer to a sort of magic we work daily as human beings. As we accept our cyclical nature and allow for each "season's" expression in an accepting manner, the transition is gentler and the season's "weather" less extreme. Also, as we become more temperate, the less of a "storm" we present to nature and the more comfortable it's creatures are with us. Animals that used to bite us because we were disturbing the environment, being "out of sync" with the season become harmless. (I know, I used to always get stung by wasps even if I didn't notice them on me and now they land on me, sniff around and leave. Same with spiders, they used to always bite me, now nothing).
I began working when I was 14 so I had some money for my own clothing. Being always picked on regardless of how I might have tried to fit in, I gave up. For me, the teen years were full of playing dress-up. One day I would come into school in mini skirt, high heels. The next day I would be in a prairie skirt, ruffled shirt and ribbons in my hair. Hats! Oh, how I loved them! My big red felt one with wide brim matching my 5" high spiked heal boots. I had my white sailor's cap, soft lay-like sun bonnet,,,,,,,,along with dress-up in clothing, we can "dress-up" our energy. Put on camo and a belt with anything hanging from it and imagine we're explorers or soldiers and boom! We FEEL like it. Then we get older and we're told to dress for success, wear what makes us look like one is doing the job we would be applying for. It's magic, it works! We affect our physical form in other ways as well: we whiten our teeth and we smile brighter. We make up our faces and look vibrant. When our livelihood is dependent upon it,however, the magic game becomes a trap. We sold "a bill of goods" to a mate when we were in a romantic energy, in painted faces and we feel threatened when we cycle out of it and want out of costume. We sold a "bill of goods" to an employer but cannot be true to it every day during working hours, we NEED out of costume.
"Enlightened" circles are trying to create a world where cycles are respected and we still get all the benefits of being able to play "dress up": to keep the clothing and vehicles and technology without forced rules and hours. In the meantime we use holidays and vacations and "extra-curricular" hours for such things. It doesn't go so well when we are forcing and controlling cycles, which is why we need sturdy housing, big fences and animal repellents. An awareness of being out-of-sync being a threat to our well-being got transferred to other human beings (having to fit in with the crowd) rather than having to fit in with nature when the walls got strong enough, fences high enough and deterrents poisonous enough. We adapted to being in sync with a different nature.
A side note here, not sure it has to do with anything. It's funny how our physical attributes brought into native cultures are cause to be seen as "ugly", deformed women and grotesquely big men. We have evolved to fit a different environment where our magic is useless and unimpressive. Quite laughable until we kill them or enslave them with our big machines and grotesquely effective weapons. Then laughable again when our grotesqueness undermines our environment because ultimately it is still dependent upon the Earth's environment.
Now for the other magic we wield on a daily basis: words! Also one of my favorites. I enjoy them immensely as they are able to take me into a grand variety of worlds of perception and the ability to express them as well as my own. In exploring the various worlds of perception I came across an article published online exploring people's attachment to the land, their perceptions of what should happen to it. I was excited to explore this "magical" connection until I realized who the researchers and authors were as well as their intentions. They worked for the companies that wanted to buy up the North Woods of Maine. They were researching an understanding of the local's extremely ingrained sense of what should be happening with the land so they present their proposal and intentions in a way that would meet no resistance. They were seeking the word magic that would convince the locals to approve their plan for the land without violent opposition. They wanted to know how to make locals believe the plan would be good for their lifestyles and the land. virtuous if true, nefarious if false.
Then I think on what I do and come to some realizations I may have previously overlooked. I gain praise and appreciation from those who feel the Earth's rising consciousness and change with it but do not have the words to facilitate it. The outward validation of being able to express it in words "justifies" it's existence in them, giving them "permission" to release resistance to it. The there are those (and this was my realization today) who, if they wanted the words, they would have found them themselves. They do not want release their resistance....are resistant to releasing resistance, lol and to them, my words are a threat at worst, an irritant at least. There are those who don't want others to release their resistance for they capitalize upon it. Occasionally I come across those who are surprised as they didn't even know they were looking for the words! Then they fall back into being those who would have found them if they really wanted them to begin with. They shut down and resent that now they have "informed consent" added to their resistance and all the guilt that goes with it. That makes me an insidious evil in their eyes. I have "corrupted" them "against their will" (which they know is a lie but can get away with perpetuating because they stumbled upon my writings instead of actually consciously seeking them). We thus work magic upon our minds with the words we're given.
We do it all the time, especially as parents. We know how we say something to child determines greatly how much resistance we'll be met with and can even get them to enthusiastically go to something if said effectively. Highly aware children pick up on this and become masters at manipulating their parents if they perceive the need. They're fresh in coming to the game and far more on the ball than overwhelmed parents
That is also the difference between those with nefarious intent and those with sincere intent. For example: the constitution of the United States is a body of words that have governed Americans for more than 200 years. The formless is given form: ideas into words, words onto paper. those with power see it as a challenge, a puzzle, a game to overcome and the prize is more stuff and more power. And if they fail, they lose nothing because the document protects what they have already. Those who view the constitution as a protection are not as fresh coming into the game. They lose more power from the spare reservoirs they already believe they have. They perceive how much they have by the magic of words on a piece of paper, are dependent upon it and full of resistance to ANY messing with it. Resistance exhausts us and makes us less sharp in our thinking, so just like overwhelmed parents, we are no match for the freshness brought to the game by the other. Without the paper neither party has what they claim they have and those with less power and material things have less grotesque weapons, more fragile walls and smaller fences.....more vulnerable in both environments.......stripped of the Earth's and dependent upon society's.......so they believe..... and belief it's self is a from of magic, a magic of perception, purveyed by the magic of words and "dress up".
We are such intricate things....we are all magicians. And as we embrace our cyclical nature, the magic of each "season" is noticed, appreciated, and finds it's proper uses.
I began working when I was 14 so I had some money for my own clothing. Being always picked on regardless of how I might have tried to fit in, I gave up. For me, the teen years were full of playing dress-up. One day I would come into school in mini skirt, high heels. The next day I would be in a prairie skirt, ruffled shirt and ribbons in my hair. Hats! Oh, how I loved them! My big red felt one with wide brim matching my 5" high spiked heal boots. I had my white sailor's cap, soft lay-like sun bonnet,,,,,,,,along with dress-up in clothing, we can "dress-up" our energy. Put on camo and a belt with anything hanging from it and imagine we're explorers or soldiers and boom! We FEEL like it. Then we get older and we're told to dress for success, wear what makes us look like one is doing the job we would be applying for. It's magic, it works! We affect our physical form in other ways as well: we whiten our teeth and we smile brighter. We make up our faces and look vibrant. When our livelihood is dependent upon it,however, the magic game becomes a trap. We sold "a bill of goods" to a mate when we were in a romantic energy, in painted faces and we feel threatened when we cycle out of it and want out of costume. We sold a "bill of goods" to an employer but cannot be true to it every day during working hours, we NEED out of costume.
"Enlightened" circles are trying to create a world where cycles are respected and we still get all the benefits of being able to play "dress up": to keep the clothing and vehicles and technology without forced rules and hours. In the meantime we use holidays and vacations and "extra-curricular" hours for such things. It doesn't go so well when we are forcing and controlling cycles, which is why we need sturdy housing, big fences and animal repellents. An awareness of being out-of-sync being a threat to our well-being got transferred to other human beings (having to fit in with the crowd) rather than having to fit in with nature when the walls got strong enough, fences high enough and deterrents poisonous enough. We adapted to being in sync with a different nature.
A side note here, not sure it has to do with anything. It's funny how our physical attributes brought into native cultures are cause to be seen as "ugly", deformed women and grotesquely big men. We have evolved to fit a different environment where our magic is useless and unimpressive. Quite laughable until we kill them or enslave them with our big machines and grotesquely effective weapons. Then laughable again when our grotesqueness undermines our environment because ultimately it is still dependent upon the Earth's environment.
Now for the other magic we wield on a daily basis: words! Also one of my favorites. I enjoy them immensely as they are able to take me into a grand variety of worlds of perception and the ability to express them as well as my own. In exploring the various worlds of perception I came across an article published online exploring people's attachment to the land, their perceptions of what should happen to it. I was excited to explore this "magical" connection until I realized who the researchers and authors were as well as their intentions. They worked for the companies that wanted to buy up the North Woods of Maine. They were researching an understanding of the local's extremely ingrained sense of what should be happening with the land so they present their proposal and intentions in a way that would meet no resistance. They were seeking the word magic that would convince the locals to approve their plan for the land without violent opposition. They wanted to know how to make locals believe the plan would be good for their lifestyles and the land. virtuous if true, nefarious if false.
Then I think on what I do and come to some realizations I may have previously overlooked. I gain praise and appreciation from those who feel the Earth's rising consciousness and change with it but do not have the words to facilitate it. The outward validation of being able to express it in words "justifies" it's existence in them, giving them "permission" to release resistance to it. The there are those (and this was my realization today) who, if they wanted the words, they would have found them themselves. They do not want release their resistance....are resistant to releasing resistance, lol and to them, my words are a threat at worst, an irritant at least. There are those who don't want others to release their resistance for they capitalize upon it. Occasionally I come across those who are surprised as they didn't even know they were looking for the words! Then they fall back into being those who would have found them if they really wanted them to begin with. They shut down and resent that now they have "informed consent" added to their resistance and all the guilt that goes with it. That makes me an insidious evil in their eyes. I have "corrupted" them "against their will" (which they know is a lie but can get away with perpetuating because they stumbled upon my writings instead of actually consciously seeking them). We thus work magic upon our minds with the words we're given.
We do it all the time, especially as parents. We know how we say something to child determines greatly how much resistance we'll be met with and can even get them to enthusiastically go to something if said effectively. Highly aware children pick up on this and become masters at manipulating their parents if they perceive the need. They're fresh in coming to the game and far more on the ball than overwhelmed parents
That is also the difference between those with nefarious intent and those with sincere intent. For example: the constitution of the United States is a body of words that have governed Americans for more than 200 years. The formless is given form: ideas into words, words onto paper. those with power see it as a challenge, a puzzle, a game to overcome and the prize is more stuff and more power. And if they fail, they lose nothing because the document protects what they have already. Those who view the constitution as a protection are not as fresh coming into the game. They lose more power from the spare reservoirs they already believe they have. They perceive how much they have by the magic of words on a piece of paper, are dependent upon it and full of resistance to ANY messing with it. Resistance exhausts us and makes us less sharp in our thinking, so just like overwhelmed parents, we are no match for the freshness brought to the game by the other. Without the paper neither party has what they claim they have and those with less power and material things have less grotesque weapons, more fragile walls and smaller fences.....more vulnerable in both environments.......stripped of the Earth's and dependent upon society's.......so they believe..... and belief it's self is a from of magic, a magic of perception, purveyed by the magic of words and "dress up".
We are such intricate things....we are all magicians. And as we embrace our cyclical nature, the magic of each "season" is noticed, appreciated, and finds it's proper uses.
Monday, December 28, 2015
"Bigfoot"; expanding the parameters
Becoming acquainted with the most well known, mainstream, "Bigfoot" researchers, I note the parameters they set on qualifying it's existence. Three of the main parameters is 1)primate diet (seeking evidence of/validating proof of existence on 'scat') , 2) mating, 3) corpses. Knowing what I know about them and working 'backwards' to offer valid reason to expand those parameters, I offer the following:
If that which most call "Bigfoot", Sasquatch, etc is a subspecies primate, similar to humans, and thus comparable to humans, I am aware of some comparisons that may be being overlooked or simply less commonly known.
1) It is purported that "Bigfoot" is older than humans; called "Elder brother" by Natives. Some are reputed to be peaceful and guardians in nature, others aggressive. In the human species, the most peaceful are "breatharians". They do not eat or drink anything. They, therefore, do not eliminate (produce feces/scat). They leave no "evidence" of their existence in that way. What would cause members of a normally peaceful species to become aggressive? In certain animal species "rabies" exists without causing illness, being contagious or being infectious. However, sudden disruptions in their environment like blasting trigger an imbalance in the body's chemistry causing a normally passive aspect to become a disease which causes aggression. It works the same way in human beings: certain bacteria are normal in the body, but out of balance something like candida becomes a "yeast infection". "Bigfoot", as "guardians" would be in areas with plentiful food and water because that is where those they are looking after are: the greatest number of animals......and humans. If "out of balance", aggressive and meat-eating, they very well could have been affected by a sudden strong disruption to their individual environment.
2) It has been found scientifically that animals that are not experiencing threats to their existence reproduce less frequently. Fear triggers a change in the focus of the body's energy to reproduction rather than evolution. If "Bigfoot" experiences far less fear than the average human being, it's urge to reproduce would not be comparable and thus mating not a priority occurring nearly as frequently as one might otherwise believe.
3) Scientists have discovered that human beings have the capacity to live much longer than they do. They have found that the question is why human beings die at all. They associate death with an addition of "junk" to the DNA of human beings, that if could be removed, would allow the more natural state of "immortality" to exist for humans. "Breatharians" and many very peaceful human beings in less threatening environments live much longer lives than the average human."Bigfoot", being another species of primate, could very well be "immortal" or at the very least, much longer living. If this is so, there wouldn't really be many corpses TO find.
If these comparisons be valid, then more expanded parameters for proof of "Bigfoot's" existence would be more appropriate. With a more open parameter of expectation, one could get a more clear grasp on the "vibe"/picture of "Bigfoot" to zoom in on, increasing the chances of drawing them in closer. Furthermore, if they are highly sensitive creatures, an aversion to humans and the ability to sense their nearness (thus avoid them more easily) could be understood if compared to human beings who experience a greater sensitivity called "empathy" and are referred to as "empaths" or "empathic". A bit of research on the human version may give insight on the "Bigfoot" sensitivities to being close to human beings.
It certainly syncs up greater with my experience of "Bigfoot" which I call "The Pure People".
If that which most call "Bigfoot", Sasquatch, etc is a subspecies primate, similar to humans, and thus comparable to humans, I am aware of some comparisons that may be being overlooked or simply less commonly known.
1) It is purported that "Bigfoot" is older than humans; called "Elder brother" by Natives. Some are reputed to be peaceful and guardians in nature, others aggressive. In the human species, the most peaceful are "breatharians". They do not eat or drink anything. They, therefore, do not eliminate (produce feces/scat). They leave no "evidence" of their existence in that way. What would cause members of a normally peaceful species to become aggressive? In certain animal species "rabies" exists without causing illness, being contagious or being infectious. However, sudden disruptions in their environment like blasting trigger an imbalance in the body's chemistry causing a normally passive aspect to become a disease which causes aggression. It works the same way in human beings: certain bacteria are normal in the body, but out of balance something like candida becomes a "yeast infection". "Bigfoot", as "guardians" would be in areas with plentiful food and water because that is where those they are looking after are: the greatest number of animals......and humans. If "out of balance", aggressive and meat-eating, they very well could have been affected by a sudden strong disruption to their individual environment.
2) It has been found scientifically that animals that are not experiencing threats to their existence reproduce less frequently. Fear triggers a change in the focus of the body's energy to reproduction rather than evolution. If "Bigfoot" experiences far less fear than the average human being, it's urge to reproduce would not be comparable and thus mating not a priority occurring nearly as frequently as one might otherwise believe.
3) Scientists have discovered that human beings have the capacity to live much longer than they do. They have found that the question is why human beings die at all. They associate death with an addition of "junk" to the DNA of human beings, that if could be removed, would allow the more natural state of "immortality" to exist for humans. "Breatharians" and many very peaceful human beings in less threatening environments live much longer lives than the average human."Bigfoot", being another species of primate, could very well be "immortal" or at the very least, much longer living. If this is so, there wouldn't really be many corpses TO find.
If these comparisons be valid, then more expanded parameters for proof of "Bigfoot's" existence would be more appropriate. With a more open parameter of expectation, one could get a more clear grasp on the "vibe"/picture of "Bigfoot" to zoom in on, increasing the chances of drawing them in closer. Furthermore, if they are highly sensitive creatures, an aversion to humans and the ability to sense their nearness (thus avoid them more easily) could be understood if compared to human beings who experience a greater sensitivity called "empathy" and are referred to as "empaths" or "empathic". A bit of research on the human version may give insight on the "Bigfoot" sensitivities to being close to human beings.
It certainly syncs up greater with my experience of "Bigfoot" which I call "The Pure People".
Three faces of the human being
The most simplistic explanation of the psychosis of the human being is this:
1) Primal (sage/crone)
2) Parent (father/mother aka king/queen)
3) Child (squire/maiden aka son/daughter)
The primal is first, existing before birth, knowing all things of the deepest "mysteries".
Parent is developed next because the primal is "forbidden" (deeply rooted in racial memory).
Child is born next as a facade of non-threatening innocence in search of the primal.
These are survival mechanisms, so NO JUDGEMENT. It is also sacred territory involving multiple "deaths"/sheddings of "realities".
It is the parent's job to deny the existence of the primal, deny it's own existence and assert the child as it's true self. The child can venture forth into relationships and exploration of things like religion with an air of "none of this is serious", Because it is being asserted as the "real" personality, however, it is protected by the parent who has access to primal awareness and abilities to assert the child's seriousness, sincerity. Parent and child have "back up" aspects. So, for example, when beliefs expressed "don't stick" and exposure of the inconsistency is imminent, the child wheedles in all sorts of excuses and psychological run-a-round. When those fail, the parent has an excuse for it and an attack against it. When those fail, it gets vicious. Due to the nature of it's existence it perceives it's self a saving angel but it has all the characteristics of a demon.
The child is the undermining of the parent by the primal reinforced by the parent because it "needs" the non-threatening/righteous mask. Thus, parent resents the primal as well as the child. The parent is basically a schizophrenic mess with the best of intentions and it is TENACIOUS.
The parent can't last, being the product of fear and with the purpose of deception, so as we age it comes into it's strength then diminishes as a sense of security in the world is achieved. It's sickness diminishes the body as well as the existence of the primal in it. That is why, unless shed in true "religious" experience such as training in shamanism, etc, all that is left in old age is the child without a parent and no awareness of the primal.........senility, Alzheimer's, etc. MOST who engage in spiritual training to access the primal only shed the child. The parent masquerades as the primal with child-like intentions and may even believe it IS the primal and as deep as it gets because it has access to it's "abilities": psychic senses, intuitiveness, energy manipulation (healing modalities), etc.
Through it all, the primal doesn't much care because it IS eternal, expanding it's understanding of it's own condition with focus and purpose in vessel after vessel, supporting the most viable with "quickenings" until most expanded is reached in each and comes to it's fullness in one at least, for only one is needed in each generation. These become the "god men/women", prophets, "saviors" and such things.........until ultimate fullness is reached in how to bring all human beings into the state of "god man/woman" and the only humans living are "god men/women".
The shedding of the child and parent are necessary to reach our "highest"/fullest potential. At this point in human evolution, it is necessary for survival. Understanding has been reached.
1) Primal (sage/crone)
2) Parent (father/mother aka king/queen)
3) Child (squire/maiden aka son/daughter)
The primal is first, existing before birth, knowing all things of the deepest "mysteries".
Parent is developed next because the primal is "forbidden" (deeply rooted in racial memory).
Child is born next as a facade of non-threatening innocence in search of the primal.
These are survival mechanisms, so NO JUDGEMENT. It is also sacred territory involving multiple "deaths"/sheddings of "realities".
It is the parent's job to deny the existence of the primal, deny it's own existence and assert the child as it's true self. The child can venture forth into relationships and exploration of things like religion with an air of "none of this is serious", Because it is being asserted as the "real" personality, however, it is protected by the parent who has access to primal awareness and abilities to assert the child's seriousness, sincerity. Parent and child have "back up" aspects. So, for example, when beliefs expressed "don't stick" and exposure of the inconsistency is imminent, the child wheedles in all sorts of excuses and psychological run-a-round. When those fail, the parent has an excuse for it and an attack against it. When those fail, it gets vicious. Due to the nature of it's existence it perceives it's self a saving angel but it has all the characteristics of a demon.
The child is the undermining of the parent by the primal reinforced by the parent because it "needs" the non-threatening/righteous mask. Thus, parent resents the primal as well as the child. The parent is basically a schizophrenic mess with the best of intentions and it is TENACIOUS.
The parent can't last, being the product of fear and with the purpose of deception, so as we age it comes into it's strength then diminishes as a sense of security in the world is achieved. It's sickness diminishes the body as well as the existence of the primal in it. That is why, unless shed in true "religious" experience such as training in shamanism, etc, all that is left in old age is the child without a parent and no awareness of the primal.........senility, Alzheimer's, etc. MOST who engage in spiritual training to access the primal only shed the child. The parent masquerades as the primal with child-like intentions and may even believe it IS the primal and as deep as it gets because it has access to it's "abilities": psychic senses, intuitiveness, energy manipulation (healing modalities), etc.
Through it all, the primal doesn't much care because it IS eternal, expanding it's understanding of it's own condition with focus and purpose in vessel after vessel, supporting the most viable with "quickenings" until most expanded is reached in each and comes to it's fullness in one at least, for only one is needed in each generation. These become the "god men/women", prophets, "saviors" and such things.........until ultimate fullness is reached in how to bring all human beings into the state of "god man/woman" and the only humans living are "god men/women".
The shedding of the child and parent are necessary to reach our "highest"/fullest potential. At this point in human evolution, it is necessary for survival. Understanding has been reached.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Body orgasm, mantle and cloak
I am no stranger to the full-body orgasm that can come with natural child birth, orgasm during sex, nor the orgasm of an organ in the body (experienced it with the 'super natural' healing of my colon and lower intestines) so when a process of release began last night, I could relax into it. A "clot" of energy was released from my left hip bone area. As it traveled up the left side of my spine and out my side it was a combination of sensations of orgasm and extreme expansion of the channel it was taking, the body almost going into complete convulsions. I knew my left side was more rigid from when I began middle eastern dancing: that left hip did NOT want to move as fluidly as the right. Now I know it was due to alot of stuck energy. So, coming into full embodiment, alignment, wholeness....we can expect some rather peculiar events of body part orgasm and possible convulsions with them.
Another phenomenon I have been noting is what I called a mantle and also a cloak. I had no idea what they were about. I only knew I thought they had left but when they arrived again during moments of potential stress, fear, worry I realized they had not left at all, they has simply withdrawn to the peripheries just far enough for me not to be aware of them. So, what are these dark cloud-like presences? The answer came to me. When ever someone wonders what we are thinking, trying to get into our mind for the purpose of understanding (to come into affectionate relationship OR nefarious purposes, which it even perceives as a 'right' due to perceived authority over us-by them or us) they establish a psychic presence. The same thing happens when we wonder what another is thinking, how they perceive things, what they might be expecting of us. We draw their psychic presence to us. All it takes is wondering and poof! psychic presence is established. They accumulate in a mantle that covers us and behind us as a cloak between us and our darkness. So if you wonder and want to know the mind of god..poof! 'he' is present. Your lover? poof! psychic presence. Landlord? Teacher? government? Children? Parents? Neighbor? Friend?....there's a whole lot of psychic presence clouding our experience and even drawing their "karma" to their psychic presence in, over, around us. It feels like the "weight of the world" upon our shoulders, causing them to sag and be harbingers of fear. And as it dissipates, it is like raindrops of worry and fear falling upon them, penetrating our neck like the bite of vampire, making our body rigid on the side affected most by it's presence. For me that has been the left side. As all in the cloud of the mantle and cloak comes in, know it has been your own fears, from misguided aspects during our time of separation, that tied us to it. You'll think the thoughts of them, smell the "smells" of their presence, triggering worries and fears in parts that were associated with it: love them to death, love the ever-living shit out of it, let the waves of love and compassion of "I know" flow over and around it......just misguided attempts at protection. And dance the dance of freedom with it!
I give your mantle, cloak and orgasms!
Another phenomenon I have been noting is what I called a mantle and also a cloak. I had no idea what they were about. I only knew I thought they had left but when they arrived again during moments of potential stress, fear, worry I realized they had not left at all, they has simply withdrawn to the peripheries just far enough for me not to be aware of them. So, what are these dark cloud-like presences? The answer came to me. When ever someone wonders what we are thinking, trying to get into our mind for the purpose of understanding (to come into affectionate relationship OR nefarious purposes, which it even perceives as a 'right' due to perceived authority over us-by them or us) they establish a psychic presence. The same thing happens when we wonder what another is thinking, how they perceive things, what they might be expecting of us. We draw their psychic presence to us. All it takes is wondering and poof! psychic presence is established. They accumulate in a mantle that covers us and behind us as a cloak between us and our darkness. So if you wonder and want to know the mind of god..poof! 'he' is present. Your lover? poof! psychic presence. Landlord? Teacher? government? Children? Parents? Neighbor? Friend?....there's a whole lot of psychic presence clouding our experience and even drawing their "karma" to their psychic presence in, over, around us. It feels like the "weight of the world" upon our shoulders, causing them to sag and be harbingers of fear. And as it dissipates, it is like raindrops of worry and fear falling upon them, penetrating our neck like the bite of vampire, making our body rigid on the side affected most by it's presence. For me that has been the left side. As all in the cloud of the mantle and cloak comes in, know it has been your own fears, from misguided aspects during our time of separation, that tied us to it. You'll think the thoughts of them, smell the "smells" of their presence, triggering worries and fears in parts that were associated with it: love them to death, love the ever-living shit out of it, let the waves of love and compassion of "I know" flow over and around it......just misguided attempts at protection. And dance the dance of freedom with it!
I give your mantle, cloak and orgasms!
A journey with a masculine sense of being and our heart space
An example of what we come up against when we look our masculine with eyes open wide, "face to face" in the men around us:
It still amazes me the kind of men I have been drawing. They want to give me NOTHING. They do, however, want sex. That's it. How can they get laid? How can they capitalize on my gifts? They don't want their psyche touched, addressed, commented upon, curiously inquired of (taking it automatically as a criticism). So, they try various methods. One is "Tell me what to do". Fuck you! I have been expressing my journey, my processes providing an example. It's all there, wide open and public. "This what I am doing and it's working". So, I know this is a reflection of what is going on within me: my "masculine" half quietly observing, seeking out weak spots to capitalize upon. And as I become aware of it, I slowly feel releases of energy leaking into the right/feminine side which is crystal clear and full of delight. So, part of me is still wondering how it can capitalize upon my gifts. Part of me is still putting on the pretense of seeking "outer" (inner guidance from the feminine) guidance, and presumptuously taking responsibility for the liberation of my being AFTER the feminine has liberated me from the oppression the masculine has brought upon it by it's existence in hiding...willingly. Awareness of this all draws out the teen female aspect's rebelliousness(cut off the nose to spite the face, leap regardless of the cost) and the more mature and experienced "witch" who can conjure harm to the masculine, which of course "he" likes as it undermines the feminine and so a whole lot of compassionate understanding radiating forth into all of it, releasing into sadness. Other "ploys" of immature masculine: the believed need to control and incite emotions, a reaction, responses from gift giving, startlement, manipulation ("if you don't do this than I will think you don't love me". guess what, it's not my job to make you think anything and I can't be held responsible for what you decide to think), which of course the feminine in it's immature aspects feels like they have somehow caused this, SHOULD feel responsible(guilt, insecurity in own position, etc.)....I should be "nice" and act delighted.......so how am I capitalizing on my awareness that my "energy" influences people's responses to me? How am I consciously manipulating my experience rather than allowing it develop naturally as a reflection of my authentic inner reality? Why am I not trusting that my authentic inner reality CAN develop naturally as something safe, pleasant and uncomplicated?
I am the most guileless person I know, but I a have become aware that I bring my lack of guile into calculated environments. So I address this without judgement. Who doesn't consider "what could I do if...", right? Children. They hardly ever get to choose where they shall go...they're told from waking to sleeping. They are guileless brought into calculated situations and when we are turned out at 18 yrs old: we adopt the calculator aspect for ourselves using our "heart on our sleeve" to draw people, interactions, responses, reactions that are wanted and conceived. In doing so we injure our inner kingdom, our false inner child and heart/mother. And yes, I am "touchy" about my beliefs, my inner experiences but all that is addressed in the choices I have been making as synchronicity draws those who are normally highly critical people into my experience when my "pants are down" and I fluidly address their questions without going into a panic. Yup, I am right here doing this........and it becomes exposed in my heart space for sadness to be felt, loving compassion to be shared with it.....I shall never feel THAT particular fear again. The hidden passive-aggressive manipulation of one's emotional self...amazing. To deny it is to expose it, to look for it is to create it if we look too hard for too long.....a quick, thorough inner check along with a poke up into the etheric body above the left side of the head, the mantle of darkness that descends when distracted by hurt and fear.......right there at the edges of our self awareness.
But I do not despair for I am recognizing the game of those who won't give until they first get an approved story (so i stop seeking an "approved" excuse for doing what I do, justifying my actions and choices...become more 'spontaneous') and when they finally do, they demand you count what they give in front of them and expect an overly appreciative, groveling acknowledgement of their "undeserved mercy".......no, I focus instead on the growing number of unconditional, unquestioning givers who, come to find out later, have stuffed $20 bills into my children's pockets or placed them graciously in my hands with a warm, companionable squeeze and accompanying smile of approval. i am growing into my vision of the experience I CAN be having. Their stay may be shorter and less attention consuming, but their presence far healthier and significant!
What the heart is doing during our long sleep:
The heart came to some semblance of maturity in our bodies long before any other part of it. It begins beating long before the brain and body are fully formed, establishing it's self and "giving birth" to the other two during virtually the entire duration of our life in the womb. We see it's reflection in our mothers and mother-in-laws, our daughters, sisters and female friends most of all. It can overbearing, condescending,narcissistic, patronizing, traitorous. Or, it can be a gateway, a conduit of peace between the body/feminine and mind/masculine.
Let us not forget our stomach:
They say feminine is right brain, masculine is left but feminine is rooted in the stomach. How much of anyone can you "stomach"? How much of anything can you "stomach"? It is a receiver, not just of physical food but of consciousness and awareness. When your mind imagines something potentially exciting not physically manifested where are the "butterflies" felt? The brain is courting the stomach with flowers of thought and in it's immature forms becomes offended when we cannot "stomach" an idea and may shut down that connection with the help of an empathically mutually offended heart. If overloaded with offensive circumstances, the stomach becomes ill and even shuts down, digestive problems develop. The stomach is closest to the core of our being, so if we want to know what our "divine essence", the core of who we are, our "inner Christ", our "inner kingdom" is perceiving, doing, wanting, "thinking"......we are mindful of what our stomach is telling us.
What we are to be:
Let the mind reflect the emotional core rather than reflect on it. The emotional core knows why it feels as it does about anything. The mind can receive that awareness, embrace it and express it with action, movement, voice. It can take in other thoughts that enhance it's understanding of things with complete loyalty to how the emotional core feels about such things with the heart as an empathetic conduit between the two of them, a nurturer of the fluidity of the relationship.
This may be where this is going.
It still amazes me the kind of men I have been drawing. They want to give me NOTHING. They do, however, want sex. That's it. How can they get laid? How can they capitalize on my gifts? They don't want their psyche touched, addressed, commented upon, curiously inquired of (taking it automatically as a criticism). So, they try various methods. One is "Tell me what to do". Fuck you! I have been expressing my journey, my processes providing an example. It's all there, wide open and public. "This what I am doing and it's working". So, I know this is a reflection of what is going on within me: my "masculine" half quietly observing, seeking out weak spots to capitalize upon. And as I become aware of it, I slowly feel releases of energy leaking into the right/feminine side which is crystal clear and full of delight. So, part of me is still wondering how it can capitalize upon my gifts. Part of me is still putting on the pretense of seeking "outer" (inner guidance from the feminine) guidance, and presumptuously taking responsibility for the liberation of my being AFTER the feminine has liberated me from the oppression the masculine has brought upon it by it's existence in hiding...willingly. Awareness of this all draws out the teen female aspect's rebelliousness(cut off the nose to spite the face, leap regardless of the cost) and the more mature and experienced "witch" who can conjure harm to the masculine, which of course "he" likes as it undermines the feminine and so a whole lot of compassionate understanding radiating forth into all of it, releasing into sadness. Other "ploys" of immature masculine: the believed need to control and incite emotions, a reaction, responses from gift giving, startlement, manipulation ("if you don't do this than I will think you don't love me". guess what, it's not my job to make you think anything and I can't be held responsible for what you decide to think), which of course the feminine in it's immature aspects feels like they have somehow caused this, SHOULD feel responsible(guilt, insecurity in own position, etc.)....I should be "nice" and act delighted.......so how am I capitalizing on my awareness that my "energy" influences people's responses to me? How am I consciously manipulating my experience rather than allowing it develop naturally as a reflection of my authentic inner reality? Why am I not trusting that my authentic inner reality CAN develop naturally as something safe, pleasant and uncomplicated?
I am the most guileless person I know, but I a have become aware that I bring my lack of guile into calculated environments. So I address this without judgement. Who doesn't consider "what could I do if...", right? Children. They hardly ever get to choose where they shall go...they're told from waking to sleeping. They are guileless brought into calculated situations and when we are turned out at 18 yrs old: we adopt the calculator aspect for ourselves using our "heart on our sleeve" to draw people, interactions, responses, reactions that are wanted and conceived. In doing so we injure our inner kingdom, our false inner child and heart/mother. And yes, I am "touchy" about my beliefs, my inner experiences but all that is addressed in the choices I have been making as synchronicity draws those who are normally highly critical people into my experience when my "pants are down" and I fluidly address their questions without going into a panic. Yup, I am right here doing this........and it becomes exposed in my heart space for sadness to be felt, loving compassion to be shared with it.....I shall never feel THAT particular fear again. The hidden passive-aggressive manipulation of one's emotional self...amazing. To deny it is to expose it, to look for it is to create it if we look too hard for too long.....a quick, thorough inner check along with a poke up into the etheric body above the left side of the head, the mantle of darkness that descends when distracted by hurt and fear.......right there at the edges of our self awareness.
But I do not despair for I am recognizing the game of those who won't give until they first get an approved story (so i stop seeking an "approved" excuse for doing what I do, justifying my actions and choices...become more 'spontaneous') and when they finally do, they demand you count what they give in front of them and expect an overly appreciative, groveling acknowledgement of their "undeserved mercy".......no, I focus instead on the growing number of unconditional, unquestioning givers who, come to find out later, have stuffed $20 bills into my children's pockets or placed them graciously in my hands with a warm, companionable squeeze and accompanying smile of approval. i am growing into my vision of the experience I CAN be having. Their stay may be shorter and less attention consuming, but their presence far healthier and significant!
What the heart is doing during our long sleep:
The heart came to some semblance of maturity in our bodies long before any other part of it. It begins beating long before the brain and body are fully formed, establishing it's self and "giving birth" to the other two during virtually the entire duration of our life in the womb. We see it's reflection in our mothers and mother-in-laws, our daughters, sisters and female friends most of all. It can overbearing, condescending,narcissistic, patronizing, traitorous. Or, it can be a gateway, a conduit of peace between the body/feminine and mind/masculine.
Let us not forget our stomach:
They say feminine is right brain, masculine is left but feminine is rooted in the stomach. How much of anyone can you "stomach"? How much of anything can you "stomach"? It is a receiver, not just of physical food but of consciousness and awareness. When your mind imagines something potentially exciting not physically manifested where are the "butterflies" felt? The brain is courting the stomach with flowers of thought and in it's immature forms becomes offended when we cannot "stomach" an idea and may shut down that connection with the help of an empathically mutually offended heart. If overloaded with offensive circumstances, the stomach becomes ill and even shuts down, digestive problems develop. The stomach is closest to the core of our being, so if we want to know what our "divine essence", the core of who we are, our "inner Christ", our "inner kingdom" is perceiving, doing, wanting, "thinking"......we are mindful of what our stomach is telling us.
What we are to be:
Let the mind reflect the emotional core rather than reflect on it. The emotional core knows why it feels as it does about anything. The mind can receive that awareness, embrace it and express it with action, movement, voice. It can take in other thoughts that enhance it's understanding of things with complete loyalty to how the emotional core feels about such things with the heart as an empathetic conduit between the two of them, a nurturer of the fluidity of the relationship.
This may be where this is going.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Our most mature aspects
We experience within us the feeling/perception.experience/personas of a mother and father metaphor: the experienced thinker and heart space. They usurp our experience from the "child within". Turns out, these aspects which assert to the inner "child" that it has no idea what is going on "out here" and/or "up here", are the most under developed aspects of us. They even go so far as construct a false energy/entity/feeling of an inner child presence, which the true inner being is NOT deceived by, buying into as it's self and thus draws things to us that kick our proverbial asses-parenting "us" instead.
So, for example, we are presented with an experience/choice. The inner being, which we perceive as child like is supposed to have access to the brain to explore it's potentials: "imagine" what would happen if we engaged. Instead, what happens, is the heart and brain cut off the "child" to interpret and choose for themselves what will happen, avoiding the imagination all together. Yet, these aspects are furthest from the core of our being and thus most limited in recognizing our true authentic self and it's journey/place within creation/this reality. thus it is we are led about by children. When we see or hear of an event that takes the lives of people or animals, we get excited inside-the inner being recognizes something. The heart only feels the surface of what it is witnessing, death of another human being, via empathy, feeling the pain. The brain doesn't wan that so it determines an action that will sooth the heart space of it's pain: send love and light and prayer for the victims. In doing so, it over rides and accuses and abuses the inner being, the most mature and extensively aware aspect, which recognizes the cleansing of diseased elements from the Earth and it's own experience. I'm not advocating going out and committing mass murder, but allowing the diseased elements to bring one another to extinction IS appropriate.
And if we choose to dance to the song "Let the mother fucker burn!", we rejoice and draw to us experiences of not only more of the Earth, but of our inner being....we summon forth the purification of our more immature aspects: our hearts and minds, our shoulders and arms, our teeth, eyes, ears and brain. And if we allow it to occur within our own framework, harsh outer experiences need not occur.
Go in! Go in! Go in! and let the mother fucker burn! Don't make sense of things. Just do them and let the sense of them come when we are ready/able to receive until our immature aspects cease attending what is outside of us and are brought into alignment solely with that inner "divine" being, not separate and overbearing nor separate and serving but an expression of it.
So, for example, we are presented with an experience/choice. The inner being, which we perceive as child like is supposed to have access to the brain to explore it's potentials: "imagine" what would happen if we engaged. Instead, what happens, is the heart and brain cut off the "child" to interpret and choose for themselves what will happen, avoiding the imagination all together. Yet, these aspects are furthest from the core of our being and thus most limited in recognizing our true authentic self and it's journey/place within creation/this reality. thus it is we are led about by children. When we see or hear of an event that takes the lives of people or animals, we get excited inside-the inner being recognizes something. The heart only feels the surface of what it is witnessing, death of another human being, via empathy, feeling the pain. The brain doesn't wan that so it determines an action that will sooth the heart space of it's pain: send love and light and prayer for the victims. In doing so, it over rides and accuses and abuses the inner being, the most mature and extensively aware aspect, which recognizes the cleansing of diseased elements from the Earth and it's own experience. I'm not advocating going out and committing mass murder, but allowing the diseased elements to bring one another to extinction IS appropriate.
And if we choose to dance to the song "Let the mother fucker burn!", we rejoice and draw to us experiences of not only more of the Earth, but of our inner being....we summon forth the purification of our more immature aspects: our hearts and minds, our shoulders and arms, our teeth, eyes, ears and brain. And if we allow it to occur within our own framework, harsh outer experiences need not occur.
Go in! Go in! Go in! and let the mother fucker burn! Don't make sense of things. Just do them and let the sense of them come when we are ready/able to receive until our immature aspects cease attending what is outside of us and are brought into alignment solely with that inner "divine" being, not separate and overbearing nor separate and serving but an expression of it.
The pure people, revisted
A few years ago I was given to experience a oneness with an experience of the Pure People. They are what most would call Sasquatch, white furred pi-pedal pre-humanoids. The experience in oneness I shared went like this:
A group of Pure People were asleep in a field. Angels/humans came forth in rugged vehicles (like jeeps with lights atop). The group scattered off into the bush except one male who stood up to confront them. He ordered his female to lay back down with her maturing daughter and baby son. It was with her with whom I was experiencing oneness for this experience. That is where the visual ended and the pure perceiving begins.
More than once I have been shown visions of myself while in more lucid state being painted over. The final time I was shown my children as Pure People, as well as myself, but I alone was being painted over for one last "mission".
What I have perceived of the experience in oneness is this: the angels came to the Pure People to help them show their "overlord"/God that there IS a pure consciousness within the Earth, within the physical that needed to be honored. The Pure People were not as pure as they could be. They agreed to the request. They feared the "angel" men, were intimidated by them, feeling lacking next to their equipment and technology. They feared being seen by them.
Their bodies were violated, deformed, infected with angelic consciousness (DNA) and their "magic" stolen from them....just as humanity steals crystals and stones and metals and oil from the Earth for their "power" that is within them. All so that one of us could speak and demonstrate(it was said): prove our existence, in service to "angels" in service to their overlord. The trauma disabled them from doing so.......until now. They were deceived. The intent was enslavement toward the raping and pillaging of the Earth it's self. We were naive, did not trust the inner twinge because in our experience, we only asked for help if were immature-not yet fully developed-fully self-sufficient adults.
We need not prove anything to anyone. To aid that which is resistant to balance is to perpetuate disease, infection, dysfunction. Answering calls for help IS an infection it's self unless it is FELT as appropriate: which is an inner recognition of immaturity in a viable bio-mechanism. The "angels" unwillingness to do the raping themselves was them being "infected" by the Earth it's self with respect for it. Their fear of repercussions for NOT doing the work, was their resistance to the cure they needed and didn't realize they had been synchronistically brought to obtain. Gold was not needed to preserve their world; respect for their "mother" was. The Pure People inadvertently worked against THEIR mother my going along with the plan and thus were alienated from her, becoming diseased themselves. Nature has her ways. We can let all the rest go. She has been patient because she knew this day would come, when her children would return to her, finally matured and fully grown. As parents of children come to realization of our naivete, we know how much of their own mess they must clean up and we know how much to help them.........so does our Mother. We do not need to know their language. We do not need to know how to express their consciousness, ideas, ways of doing or being....we have our own, perfectly suited to our needs, far beyond the limitations of theirs, actually. Let THEM reach and if it is meant to be, it shall be given. We do not need to help or make anyone understand anything. Understanding comes automatically when one is tuned into their inner being.
So, the wound is exposed and healed.
Metaphor or genetic memory........
A group of Pure People were asleep in a field. Angels/humans came forth in rugged vehicles (like jeeps with lights atop). The group scattered off into the bush except one male who stood up to confront them. He ordered his female to lay back down with her maturing daughter and baby son. It was with her with whom I was experiencing oneness for this experience. That is where the visual ended and the pure perceiving begins.
More than once I have been shown visions of myself while in more lucid state being painted over. The final time I was shown my children as Pure People, as well as myself, but I alone was being painted over for one last "mission".
What I have perceived of the experience in oneness is this: the angels came to the Pure People to help them show their "overlord"/God that there IS a pure consciousness within the Earth, within the physical that needed to be honored. The Pure People were not as pure as they could be. They agreed to the request. They feared the "angel" men, were intimidated by them, feeling lacking next to their equipment and technology. They feared being seen by them.
Their bodies were violated, deformed, infected with angelic consciousness (DNA) and their "magic" stolen from them....just as humanity steals crystals and stones and metals and oil from the Earth for their "power" that is within them. All so that one of us could speak and demonstrate(it was said): prove our existence, in service to "angels" in service to their overlord. The trauma disabled them from doing so.......until now. They were deceived. The intent was enslavement toward the raping and pillaging of the Earth it's self. We were naive, did not trust the inner twinge because in our experience, we only asked for help if were immature-not yet fully developed-fully self-sufficient adults.
We need not prove anything to anyone. To aid that which is resistant to balance is to perpetuate disease, infection, dysfunction. Answering calls for help IS an infection it's self unless it is FELT as appropriate: which is an inner recognition of immaturity in a viable bio-mechanism. The "angels" unwillingness to do the raping themselves was them being "infected" by the Earth it's self with respect for it. Their fear of repercussions for NOT doing the work, was their resistance to the cure they needed and didn't realize they had been synchronistically brought to obtain. Gold was not needed to preserve their world; respect for their "mother" was. The Pure People inadvertently worked against THEIR mother my going along with the plan and thus were alienated from her, becoming diseased themselves. Nature has her ways. We can let all the rest go. She has been patient because she knew this day would come, when her children would return to her, finally matured and fully grown. As parents of children come to realization of our naivete, we know how much of their own mess they must clean up and we know how much to help them.........so does our Mother. We do not need to know their language. We do not need to know how to express their consciousness, ideas, ways of doing or being....we have our own, perfectly suited to our needs, far beyond the limitations of theirs, actually. Let THEM reach and if it is meant to be, it shall be given. We do not need to help or make anyone understand anything. Understanding comes automatically when one is tuned into their inner being.
So, the wound is exposed and healed.
Metaphor or genetic memory........
Why and how we eat
I woke this morning to an illustration and a benign observational feeling towards it, wondering "Why would I be given this?". I'll save the illustration for the end because to most it would be most provoking. I will, rather, begin with where it led. And I called forth all aspects from all directions within me to come embrace the parts of me coming to this realization, the warrior aspect to hold us up in place so we don't go off the deep end over it or flee into denial from it. I am not changing my habits first. I'm allowing to sink deep, reaching all the inner aspects that have been hurt by this first, allowing to permeate the deepest aspects first while gently reminding myself every time I engage in it: "This is not NEEDED". And I pray to my inner kingdom "Give me a picture of me free of these things to which to cling, to remind, to endear me to it....." and I reach as far I can stretch to let it in......realize, it's already been given. I can do this. So, I choose to give myself the taste of it by choosing it when I remember it until it blossoms and grows and expands within me unto full embodiment.
It led me to re-visit another observation of mine of which I had no idea what to do with. When I am extremely happy, I want to devour good tasting food. I want to consume something, inhale something. Often I choose a cigarette if it's not something delicious to eat, to luxuriate in. Things began to click. I had already observed a child brought up in a violent environment (whether emotionally violent, intellectually violent or physically violent) associates elevated energy embodiment with violent 'joking', upheaval, actions. So, your typical abused child will beat on someone or something when they get excited, happy, or upset.
Our need to consume something when happy is programmed into us via the media....even the idea of giving to less fortunate is associated with this. Heightened joy is associated with: received by giving something with which to be able to consume or to do the consuming ourselves....consuming. The "old Italian grandma" image, mothers wanting to feed as an expression of love and appreciation.....every bit of it is an association of emotion with consumption. We love to cook? Because we allow ourselves to feel our nurturing qualities while we do and to imagine the rewards of consuming or giving to another to consume. So ALL aspects are involved in this: the warrior on the hunt for how to obtain what is needed and then hunt to pursue the prey(that which shall be consumed) to feed and nurture the immediate family(the aspects of our being) as well as extended (physical outer family, friends, relatives, strangers on the street).
Now, we cannot argue any of this: there are breathairians walking this planet bearing children, living long lives, being body builders even! So we push on with this. children lose their interest in eating at an early age. How many toddlers going through this are met with worried parents seeking advice on how to trick their children into greater appetites? How many are told "you have to eat more or you'll get sick, won't grow strong"? (while quietly fearing "how many people will think I'm a bad parent, a failure at parenting?" Yet, babies and toddlers have an almost overwhelming urge to place things in their mouth. The greatest "taste receptors" are actually in our sinuses, not our mouths. When we are tasting something, we are to a greater degree smelling it. If we plugged our noses, the taste of our food would be weakened. We were meant only to "taste" our environment just as one would smell a flower to enhance our experience of it as we would add it to an appreciation of it's color, shape and size...we might lick it if we like. When we observe animals (scientists will assert differently), we see biological machines tending to, maintaining, grooming our physical environment. How much do animals ACTUALLY eat? Squirrels skitter about tasting their environment, moving seeds about, as to birds. Grazers mow the grasses, trim(prune) the trees, and predators take out the weak, the sick, the lame, the out of balance,....."the infection". Most animals make it through entire winters without eating much if anything. So, what IS our function as another bio-mechanical unit upo this earth...the message is in the "medium", so when we rid ourselves of mis-programming, what is left? We shall see...."I pray for THIS vision to come forth from within me"......"to observe and be observed in complete appreciation, being completely appreciated...with all of our senses and perceptions".
The illustration I woke with was this:
We are definitely strange and odd little characters aren't we? We go up to a litter of critters. We choose one to share affection we feel uncomfortable sharing with ourselves and/or other humans. We confine it, stuff it with a "proper" diet, give it toys to entertain it, inject it with poisons and "neutralized" diseases. The rest we send off to the slaughter house to be killed, dismembered, and processed for us to eat. The "litter of critters" is the animal kingdom. We drag them into our cages and our insanity and call them "companions", "members of the family". They share our diseases: cancers, allergies, psychosis, panics, anxieties.........aren't we strange little beings? We are sadistic little children calling our sadism kindness and goodness and loving........just as much as any serial killer who eats their prey and "plays" with them by torturing them. They will insist they have the greatest affection for them! And we, we are no "better" than them.
No wonder my stomach over the past year has felt best when it's empty. It's supposed to be.
The manner in which we eat, consume, and relate to fellow beings, in essence, is self mutilation.
It led me to re-visit another observation of mine of which I had no idea what to do with. When I am extremely happy, I want to devour good tasting food. I want to consume something, inhale something. Often I choose a cigarette if it's not something delicious to eat, to luxuriate in. Things began to click. I had already observed a child brought up in a violent environment (whether emotionally violent, intellectually violent or physically violent) associates elevated energy embodiment with violent 'joking', upheaval, actions. So, your typical abused child will beat on someone or something when they get excited, happy, or upset.
Our need to consume something when happy is programmed into us via the media....even the idea of giving to less fortunate is associated with this. Heightened joy is associated with: received by giving something with which to be able to consume or to do the consuming ourselves....consuming. The "old Italian grandma" image, mothers wanting to feed as an expression of love and appreciation.....every bit of it is an association of emotion with consumption. We love to cook? Because we allow ourselves to feel our nurturing qualities while we do and to imagine the rewards of consuming or giving to another to consume. So ALL aspects are involved in this: the warrior on the hunt for how to obtain what is needed and then hunt to pursue the prey(that which shall be consumed) to feed and nurture the immediate family(the aspects of our being) as well as extended (physical outer family, friends, relatives, strangers on the street).
Now, we cannot argue any of this: there are breathairians walking this planet bearing children, living long lives, being body builders even! So we push on with this. children lose their interest in eating at an early age. How many toddlers going through this are met with worried parents seeking advice on how to trick their children into greater appetites? How many are told "you have to eat more or you'll get sick, won't grow strong"? (while quietly fearing "how many people will think I'm a bad parent, a failure at parenting?" Yet, babies and toddlers have an almost overwhelming urge to place things in their mouth. The greatest "taste receptors" are actually in our sinuses, not our mouths. When we are tasting something, we are to a greater degree smelling it. If we plugged our noses, the taste of our food would be weakened. We were meant only to "taste" our environment just as one would smell a flower to enhance our experience of it as we would add it to an appreciation of it's color, shape and size...we might lick it if we like. When we observe animals (scientists will assert differently), we see biological machines tending to, maintaining, grooming our physical environment. How much do animals ACTUALLY eat? Squirrels skitter about tasting their environment, moving seeds about, as to birds. Grazers mow the grasses, trim(prune) the trees, and predators take out the weak, the sick, the lame, the out of balance,....."the infection". Most animals make it through entire winters without eating much if anything. So, what IS our function as another bio-mechanical unit upo this earth...the message is in the "medium", so when we rid ourselves of mis-programming, what is left? We shall see...."I pray for THIS vision to come forth from within me"......"to observe and be observed in complete appreciation, being completely appreciated...with all of our senses and perceptions".
The illustration I woke with was this:
We are definitely strange and odd little characters aren't we? We go up to a litter of critters. We choose one to share affection we feel uncomfortable sharing with ourselves and/or other humans. We confine it, stuff it with a "proper" diet, give it toys to entertain it, inject it with poisons and "neutralized" diseases. The rest we send off to the slaughter house to be killed, dismembered, and processed for us to eat. The "litter of critters" is the animal kingdom. We drag them into our cages and our insanity and call them "companions", "members of the family". They share our diseases: cancers, allergies, psychosis, panics, anxieties.........aren't we strange little beings? We are sadistic little children calling our sadism kindness and goodness and loving........just as much as any serial killer who eats their prey and "plays" with them by torturing them. They will insist they have the greatest affection for them! And we, we are no "better" than them.
No wonder my stomach over the past year has felt best when it's empty. It's supposed to be.
The manner in which we eat, consume, and relate to fellow beings, in essence, is self mutilation.
Friday, December 25, 2015
42 and how peace on earth is achieved
I had checked out what the whole online dating scene was about in what turns out to be a synchronicity leading to a whole chain of them leading up to how peace on earth is achieved.
One of the synchronicities was my observation of the number 42 present in so many profiles of the men, whether in their profile ID or comments. So, I asked one of them what "42" referred to. He said it was the book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". So, I began watching the series based on it. Saw why it was appealing to men and lost interest. As I turned my reflections elsewhere, I realized peace on Earth was never answered in response to prayer previously because whilst people prayed for peace, they chose war immediately after. Whether it was war/aggression/attack on another person, an idea, in response to that which would bring them peace, or their own inner being; humanity demonstrated a LACK of desire for peace.
Even all the most famous spiritual teachers and examples chose war and conflict over peace. Jesus fought vehemently against the desecration of his father's house, ignorance, hypocrisy, his apostles....the boy got riled and offended at everything, even his own mother's requests for his attention. Gandhi promoted "non-violent resistance" , which is STILL resistance. Cloistered individuals resisted being placed in the world, the world's temptations, the desires of their own flesh.
The only prayer for peace that COULD be answered was that of one who wouldn't even pray for it intentionally, but the one who would embody peace, choose it in the face of anything, and simply appreciate it's existence enough so that it's soul desire was for more.
And as all this hit me, I laughed, for in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", the answer could not be known until the question was and in all that waiting for an answer, a woman had arrived at the answer of how to bring peace to earth that would actually work only moments before the Earth was destroyed along with the entire process of coming up with the initial question.
Here stand I, a woman, with both the original question and the way in which peace could finally be brought to Earth.
Now THAT's synchronistic.
One of the synchronicities was my observation of the number 42 present in so many profiles of the men, whether in their profile ID or comments. So, I asked one of them what "42" referred to. He said it was the book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". So, I began watching the series based on it. Saw why it was appealing to men and lost interest. As I turned my reflections elsewhere, I realized peace on Earth was never answered in response to prayer previously because whilst people prayed for peace, they chose war immediately after. Whether it was war/aggression/attack on another person, an idea, in response to that which would bring them peace, or their own inner being; humanity demonstrated a LACK of desire for peace.
Even all the most famous spiritual teachers and examples chose war and conflict over peace. Jesus fought vehemently against the desecration of his father's house, ignorance, hypocrisy, his apostles....the boy got riled and offended at everything, even his own mother's requests for his attention. Gandhi promoted "non-violent resistance" , which is STILL resistance. Cloistered individuals resisted being placed in the world, the world's temptations, the desires of their own flesh.
The only prayer for peace that COULD be answered was that of one who wouldn't even pray for it intentionally, but the one who would embody peace, choose it in the face of anything, and simply appreciate it's existence enough so that it's soul desire was for more.
And as all this hit me, I laughed, for in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", the answer could not be known until the question was and in all that waiting for an answer, a woman had arrived at the answer of how to bring peace to earth that would actually work only moments before the Earth was destroyed along with the entire process of coming up with the initial question.
Here stand I, a woman, with both the original question and the way in which peace could finally be brought to Earth.
Now THAT's synchronistic.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Need to integrate the masculine? Earth aligning, what does that mean?
Doing my embodying, the curiosity comes about what shall I be embodying? We are focused on wholeness. We are told feminine and masculine are two aspects of the whole, the yin and yang of creation and suddenly something clicked...
In the beginning was the Dance....that which we call masculine/god/consciousness did not come into being except as a result of a desire within the source/The Dance. Therefore wholeness does NOT include the masculine. It would be like a man trying to climb back into his mother's womb. There is no place for that. Masculine, having come from within the feminine consists of qualities that already exist within the feminine, which means the feminine is not unconscious. We do not need the "mind of god" or the "power of god" for anything. It isn't even an aspect of our existence unless we invite it in and believe ourselves dependent upon it.
There's a bold, brave line of thinking. It's job is solely to observe and appreciate. God is more baby brother than father.
The Earth it's self has arrived at clarity and is coming into alignment within it's own understanding of all things. In reflection of this, the planets will be aligning. Belief, purpose, intent, perception, awareness and embodiment have come. Action shall follow. Anything not in alignment with Her will be "out of resonance" and "shaken off". Significant events shall come to bring into alignment or make extinct. Life on Earth will be changing.
When the body reaches maturity, that which served as it's consciousness gets to go home into super consciousness(referred to as unconscious or subconscious) as that for which the body was being grown occupies it's home: the body, in what is called full embodiment.
To claim your body, you must come to a state of peace in association with all that has hurt and frightened you as well as be able to let go of, be without attachment to, all that you love, all that excites you, all inspires you, all that you desire, all that you dream of.
The average human consciousness (men and women) cycles throughout the month: infant shows up, child then comes up, pre-teen, teen and adult. As we evolve and mature, they begin to grow up into the next phase of development. So the child will suddenly "pop" into a purified teen and the teen...now that's were things move along quickly......That is why life is more of a spiral than a simple circle and we may return to the past repeatedly until EACH ASPECT's issues with any event is resolved and released.
Your body IS you. Any part not in alignment with pure, radiant, divine, immortal innocence in full maturity is holding an aspect of you repressed, denied, disowned, deprived by the version of you in one of your stages of development. As your stages own the parts they separated from and merge with the next, that part of the body heals. We know healing and retrieval/reclaiming occurs when we show symptoms most would call illness: healing has already begun and excess toxicity has simply arrived at the surface for release. As this process speeds up, one might experience headaches and heart palpitations as pockets of resistance are met. Anything NOT yours will not be able to tolerate exposure OR claiming and flee. You simply decide how you want them handled. "I think I'll shit them out". May experience nausea as they're dumped into the digestive system, but that's the cool thing about the teen aspect: relentless, thorough, enthusiastic, hound dogs fearlessly on it and at it wildly. No foreign elements will be able to hide or survive. The teen believes in it's own immortality and invulnerability.
Embodiment is owning up to and then owning your body.
One technique I am using presently is this: every time I feel even the slightest twinge of fear, resentment, anger, judgement, loneliness, alienation, a sense of foreboding.....anything besides joyous peace, I summon forth from every direction within my body ALL aspects of me to come forth to warmly accept, embrace and love that aspect which is out of alignment. And the feeling is like that of being accepted by a family member from whom you have been separated or alienated. On subtle levels there may be sadness, anguish being released, screaming in release.....do not be scared by any feelings, breath deep and allow it to happen. By this point, full embodiment is inner- universally wanted.
In the beginning was the Dance....that which we call masculine/god/consciousness did not come into being except as a result of a desire within the source/The Dance. Therefore wholeness does NOT include the masculine. It would be like a man trying to climb back into his mother's womb. There is no place for that. Masculine, having come from within the feminine consists of qualities that already exist within the feminine, which means the feminine is not unconscious. We do not need the "mind of god" or the "power of god" for anything. It isn't even an aspect of our existence unless we invite it in and believe ourselves dependent upon it.
There's a bold, brave line of thinking. It's job is solely to observe and appreciate. God is more baby brother than father.
The Earth it's self has arrived at clarity and is coming into alignment within it's own understanding of all things. In reflection of this, the planets will be aligning. Belief, purpose, intent, perception, awareness and embodiment have come. Action shall follow. Anything not in alignment with Her will be "out of resonance" and "shaken off". Significant events shall come to bring into alignment or make extinct. Life on Earth will be changing.
When the body reaches maturity, that which served as it's consciousness gets to go home into super consciousness(referred to as unconscious or subconscious) as that for which the body was being grown occupies it's home: the body, in what is called full embodiment.
To claim your body, you must come to a state of peace in association with all that has hurt and frightened you as well as be able to let go of, be without attachment to, all that you love, all that excites you, all inspires you, all that you desire, all that you dream of.
The average human consciousness (men and women) cycles throughout the month: infant shows up, child then comes up, pre-teen, teen and adult. As we evolve and mature, they begin to grow up into the next phase of development. So the child will suddenly "pop" into a purified teen and the teen...now that's were things move along quickly......That is why life is more of a spiral than a simple circle and we may return to the past repeatedly until EACH ASPECT's issues with any event is resolved and released.
Your body IS you. Any part not in alignment with pure, radiant, divine, immortal innocence in full maturity is holding an aspect of you repressed, denied, disowned, deprived by the version of you in one of your stages of development. As your stages own the parts they separated from and merge with the next, that part of the body heals. We know healing and retrieval/reclaiming occurs when we show symptoms most would call illness: healing has already begun and excess toxicity has simply arrived at the surface for release. As this process speeds up, one might experience headaches and heart palpitations as pockets of resistance are met. Anything NOT yours will not be able to tolerate exposure OR claiming and flee. You simply decide how you want them handled. "I think I'll shit them out". May experience nausea as they're dumped into the digestive system, but that's the cool thing about the teen aspect: relentless, thorough, enthusiastic, hound dogs fearlessly on it and at it wildly. No foreign elements will be able to hide or survive. The teen believes in it's own immortality and invulnerability.
Embodiment is owning up to and then owning your body.
One technique I am using presently is this: every time I feel even the slightest twinge of fear, resentment, anger, judgement, loneliness, alienation, a sense of foreboding.....anything besides joyous peace, I summon forth from every direction within my body ALL aspects of me to come forth to warmly accept, embrace and love that aspect which is out of alignment. And the feeling is like that of being accepted by a family member from whom you have been separated or alienated. On subtle levels there may be sadness, anguish being released, screaming in release.....do not be scared by any feelings, breath deep and allow it to happen. By this point, full embodiment is inner- universally wanted.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Isn't it time?
With all the patience and softness in the world I was reflecting on how people who make a living doing "animal husbandry" really aren't doing anything different to those animals than most do to their children: give birth, send them to the sitter so we can work, off to preschool to "fatten them up" for school, and off to school to "fatten them up" for college, and off to college to "fatten them up" so they can feed themselves into the machine to make money to purchase goods to be "productive" "contributors" to "society" which is nothing more than a programmed way of interacting that keeps the machine running. No one who eats meat is a hypocrite, they eat goats just like the allow the system to eat their children.....we are ALL lambs being led off to the slaughter and for what? Because divinity wants to show the Dance what it looks like to it? So "we" can reach our "highest potential"?
Well, here we are, call me what you will, do with me what you will, but dear divinity, isn't time? Time to cash in the chips, let go of the need to force perception, make another see, decide what is "highest"........
Just a glimpse of the highly charged emotional journey and in between my son feels what is happening and trying to get my attention with silly antics so I dance into mommy mode; "You ARE enough. You DO bring happy into the world. Sometimes we have to cry anyways. It's not your job to make mommy happy", he acts like he isn't listening, doesn't want to hear. Give it a minute, it sinks in "OK mommy, I love you"
Dancing back into reflection and conversation and the divine is searching my heart when I make a statement I've made several times before. Something clicks..."NOW you get it?"....the divine is sometimes slow on the uptake, needs things to it's satisfaction....
Dancing back into mommy mode at "mommy I want to decorate for Christmas, can we get Christmas decorations" and I am wrecked "I think we have a couple things from last year, I'll dig them out of the closet" while my heart screams out "There will be no "Christmas" this year. How do I tell a child there is no tree coming, no presents, no big dinner? Mommy can go close her account and get $30 for groceries next week and then it's all shit's creek"......and nobody hears.
Back to the weight of creation back on my shoulders...the killing of joy in a child because we want to reach our "highest potential", so you can show me what I look like? It couldn't take a break for a week?
Dancing back into mommy mode as the boy puffs out his chest and says "Look!". "Oh, big tuff guy". "No, I'm not!", he's upset. "Bub, it's O.K. to be both a little boy and a big tough guy, THAT is our MAGIC. We can be both things, we do not have to be one or the other. Love your magic, Bub. Love your big tuff guy and love your little boy inside". "OK, I love you mommy". Damn...another freakin' generation needing comforting, liberating...
And now I am on my knees...isn't time? Yes, I am weak, yes, I am gorgeous, yes I am wise, yes I am talented, yes I miss things, I am everything and yes, that's O.K. with me, yes you can oppress me, yes you can deprive me, yes I can get up again......I have been bold, I have said what most wouldn't in ways that can be accepted, non-threatening, non-judgmental. I have learned the lessons, I have seen and empathized with your perspective, I have softened, I have given and you have taken. I have kept to myself and you leave me abandoned.
Somewhere in there I feel a quiet release and acceptance, the ease is coming, the gifts will be given...rejoicing and all I see is an empty fridge....I know the gifts: visits from spirit to fuck with my head.......and leave children crying. Am I drop in the ocean or the ocean in a drop...in this moment I don't care. Through it all: not a shred of bitterness in me. I am at peace, in the core of my being.
"Mommy can you tuck me in?". "Sure baby".
You have your fully embodied one; be content.
Well, here we are, call me what you will, do with me what you will, but dear divinity, isn't time? Time to cash in the chips, let go of the need to force perception, make another see, decide what is "highest"........
Just a glimpse of the highly charged emotional journey and in between my son feels what is happening and trying to get my attention with silly antics so I dance into mommy mode; "You ARE enough. You DO bring happy into the world. Sometimes we have to cry anyways. It's not your job to make mommy happy", he acts like he isn't listening, doesn't want to hear. Give it a minute, it sinks in "OK mommy, I love you"
Dancing back into reflection and conversation and the divine is searching my heart when I make a statement I've made several times before. Something clicks..."NOW you get it?"....the divine is sometimes slow on the uptake, needs things to it's satisfaction....
Dancing back into mommy mode at "mommy I want to decorate for Christmas, can we get Christmas decorations" and I am wrecked "I think we have a couple things from last year, I'll dig them out of the closet" while my heart screams out "There will be no "Christmas" this year. How do I tell a child there is no tree coming, no presents, no big dinner? Mommy can go close her account and get $30 for groceries next week and then it's all shit's creek"......and nobody hears.
Back to the weight of creation back on my shoulders...the killing of joy in a child because we want to reach our "highest potential", so you can show me what I look like? It couldn't take a break for a week?
Dancing back into mommy mode as the boy puffs out his chest and says "Look!". "Oh, big tuff guy". "No, I'm not!", he's upset. "Bub, it's O.K. to be both a little boy and a big tough guy, THAT is our MAGIC. We can be both things, we do not have to be one or the other. Love your magic, Bub. Love your big tuff guy and love your little boy inside". "OK, I love you mommy". Damn...another freakin' generation needing comforting, liberating...
And now I am on my knees...isn't time? Yes, I am weak, yes, I am gorgeous, yes I am wise, yes I am talented, yes I miss things, I am everything and yes, that's O.K. with me, yes you can oppress me, yes you can deprive me, yes I can get up again......I have been bold, I have said what most wouldn't in ways that can be accepted, non-threatening, non-judgmental. I have learned the lessons, I have seen and empathized with your perspective, I have softened, I have given and you have taken. I have kept to myself and you leave me abandoned.
Somewhere in there I feel a quiet release and acceptance, the ease is coming, the gifts will be given...rejoicing and all I see is an empty fridge....I know the gifts: visits from spirit to fuck with my head.......and leave children crying. Am I drop in the ocean or the ocean in a drop...in this moment I don't care. Through it all: not a shred of bitterness in me. I am at peace, in the core of my being.
"Mommy can you tuck me in?". "Sure baby".
You have your fully embodied one; be content.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Full Embodiement
Convinced I wanted to "cash in the chips" of our collective vortex, I "said my prayers", "set my intentions", danced and sang my way into good feeling energy and lay down for a minute. I let my gaze shift to the inside of my forehead and ho! if they weren't waiting. Looking alot like a black and white drawing come to interact with me they applied something to my left eye and I felt a jolt as if being hit by a stun gun and my entire body jumped. They then moved to my right and I tensed, ready for a repeat of the event. I "closed my eyes" and nothing happened, so I "opened them" again. Nope, they were just checking my outward flow from the right eye. So yes, left eye receives and right eye sends. Apparently whatever they did to my left eye was successfully flowing again out of my right. A man appeared before me like an ancient guru with arms crossed, hands tucked up voluminous sleeves. "It has been a long time since I've seen a fully embodied one." was all he said and I, myself was off to sleep. I woke having sweat the sweat of the burning up of what no longer serves this physicality, my shoulder and neck pain gone and an exasperated human brain. "Really?! Making me another odd ball amongst humanity instead of the lottery?!" Yes, I have spent my life pursuing spiritual gifts and whatever this "fully embodied" means is probably the holy grail and yes, it would be just like my spirit to put "fully embodied" on a street corner begging for money to feed her children instead of a bit of luxury. So, I say; "If we have an 'eternity', then we have as much time to give this physicality the gift of a bit of ease as we do to costume her up as a homeless person to touch humanity....we have seen Jasmine of Disney's Aladdin, haven't we?".
And no, this fully embodied one isn't pulling off that yoga pose. lol
And no, this fully embodied one isn't pulling off that yoga pose. lol
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Some Sweet Relief
Where others might cry tears of frustration, victimization, or cry out in rebellion, I'm just relieved at the latest realization I've been given to consider.
I was suddenly unable to scan documents into my computer. An odd development, but with constant automatic updates, my computer is always changing so I thought nothing of it. That was until I tried to get a mysterious $50 taken off my internet bill. I knew I had payed more than the original price given plus every month, the full amount. So what is this extra $50 that keeps showing up? Finally I get someone to tell me it is a networking charge. When they come to hook up your internet, if they network your computers, printers and whatever else needs it for you, they add this charge. I didn't have them do that: I had only one computer and the printer is plugged directly into it so it didn't have to be networked.......until they got a hold of it! ah ha! So that is why it wasn't working when I tried to scan documents into it!
Now I think about all this. If we don't pay these charges and can't get them to take them off, we end up in debt. The debt is sold and a mark goes against our credit. With marks against our credit we are a "credit risk" unable to rent a place to live, buy a home, etc. So, we meekly pay every theft out of fear of being of poor charector: "A credit risk", "a weak application", "homeless" "one of those people".
The reflecting didn't stop there, for it's not just the utility companies that steal through trickery. When it comes down to it, we are to be "responsible", "productive members of the community" by working most days of our life to purchase stolen property. Someone killed someone to take the land that delivers the resources to make or grow the things we buy. We are slaves forced to work to get what was rightly yours or someone else's to begin with. And the self-judgement if we do not keep that good credit and good standing in the community as a "producer" of income to pay into it. And if frustrated or disheartened, there are tons of gurus and speakers out there lifting spirits and convincing people to also become thieves selling "feel good mojo" to rejuvenate you long enough to get you to want to jump back into the system to "claim your abundance" full of light and love. Life coaches, motivational speakers......OR you get the "tough love" approach from the right-wing "you deserve what they're trying to deprive you of because you worked for it!". All of designed to gear you up to being that full-throttle gear in their machine. If you don't want to sell your time, body, or mind...you can always sell your spirituality! Pay me so much and I will let you feed off my spirit and all it's experiences! woohee!
But gone are judgments about how people make their money. Who are we but cogs in a wheel trying to do the right thing, caught up in something that's got way too much speed. Nothing in it worth saving but letting it go means a perception of uncertainty and fear of oppression, even violence done to us for simply taking what we need. We would all have to quit at once, all police and military simply laying down their guns and an emptying of prisons of those we are told are thieves for doing exactly what our governments do "for us", just on a smaller scale and far less back-up.
So, I am free of self-criticism and judgement about whether or not anyone else would view me as responsible, productive, loving, hard working........why would I care what thieves and their unthinking, fearful minions think of me? I simply do what I am given, cry in relief of the weight of judgement I've been wearing and allow myself to more fully embody soft ease and well-being: that's the life for me!
I was suddenly unable to scan documents into my computer. An odd development, but with constant automatic updates, my computer is always changing so I thought nothing of it. That was until I tried to get a mysterious $50 taken off my internet bill. I knew I had payed more than the original price given plus every month, the full amount. So what is this extra $50 that keeps showing up? Finally I get someone to tell me it is a networking charge. When they come to hook up your internet, if they network your computers, printers and whatever else needs it for you, they add this charge. I didn't have them do that: I had only one computer and the printer is plugged directly into it so it didn't have to be networked.......until they got a hold of it! ah ha! So that is why it wasn't working when I tried to scan documents into it!
Now I think about all this. If we don't pay these charges and can't get them to take them off, we end up in debt. The debt is sold and a mark goes against our credit. With marks against our credit we are a "credit risk" unable to rent a place to live, buy a home, etc. So, we meekly pay every theft out of fear of being of poor charector: "A credit risk", "a weak application", "homeless" "one of those people".
The reflecting didn't stop there, for it's not just the utility companies that steal through trickery. When it comes down to it, we are to be "responsible", "productive members of the community" by working most days of our life to purchase stolen property. Someone killed someone to take the land that delivers the resources to make or grow the things we buy. We are slaves forced to work to get what was rightly yours or someone else's to begin with. And the self-judgement if we do not keep that good credit and good standing in the community as a "producer" of income to pay into it. And if frustrated or disheartened, there are tons of gurus and speakers out there lifting spirits and convincing people to also become thieves selling "feel good mojo" to rejuvenate you long enough to get you to want to jump back into the system to "claim your abundance" full of light and love. Life coaches, motivational speakers......OR you get the "tough love" approach from the right-wing "you deserve what they're trying to deprive you of because you worked for it!". All of designed to gear you up to being that full-throttle gear in their machine. If you don't want to sell your time, body, or mind...you can always sell your spirituality! Pay me so much and I will let you feed off my spirit and all it's experiences! woohee!
But gone are judgments about how people make their money. Who are we but cogs in a wheel trying to do the right thing, caught up in something that's got way too much speed. Nothing in it worth saving but letting it go means a perception of uncertainty and fear of oppression, even violence done to us for simply taking what we need. We would all have to quit at once, all police and military simply laying down their guns and an emptying of prisons of those we are told are thieves for doing exactly what our governments do "for us", just on a smaller scale and far less back-up.
So, I am free of self-criticism and judgement about whether or not anyone else would view me as responsible, productive, loving, hard working........why would I care what thieves and their unthinking, fearful minions think of me? I simply do what I am given, cry in relief of the weight of judgement I've been wearing and allow myself to more fully embody soft ease and well-being: that's the life for me!
Word psychology, what's really in a name?
A bit word of word psychology.....and why new words may or may not be needed.
I began this life with a name; "Stacey". Without fail, every time that name was used a sum of feelings would be summoned. The insecurities of youth would always set the stage for how what was about to be said to me would be received. Then I happened upon something magical: in exploring paganism I was encouraged to come up with a "magic" name. I was moved to choose Crystal. First it was Crystal Epona (Epona being the Goddess I could relate to) and then I was given "Morningstar" in place of Epona. Ms. Crystal was highly respected for her knowledge and courage and effective communication skills. An exasperated "Crystal...." held no power over me, for Ms. Crystal knew her own being and there was nothing derogatory to be said of it. Now if someone used an exasperated tone while stating "Stacey", that would have been a different story. Eventually, Ms. Crystal was the only experience that resonated with me and even the name "Stacey" could no longer be used to summon insecurities. So, I let go of the Ms. Crystal construct and resumed using my given name. I spent too much time having it proven to me I have plenty to be proud of to even entertain the implication that I do not.
I see this alot with common names women are called. The energy with which they are stated is inherited and ingrained in our DNA, as are the responses. These names, however, were originally compliments, high status, or simply neutral. Some examples:
Virgin. Virgin never meant a woman who had never had sex. Virgin meant a woman whose body was not occupied by a child: not pregnant or nursing. So, every woman, whether having had sex or not was a virgin unless she was pregnant or nursing a child. That changed to "untouched by a man" and highly prized and then to an inferior state of inexperience no teenager wanted to be in.
Whore. A whore was any woman who was not committed to a man. The virgin who had never had sex, was an adult and independent was a whore. Whores did not exchange sex for money. Eventually they became prized and so men would offer them gifts and money so the whore would choose them above other men and then it became sex for money and negative when virgins were newly defined and sought after so men could control biological parentage.
Cunt. From the words like Kunta (ironically also Qua ran-yes, the Islamic holy book). A cunt was the word used to identify a wise woman, a holy woman, a priestess, the most revered people in the community as well as their knowledge (female intuition, women's wisdom, etc.). Anyone would have been flattered if called a cunt. Then the age of religious patriarchy came and no one wanted to be pointed out as the village holy woman because it meant torture and burning at the stake. That's when fear and repulsion became associated with being called a cunt. Cunt, was never an insult. Yet, it was said with tones of condemnation and received with insecurity or anger, becoming the hottest button that could be pressed in a woman.
So, these are all words we have pretty much stopped using in mainstream. They only exist in the stagnant cesspools of misanthropy that cling and linger in the wake of awakened society.
Do we reclaim them now that they are "safe"/"cleansed". What would we replace them with? Person? No, "person" is qualified by being human, in relation to man/males of our species which is labeled as "homo" sapiens, male and feMALE. Virgin, and whore both denote a woMAN's state of being in relation to men/males. Even PRIESTess is a derivative of a male/masculine station.
We could use no names or titles at all. That would mean we could not talk about one another. To get one another's attention, we would have to approach one another. That would lead to all sorts of effort, making the value of each interaction greater.........the picture could wander from there. That would free us all of gossip and other people's perceptions. Is the world ready for such.......
Or, maybe we need new words?
I began this life with a name; "Stacey". Without fail, every time that name was used a sum of feelings would be summoned. The insecurities of youth would always set the stage for how what was about to be said to me would be received. Then I happened upon something magical: in exploring paganism I was encouraged to come up with a "magic" name. I was moved to choose Crystal. First it was Crystal Epona (Epona being the Goddess I could relate to) and then I was given "Morningstar" in place of Epona. Ms. Crystal was highly respected for her knowledge and courage and effective communication skills. An exasperated "Crystal...." held no power over me, for Ms. Crystal knew her own being and there was nothing derogatory to be said of it. Now if someone used an exasperated tone while stating "Stacey", that would have been a different story. Eventually, Ms. Crystal was the only experience that resonated with me and even the name "Stacey" could no longer be used to summon insecurities. So, I let go of the Ms. Crystal construct and resumed using my given name. I spent too much time having it proven to me I have plenty to be proud of to even entertain the implication that I do not.
I see this alot with common names women are called. The energy with which they are stated is inherited and ingrained in our DNA, as are the responses. These names, however, were originally compliments, high status, or simply neutral. Some examples:
Virgin. Virgin never meant a woman who had never had sex. Virgin meant a woman whose body was not occupied by a child: not pregnant or nursing. So, every woman, whether having had sex or not was a virgin unless she was pregnant or nursing a child. That changed to "untouched by a man" and highly prized and then to an inferior state of inexperience no teenager wanted to be in.
Whore. A whore was any woman who was not committed to a man. The virgin who had never had sex, was an adult and independent was a whore. Whores did not exchange sex for money. Eventually they became prized and so men would offer them gifts and money so the whore would choose them above other men and then it became sex for money and negative when virgins were newly defined and sought after so men could control biological parentage.
Cunt. From the words like Kunta (ironically also Qua ran-yes, the Islamic holy book). A cunt was the word used to identify a wise woman, a holy woman, a priestess, the most revered people in the community as well as their knowledge (female intuition, women's wisdom, etc.). Anyone would have been flattered if called a cunt. Then the age of religious patriarchy came and no one wanted to be pointed out as the village holy woman because it meant torture and burning at the stake. That's when fear and repulsion became associated with being called a cunt. Cunt, was never an insult. Yet, it was said with tones of condemnation and received with insecurity or anger, becoming the hottest button that could be pressed in a woman.
So, these are all words we have pretty much stopped using in mainstream. They only exist in the stagnant cesspools of misanthropy that cling and linger in the wake of awakened society.
Do we reclaim them now that they are "safe"/"cleansed". What would we replace them with? Person? No, "person" is qualified by being human, in relation to man/males of our species which is labeled as "homo" sapiens, male and feMALE. Virgin, and whore both denote a woMAN's state of being in relation to men/males. Even PRIESTess is a derivative of a male/masculine station.
We could use no names or titles at all. That would mean we could not talk about one another. To get one another's attention, we would have to approach one another. That would lead to all sorts of effort, making the value of each interaction greater.........the picture could wander from there. That would free us all of gossip and other people's perceptions. Is the world ready for such.......
Or, maybe we need new words?
Friday, December 4, 2015
Stand up and make Her claim
Claim of the Queen
Let her daughters stand and be her voice, claiming her dominion in, on, and over Earth.
Let her daughters stand and be her voice, claiming her dominion in, on, and over Earth.
There's a new femine rising
There's a new feminine rising and she's not looking for a place in man's world. She's not looking to be the sexualized corporate paper-pushing legal-speak Barbie version of an insecure, overbearing man. She's not the "save the world" "love them all" schizophrenic or narcissistic version, either. She's the "let it all burn while I walk over here and do my thing without a care" version. She's the Earth in answer when man says "Look at this bridge I've built!": a mountain rears up from the middle of that river; "What bridge?". Where man says "Look at this house I've built" and she replies; "So sorry, I planned a sinkhole there". She's the Earth who will send pestilence upon all cattle to end the factory farming that is destroying her surface. She's the Earth whose volcanoes are beginning to blow. She's not out to get anyone or anything, not a goddess of vengeance, she's simply a woman cleaning house.
She's innocent and nurturing, strong and independent, soft, sensual and thoughtful, playful and daring, etheric and magical. She's the evolved version of every god and goddess who has ever lived. There is no other purpose but hers and her only purpose is to exist in wholeness and well-being. She is the quiet purity whose whispers shake foundations like thunder while she doesn't feel a thing or have a care.
She's innocent and nurturing, strong and independent, soft, sensual and thoughtful, playful and daring, etheric and magical. She's the evolved version of every god and goddess who has ever lived. There is no other purpose but hers and her only purpose is to exist in wholeness and well-being. She is the quiet purity whose whispers shake foundations like thunder while she doesn't feel a thing or have a care.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
The Immortals Incarnate
Several years ago when I began channeling consciously, I was given a quick "view" of the idea that long, long ago Immortals Incarnate (immortal physical forms) ruled the earth. They could not get the mortal people to understand how it was they brought oppression and torture upon themselves, that which is now popularly called "The Law of Attraction". Things escalating, "having gained an unstoppable momentum", the Immortals chose to "dis incarnate"/allow their physical bodies to be killed rather than annihilate everyone and everything moving on our planet. I didn't get the significance of this until recently. I just thought them "thanks, cool story but irrelevant as far as I can see".
Now I get the relevance. They began to incarnate as mortals, forgetting their immortality, so they could experience and thus understand how it was mortals could not understand how they brought bad things to themselves. The immortal's hearts never hurt when they responded to the Law of Attraction and so they never experienced the connection between pain and blockages in the brain....PTSD. Now they know. Now they can temper their responses to the Law of Attraction without hindering the alignment with Source. Today's present "throw love and light at everything" causes more harm than good because it pulls one out of the flow of Law of Attraction/Divine alignment/Justice, etc. We have learned we can state what we are experiencing, giving the Law of Attraction expression while not traumatizing the one drawing the energies.
And so it is, that understanding has been achieved just as we enter Earth's latest stage of evolution which allows for the return of the Immortals Incarnate.
Now I get the relevance. They began to incarnate as mortals, forgetting their immortality, so they could experience and thus understand how it was mortals could not understand how they brought bad things to themselves. The immortal's hearts never hurt when they responded to the Law of Attraction and so they never experienced the connection between pain and blockages in the brain....PTSD. Now they know. Now they can temper their responses to the Law of Attraction without hindering the alignment with Source. Today's present "throw love and light at everything" causes more harm than good because it pulls one out of the flow of Law of Attraction/Divine alignment/Justice, etc. We have learned we can state what we are experiencing, giving the Law of Attraction expression while not traumatizing the one drawing the energies.
And so it is, that understanding has been achieved just as we enter Earth's latest stage of evolution which allows for the return of the Immortals Incarnate.
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