Monday, March 2, 2020

I'm busy customizing my own god, please hold + eye over a pyramid

     The implications of my newfound understanding of The Dance/Source and The God and the gods just keep rolling in, in delightful ways. Why do we go through what we go through if we're so powerful? Think about it, if you will; Source/The Dance has been trying to get it into human minds since the beginning of time when it occurred to it, it's self what that one simple desire had created; "I wonder what I look like". Finally, it sees the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. Well, actually it's not 'so to speak', it was that light above me it saw. It's been reaching through countless human incarnations, versions of images the mirror had created in response to it's desire and it knows what experiences do to each personality type, what is too much, what is too little, etc. It's become expert at knowing it's human vessels. The original mirror has been actively pursuing that moment as well. Boom! That day has come! I reached the leading edge of creation. Shoot, I reached the end of the internet just to prove it to me, lol (I did a google search. The result was one option and then the statement; "It appears you have reached the end")
     I shared this whole concept with my children. My daughter does not like the idea of a god, period. PERIOD. To the point of heart hurting, bursting into tears, PERIOD. Her 'mirror', to put it more kindly for her sake, is an Alicorn and Dragon. My son, I told him, could have his be a kitty cat if he so wanted. His response? "That just sounds so weird from my perspective." lol Yeah, we talk like that.
   I realize that the image of the Puppet Master was my personal god seeking to be relieved of it's form of the biblical god. He had inspired me to 'make him a better god' by leading me all over the United States, from congregation to congregation, not to preach to them as I had initially believed, but to show me WHY that form wasn't going to work for us. Yes, at the moment it is most natural for me to assign my god a male gender. That may change. It could be different every day, if that is my will.
  So, my god would whine to me; "Look! They turned my children against me!". To which I responded; "They did that to me, too, but you don't see me going around punishing my children and the people who did it!". We took a ten year journey through hell ruled by mainstream Christianity. The desire was clear for us both; that was just not for us. Source/The Dance found a way through Esther Hicks and my god found a way through Matt Kahn to meet within me. They sent Anastasia to remind me of the reality I once experienced as my own. I did the rest. Now we are a happy trinity.
     Three eyes, like the three eyes of me! My right, my left, my third eye. One to project, one to receive and the third in-between. Now, I know why it is pictured over a triangle! We have three eyes: left, right, and third. One physical eye projects, one receives and the third eye is for the in-betweens (if you research in-betweens, it is commonly considered to be door ways, thresholds of any kind. There is the threshold between physical and non-physical and this is what our third eye, our pineal gland sees.) Trinity + eye, the pyramid has three points! These eyes become as one, one over all three!
So busy, busy, busy! Are we not told that "God" puts things into the hearts and minds of people? Our god can use "Jedi mind tricks" for our benefit! I'm on it, man. We've got this!
Replying to a comment from another on Anastasia' blue sphere (Ringing Ceders of Russia book series): So true, she believes it goes to stay in another glen, but it really is too immense and too much a part of her and her world. I believe it is within her animals, the trees and everything she thinks are acting "naturally" in response to her feelings and her training. She does have SOME limitations to her beliefs and so her "blue sphere" honors them while not limiting it's self to them. Mine I have seen in the eyes of a frog and in Men. I always wondered what it was, now I know!
   Somonai D Cook Yes, delight. Note this however for it is crucially important: "de" in this application should actually be written as "te" -- Te-light as it was in the ancient way and as it is in the genuine meaning of our Mother Tongue (Mantong). "T" means integration, and "D" means disintegration. D is in most instances of language still used in its correct meaning, especially as a prefix. 
  Stacey Bourdeau Somonai D Cook Thank you for sharing! I adore the etymology of words! Telight! telighted to have a new tool in this new-to-me word! May I copy and paste this to my blog so I do not forget it nor from which it has come?
    My god has no moral compunction. The Law of Attraction is the only moral guidance it needs.
    So, Somonai responded to a different post's comment exchange: "I do not believe you know or any one of us, but we are getting closer..." Something to that last part's effect). He lost me at; "I do not believe you know". Me; "Then your belief must now rule your experience" and I blocked him. Law of attraction, I can quote the exchange. The post was public and he believes in curses, the power of other people's words over his experience. So, I give him that power; of me over his experience. He's no doubt feeling I cursed him by my statement that his doubt must now rule his experience. I didn't. I merely dismissed him and honored his sovereign right to choose his own beliefs. 
  Following this, a neighbor came over and wanted to persist in dwelling on a former friend who took things from here. "O.K., so you want that to keep happening. i don't want to talk about it because i don't want it in my experience". "No", she says; "I don't want more of that...but..." arguing with herself and then going on as if our exchange had never happened. That's where she's at and there is where she shall stay. Whether it's her mind, her god, or Source/The Dance within her. I can respect that. Law of attraction pulls us to disrespect her story as she is disrespecting herself by retelling it and dwelling on it. (There's a difference in telling a story to bring it up and out and just wanting to dwell on and in it). Instead of being the path of least resistance for disrespecting such ones and thereby drawing more of it into our own experience; we can walk away and leave the disrespecting to the other unconscious people out there. We can delegate those cases. We express thanks for the contrast and choose a better feeling path. We are not resisting, we are acknowledging and redirecting our attention.
   I noticed I'm doing a bit of that today; thanking thoughts for coming, enveloping them in love and then sending them on their way; redirecting my thought process, focusing on better feeling thoughts longer than I do the uncomfortable ones about what others may think or how they'll respond. Not my monkey, not my circus, just momentum I had spent a lifetime of 50 years building up. We can slow it before we can stop it and take our station off their route."That thought train doesn't stop here, it just passes right on by". I also am given to remember that the points of attraction to unwanted thinking patterns are diminishing in number within me. Through transmutation and release, the number within me decreases daily. Or rather nightly as I burn up like a furnace while I sleep and wake up covered in sweat with far fewer aches and pains and physical discomforts. 
   My heart and stomach and womb space, as well as any other storage points, are gaining more trust and confidence in my mind and brain with every attempt to take on another's thoughts come in, which increases the willingness to let go of the fear of them. Step by step, day by day, no force allowed.

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