Just like the earth beneath our feet, we are cyclical in nature. As I come into the adult aspect of me, I pull out "observer mode" while still allowing emotions and feelings to flow.......fresh out of the teen I am given to reflect upon two things: playing dress up and a study done in reference to the North Woods of Maine. Both refer to a sort of magic we work daily as human beings. As we accept our cyclical nature and allow for each "season's" expression in an accepting manner, the transition is gentler and the season's "weather" less extreme. Also, as we become more temperate, the less of a "storm" we present to nature and the more comfortable it's creatures are with us. Animals that used to bite us because we were disturbing the environment, being "out of sync" with the season become harmless. (I know, I used to always get stung by wasps even if I didn't notice them on me and now they land on me, sniff around and leave. Same with spiders, they used to always bite me, now nothing).
I began working when I was 14 so I had some money for my own clothing. Being always picked on regardless of how I might have tried to fit in, I gave up. For me, the teen years were full of playing dress-up. One day I would come into school in mini skirt, high heels. The next day I would be in a prairie skirt, ruffled shirt and ribbons in my hair. Hats! Oh, how I loved them! My big red felt one with wide brim matching my 5" high spiked heal boots. I had my white sailor's cap, soft lay-like sun bonnet,,,,,,,,along with dress-up in clothing, we can "dress-up" our energy. Put on camo and a belt with anything hanging from it and imagine we're explorers or soldiers and boom! We FEEL like it. Then we get older and we're told to dress for success, wear what makes us look like one is doing the job we would be applying for. It's magic, it works! We affect our physical form in other ways as well: we whiten our teeth and we smile brighter. We make up our faces and look vibrant. When our livelihood is dependent upon it,however, the magic game becomes a trap. We sold "a bill of goods" to a mate when we were in a romantic energy, in painted faces and we feel threatened when we cycle out of it and want out of costume. We sold a "bill of goods" to an employer but cannot be true to it every day during working hours, we NEED out of costume.
"Enlightened" circles are trying to create a world where cycles are respected and we still get all the benefits of being able to play "dress up": to keep the clothing and vehicles and technology without forced rules and hours. In the meantime we use holidays and vacations and "extra-curricular" hours for such things. It doesn't go so well when we are forcing and controlling cycles, which is why we need sturdy housing, big fences and animal repellents. An awareness of being out-of-sync being a threat to our well-being got transferred to other human beings (having to fit in with the crowd) rather than having to fit in with nature when the walls got strong enough, fences high enough and deterrents poisonous enough. We adapted to being in sync with a different nature.
A side note here, not sure it has to do with anything. It's funny how our physical attributes brought into native cultures are cause to be seen as "ugly", deformed women and grotesquely big men. We have evolved to fit a different environment where our magic is useless and unimpressive. Quite laughable until we kill them or enslave them with our big machines and grotesquely effective weapons. Then laughable again when our grotesqueness undermines our environment because ultimately it is still dependent upon the Earth's environment.
Now for the other magic we wield on a daily basis: words! Also one of my favorites. I enjoy them immensely as they are able to take me into a grand variety of worlds of perception and the ability to express them as well as my own. In exploring the various worlds of perception I came across an article published online exploring people's attachment to the land, their perceptions of what should happen to it. I was excited to explore this "magical" connection until I realized who the researchers and authors were as well as their intentions. They worked for the companies that wanted to buy up the North Woods of Maine. They were researching an understanding of the local's extremely ingrained sense of what should be happening with the land so they present their proposal and intentions in a way that would meet no resistance. They were seeking the word magic that would convince the locals to approve their plan for the land without violent opposition. They wanted to know how to make locals believe the plan would be good for their lifestyles and the land. virtuous if true, nefarious if false.
Then I think on what I do and come to some realizations I may have previously overlooked. I gain praise and appreciation from those who feel the Earth's rising consciousness and change with it but do not have the words to facilitate it. The outward validation of being able to express it in words "justifies" it's existence in them, giving them "permission" to release resistance to it. The there are those (and this was my realization today) who, if they wanted the words, they would have found them themselves. They do not want release their resistance....are resistant to releasing resistance, lol and to them, my words are a threat at worst, an irritant at least. There are those who don't want others to release their resistance for they capitalize upon it. Occasionally I come across those who are surprised as they didn't even know they were looking for the words! Then they fall back into being those who would have found them if they really wanted them to begin with. They shut down and resent that now they have "informed consent" added to their resistance and all the guilt that goes with it. That makes me an insidious evil in their eyes. I have "corrupted" them "against their will" (which they know is a lie but can get away with perpetuating because they stumbled upon my writings instead of actually consciously seeking them). We thus work magic upon our minds with the words we're given.
We do it all the time, especially as parents. We know how we say something to child determines greatly how much resistance we'll be met with and can even get them to enthusiastically go to something if said effectively. Highly aware children pick up on this and become masters at manipulating their parents if they perceive the need. They're fresh in coming to the game and far more on the ball than overwhelmed parents
That is also the difference between those with nefarious intent and those with sincere intent. For example: the constitution of the United States is a body of words that have governed Americans for more than 200 years. The formless is given form: ideas into words, words onto paper. those with power see it as a challenge, a puzzle, a game to overcome and the prize is more stuff and more power. And if they fail, they lose nothing because the document protects what they have already. Those who view the constitution as a protection are not as fresh coming into the game. They lose more power from the spare reservoirs they already believe they have. They perceive how much they have by the magic of words on a piece of paper, are dependent upon it and full of resistance to ANY messing with it. Resistance exhausts us and makes us less sharp in our thinking, so just like overwhelmed parents, we are no match for the freshness brought to the game by the other. Without the paper neither party has what they claim they have and those with less power and material things have less grotesque weapons, more fragile walls and smaller fences.....more vulnerable in both environments.......stripped of the Earth's and dependent upon society's.......so they believe..... and belief it's self is a from of magic, a magic of perception, purveyed by the magic of words and "dress up".
We are such intricate things....we are all magicians. And as we embrace our cyclical nature, the magic of each "season" is noticed, appreciated, and finds it's proper uses.
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