Friday, March 6, 2020

Birds of the day

  Standing outside this morning, Mockingbirds did a mating dance in front of me on the ground. A Grackle popped in next to the mockingbird up on the wire for a moment:

Mockingbird Spirit Animal
Its innocence is reflected by its meanings of joy, playfulness, and gratitude. On the other hand it is also a symbol of protection, cleverness, and the ability to communicate well — qualities that can be channeled for a covert fight. The mockingbird is so-called because of its ability to mimic the songs of other birds.
Grackles: Grackles are known as very intelligent, playful and happy birds. Their colors show  us emotion, the color of life.
The common grackle is visually distinguished from other black birds by the variations of its colors. While some grackles have black colorations from head to tail, most of them have heads bathed in shades varying from bluish to bronze. This in itself is a statement from the grackle, and one we can adopt — just because one looks like something, does not necessarily mean that it is.

I jumped out of bed this morning as I heard the beep of the school van for the neighbor. I heard her talking and kinda knew she wasn't ready, so I knocked and waved for the van to wait a minute. My momentum was at point blank, but the subtle layers were already in tune with the energies of the day while my denser self was sluggish in comparison. The energies are of intensification and speeding up. My psychically connecting with the "League of Extraordinary Gentle" energy yesterday sped things up, my cooperative response drawing it closer, quicker. I could reconnect to it this morning readily once I got going with the momentum. The calm, cool, intellectual me is causing contrast to the woo-woo, dancing twirling "Esther" of the movie nature within me. I'm gonna have to let go of alot of hurt to let that one rise up fully for embodiment, so that's happening. resisting with thoughts of 'is that safe?' because so raw and vulnerable and sensitive once the clueless to the negative is penetrated. It IS safe.It's the safest state I could be in.
Sara Sophia Eisenman posted: "Being absolutely chockerblock full of intensity, passion, creativity and love with no SAFE place to express these and let them flow fully - can be its own form of trauma. Sometimes it’s not what’s “done” to us, it’s being an active volcano or a fast wild horse in a world where we’re expected to be dormant as cardboard and dutiful as slaves. That demand of suppression and the resulting, unbearable internal pressure “alone” is trauma. Well worth looking into"
my response: "Totally resonates with me today as my intellectual, calm cool, grounding and stabilizing 'grown up' person I've become that truly well and good serves others as well as myself is in the way of the twirling, light, fanciful, prophetic, intuitive, psychic innocence being drawn up and into embodiment by the intensification and speeding up of energies this morning. I do question the safety of letting her up fully because I am in an environment chock full of people who would keep me down to make them look good. Their profit in being a 'helping'/charity organization is in making sure there are those who continually in need of help. The increasing needs serve as job elevation and job security, feeding the ego of the 'righteous over selfish wealth' personality, the martyrs of 'the system'. They are not, in that state of being, worthy of witnessing this dance. /they can only hate and resent it, are resorting to pettiness expressed in deprivation of myself and children; the ultimate evil (one of them). The truth serum my presence is makes them aware of it, hating it, escalating their hatred and resentment. But, they can only get away with so much with me can they? (asking self as I write this) The rest will obliterate them instead of me/1 Thanks for prompting with your post and 'listening'! lol gotta go; I have energetic work to do!"

Sara posts; I like to break weird social media rules in such ways as:
-posting 'too many' times a day
-sharing that which is too 'vulnerable or 'revelatory' for my status as an 'expert' (which I refuse to claim as such)
-posting too many pictures
-posting things that are over-the-top celebratory
-not editing pics that display my generally messy house
-including song, dance and other media that are extremely 'un'professional
-refusing to curate my life and feed to provide a museum quality experience because I'm not a fucking museum of sex and cuteness
I do this because the rules are fake and stupid and I want to BREAK THE FOURTH WALL at every possible opportunity so we don't have the chance to keep our masks so straight that we never actually see each other.
I like to throw it all off balance, put a monkey wrench in the machine, expose the hidden limits, impositions and violations SO THAT we can actually love ourselves and each other just a tiny bit (or maybe a whole lot) better.
Enjoy it or hate me for it. It's fine with me either way.

my reply; I am SO doing the same thing! lol One point that I am deviating from your list, however, is on the expert thing. Self-taught experts at anything are more highly cherished and sought after now that it is becoming more commonly aware that the old way of becoming deemed an 'expert' are useless in becoming successful in this budding new age. I have become profoundly successful at self awareness, the key to happiness and tapping into our own creative abilities consciously. To say I am anything less than an expert of self is to create 'others who know me better than myself' and 'have authority/control' over me. Oh, hell no! If it takes self declaration of expertise to set me free, I'm shouting it across every f*cking dimension that's every been created/come into existence! I'm owning this sh*t!
Hand of god repressing the attackers that would be, time for me to be freely dancing, allowing the increase of aspects to happen. I asked for this! 
A coming home.
Got the phone call; van is fixed. Bike rack is on the way. Monday. Destination- love and adoration!
PTSD= Present traumatic stress Discernment. 'flash back'= 'as if'. It's now and it's real.

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