Saturday, December 5, 2015

Some Sweet Relief

    Where others might cry tears of frustration, victimization, or cry out in rebellion, I'm just relieved at the latest realization I've been given to consider.
     I was suddenly unable to scan documents into my computer. An odd development, but with constant automatic updates, my computer is always changing so I thought nothing of it. That was until I tried to get a mysterious $50 taken off my internet bill. I knew I had payed more than the original price given plus every month, the full amount. So what is this extra $50 that keeps showing up? Finally I get someone to tell me it is a networking charge. When they come to hook up your internet, if they network your computers, printers and whatever else needs it for you, they add this charge. I didn't have them do that: I had only one computer and the printer is plugged directly into it so it didn't have to be networked.......until they got a hold of it! ah ha! So that is why it wasn't working when I tried to scan documents into it!
  Now I think about all this. If we don't pay these charges and can't get them to take them off, we end up in debt. The debt is sold and a mark goes against our credit. With marks against our credit we are a "credit risk" unable to rent a place to live, buy a home, etc. So, we meekly pay every theft out of fear of being of poor charector: "A credit risk", "a weak application", "homeless" "one of those people".
 The reflecting didn't stop there, for it's not just the utility companies that steal through trickery. When it comes down to it, we are to be "responsible", "productive members of the community" by working most days of our life to purchase stolen property. Someone killed someone to take the land that delivers the resources to make or grow the things we buy. We are slaves forced to work to get what was rightly yours or someone else's to begin with. And the self-judgement if we do not keep that good credit and good standing in the community as a "producer" of income to pay into it. And if frustrated or disheartened, there are tons of gurus and speakers out there lifting spirits and convincing people to also become thieves selling "feel good mojo" to rejuvenate you long enough to get you to want to jump back into the system to "claim your abundance" full of light and love. Life coaches, motivational speakers......OR you get the "tough love" approach from the right-wing "you deserve what they're trying to deprive you of because you worked for it!". All of designed to gear you up to being that full-throttle gear in their machine. If you don't want to sell your time, body, or can always sell your spirituality! Pay me so much and I will let you feed off my spirit and all it's experiences! woohee!
   But gone are judgments about how people make their money. Who are we but cogs in a wheel trying to do the right thing, caught up in something that's got way too much speed. Nothing in it worth saving but letting it go means a perception of uncertainty and fear of oppression, even violence done to us for simply taking what we need. We would all have to quit at once, all police and military simply laying down their guns and an emptying of prisons of those we are told are thieves for doing exactly what our governments do "for us", just on a smaller scale and far less back-up.
   So, I am free of self-criticism and judgement about whether or not anyone else would view me as responsible, productive, loving, hard working........why would I care what thieves and their unthinking, fearful minions think of me? I simply do what I am given, cry in relief of the weight of judgement I've been wearing and allow myself to more fully embody soft ease and well-being: that's the life for me!

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