I woke this morning to an illustration and a benign observational feeling towards it, wondering "Why would I be given this?". I'll save the illustration for the end because to most it would be most provoking. I will, rather, begin with where it led. And I called forth all aspects from all directions within me to come embrace the parts of me coming to this realization, the warrior aspect to hold us up in place so we don't go off the deep end over it or flee into denial from it. I am not changing my habits first. I'm allowing to sink deep, reaching all the inner aspects that have been hurt by this first, allowing to permeate the deepest aspects first while gently reminding myself every time I engage in it: "This is not NEEDED". And I pray to my inner kingdom "Give me a picture of me free of these things to which to cling, to remind, to endear me to it....." and I reach as far I can stretch to let it in......realize, it's already been given. I can do this. So, I choose to give myself the taste of it by choosing it when I remember it until it blossoms and grows and expands within me unto full embodiment.
It led me to re-visit another observation of mine of which I had no idea what to do with. When I am extremely happy, I want to devour good tasting food. I want to consume something, inhale something. Often I choose a cigarette if it's not something delicious to eat, to luxuriate in. Things began to click. I had already observed a child brought up in a violent environment (whether emotionally violent, intellectually violent or physically violent) associates elevated energy embodiment with violent 'joking', upheaval, actions. So, your typical abused child will beat on someone or something when they get excited, happy, or upset.
Our need to consume something when happy is programmed into us via the media....even the idea of giving to less fortunate is associated with this. Heightened joy is associated with: received by giving something with which to be able to consume or to do the consuming ourselves....consuming. The "old Italian grandma" image, mothers wanting to feed as an expression of love and appreciation.....every bit of it is an association of emotion with consumption. We love to cook? Because we allow ourselves to feel our nurturing qualities while we do and to imagine the rewards of consuming or giving to another to consume. So ALL aspects are involved in this: the warrior on the hunt for how to obtain what is needed and then hunt to pursue the prey(that which shall be consumed) to feed and nurture the immediate family(the aspects of our being) as well as extended (physical outer family, friends, relatives, strangers on the street).
Now, we cannot argue any of this: there are breathairians walking this planet bearing children, living long lives, being body builders even! So we push on with this. children lose their interest in eating at an early age. How many toddlers going through this are met with worried parents seeking advice on how to trick their children into greater appetites? How many are told "you have to eat more or you'll get sick, won't grow strong"? (while quietly fearing "how many people will think I'm a bad parent, a failure at parenting?" Yet, babies and toddlers have an almost overwhelming urge to place things in their mouth. The greatest "taste receptors" are actually in our sinuses, not our mouths. When we are tasting something, we are to a greater degree smelling it. If we plugged our noses, the taste of our food would be weakened. We were meant only to "taste" our environment just as one would smell a flower to enhance our experience of it as we would add it to an appreciation of it's color, shape and size...we might lick it if we like. When we observe animals (scientists will assert differently), we see biological machines tending to, maintaining, grooming our physical environment. How much do animals ACTUALLY eat? Squirrels skitter about tasting their environment, moving seeds about, as to birds. Grazers mow the grasses, trim(prune) the trees, and predators take out the weak, the sick, the lame, the out of balance,....."the infection". Most animals make it through entire winters without eating much if anything. So, what IS our function as another bio-mechanical unit upo this earth...the message is in the "medium", so when we rid ourselves of mis-programming, what is left? We shall see...."I pray for THIS vision to come forth from within me"......"to observe and be observed in complete appreciation, being completely appreciated...with all of our senses and perceptions".
The illustration I woke with was this:
We are definitely strange and odd little characters aren't we? We go up to a litter of critters. We choose one to share affection we feel uncomfortable sharing with ourselves and/or other humans. We confine it, stuff it with a "proper" diet, give it toys to entertain it, inject it with poisons and "neutralized" diseases. The rest we send off to the slaughter house to be killed, dismembered, and processed for us to eat. The "litter of critters" is the animal kingdom. We drag them into our cages and our insanity and call them "companions", "members of the family". They share our diseases: cancers, allergies, psychosis, panics, anxieties.........aren't we strange little beings? We are sadistic little children calling our sadism kindness and goodness and loving........just as much as any serial killer who eats their prey and "plays" with them by torturing them. They will insist they have the greatest affection for them! And we, we are no "better" than them.
No wonder my stomach over the past year has felt best when it's empty. It's supposed to be.
The manner in which we eat, consume, and relate to fellow beings, in essence, is self mutilation.
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