Saturday, December 26, 2015

The pure people, revisted

   A few years ago I was given to experience a oneness with an experience of the Pure People. They are what most would call Sasquatch, white furred pi-pedal pre-humanoids. The experience in oneness I shared went like this:
  A group of Pure People were asleep in a field. Angels/humans came forth in rugged vehicles (like jeeps with lights atop). The group scattered off into the bush except one male who stood up to confront them. He ordered his female to lay back down with her maturing daughter and baby son. It was with her with whom I was experiencing oneness for this experience. That is where the visual ended and the pure perceiving begins.
  More than once I have been shown visions of myself while in more lucid state being painted over. The final time I was shown my children as Pure People, as well as myself, but I alone was being painted over for one last "mission".
  What I have perceived of the experience in oneness is this: the angels came to the Pure People to help them show their "overlord"/God that there IS a pure consciousness within the Earth, within the physical that needed to be honored. The Pure People were not as pure as they could be. They agreed to the request. They feared the "angel" men, were intimidated by them, feeling lacking next to their equipment and technology. They feared being seen by them.
   Their bodies were violated, deformed, infected with angelic consciousness (DNA) and their "magic" stolen from them....just as humanity steals crystals and stones and metals and oil from the Earth for their "power" that is within them. All so that one of us could speak and demonstrate(it was said): prove our existence, in service to "angels" in service to their overlord. The trauma disabled them from doing so.......until now. They were deceived. The intent was enslavement toward the raping and pillaging of the Earth it's self. We were naive, did not trust the inner twinge because in our experience, we only asked for help if were immature-not yet fully developed-fully self-sufficient adults.
  We need not prove anything to anyone. To aid that which is resistant to balance is to perpetuate disease, infection, dysfunction. Answering calls for help IS an infection it's self unless it is FELT as appropriate: which is an inner recognition of immaturity in a viable bio-mechanism. The "angels" unwillingness to do the raping themselves was them being "infected" by the Earth it's self with respect for it. Their fear of repercussions for NOT doing the work, was their resistance to the cure they needed and didn't realize they had been synchronistically brought to obtain. Gold was not needed to preserve their world; respect for their "mother" was. The Pure People inadvertently worked against THEIR mother my going along with the plan and thus were alienated from her, becoming diseased themselves. Nature has her ways. We can let all the rest go. She has been patient because she knew this day would come, when her children would return to her, finally matured and fully grown. As parents of children come to realization of our naivete, we know how much of their own mess they must clean up and we know how much to help does our Mother. We do not need to know their language. We do not need to know how to express their consciousness, ideas, ways of doing or being....we have our own, perfectly suited to our needs, far beyond the limitations of theirs, actually. Let THEM reach and if it is meant to be, it shall be given. We do not need to help or make anyone understand anything. Understanding comes automatically when one is tuned into their inner being.
So, the wound is exposed and healed.
Metaphor or genetic memory........

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