Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Why would there be a "Bigfoot" cover-up?

  I see it serving and benefiting the governments on two fronts:
1) The government is created to govern. This means people must perceive a need to be governed. If there is something out there the government cannot protect us from, we throw it off as useless. Better for them for us to believe in enemies we perceive them able to protect us from: terrorists, other human beings they can control and kill as easily as they do us.

2)The government has figured out it needs pristine environments to preserve and maintain our "standard of living", theirs specifically. So, how do they keep their control of the pristine wilderness they need to continue to live without the rank and file wandering onto it and growing healthy food so they can live? Allow fear of them to exist in the general population to a "reasonable" extent. Inexpensive fencing, that fear is. They know fear brought into wilderness draws violence, thus they can foster the perception that only "trained professionals" should be in those environments. So then you get self-proclaimed "trained professionals" bringing their guns out into the wilderness. The problem for them is: they're only trained to be more intimidating than the average human being, which means they're trained in how to wield fear in an excited manner. Excitement is out of balance and thus draws violence. So, even "trained professionals" succumb to disappearance. Thus, it is, only "specialized" trained professionals can access it............those who wield powerful presence without excitement or emotion, "cold blooded killers". With emotional intelligence absent, they are "programmable", have no natural resistance to thought patterns introduced to them which bypass emotion. They grew up witnessing that "good" is acceptable and "bad" is not. They thus are told "for the good of all" something must be done. that feels good, and they'll have to overlook the "unreasonable, emotional" masses who they cannot empathize with anyways. They have no clue why one would resist the idea of good they are enacting. It's "reasonable" and "logical". It is easy for them to turn away requests for information because they are not susceptible to the emotional value of them and the concept of a "right" as we would understand does not exist. they only know that keeping the information silent is "right" as in the "good" they have been programmed to defend. Thus they enforce the government's "right" to govern/control over any "natural right" someone else might understand.

So, the average human being, ridden with fear and insecurity has no chance amongst nature's "cold blooded killers" and man made "cold blooded killers". To flee one is to run into the arms of the other and to flee the other is to run into the arms of the one. The only way out is to fear neither and very few have the guts to make the journey that would take. Nature's "cold blooded killers" are capable of pure empathic states of being, which appear chaotic, illogical, unpredictable, and "impossible" thus surprising man made "cold blooded killers" which rely on programmed "logic". Nature knows how to become distracted, which is interpreted as patient, whereas man made warriors become susceptible in the absence of a mission, a target and action upon them. They become restless, insecure and thus begin to wreak of fear in uncertainty.

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