Saturday, December 26, 2015

Our most mature aspects

 We experience within us the feeling/perception.experience/personas of a mother and father metaphor: the experienced thinker and heart space. They usurp our experience from the "child within". Turns out, these aspects which assert to the inner "child" that it has no idea what is going on "out here" and/or "up here", are the most under developed aspects of us. They even go so far as construct a false energy/entity/feeling of an inner child presence, which the true inner being is NOT deceived by, buying into as it's self and thus draws things to us that kick our proverbial asses-parenting "us" instead.
  So, for example, we are presented with an experience/choice. The inner being, which we perceive as child like is supposed to have access to the brain to explore it's potentials: "imagine" what would happen if we engaged. Instead, what happens, is  the heart and brain cut off the "child" to interpret and choose for themselves what will happen, avoiding the imagination all together. Yet, these aspects are furthest from the core of our being and thus most limited in recognizing our true authentic self and it's journey/place within creation/this reality. thus it is we are led about by children. When we see or hear of an event that takes the lives of people or animals, we get excited inside-the inner being recognizes something. The heart only feels the surface of what it is witnessing, death of another human being, via empathy, feeling the pain. The brain doesn't wan that so it determines an action that will sooth the heart space of it's pain: send love and light and prayer for the victims. In doing so, it over rides and accuses and abuses the inner being, the most mature and extensively aware aspect, which recognizes the cleansing of diseased elements from the Earth and it's own experience. I'm not advocating going out and committing mass murder, but allowing the diseased elements to bring one another to extinction IS appropriate.
  And if we choose to dance to the song "Let the mother fucker burn!", we rejoice and draw to us experiences of not only more of the Earth, but of our inner being....we summon forth the purification of our more immature aspects: our hearts and minds, our shoulders and arms, our teeth, eyes, ears and brain. And if we allow it to occur within our own framework, harsh outer experiences need not occur.
Go in! Go in! Go in! and let the mother fucker burn! Don't make sense of things. Just do them and let the sense of them come when we are ready/able to receive until our immature aspects cease attending what is outside of us and are brought into alignment solely with that inner "divine" being, not separate and overbearing nor separate and serving but an expression of it.

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