I woke this morning with the song "Best day of my life" in my head. Time for my day's vibe to be set. And what a salvation that song is! The weekly meeting, drop off the van so they can fix it and send me on my way with nothing but the yearly spring time vision of what my summer is going to feel like. Man, not even a direction to travel in. My rising vibe has got to move anything in the way of it out of it's way. It's the story:
A Christian minister has discomfort stirring in his gut; "something has to change, something can", feeling forced to take a woman in whose life style and choices he can't get behind and he *knows* isn't gonna 'get with the program', which is his organization's program. Meanwhile......
A woman is learning to embody her worthiness, allow herself to see her own value. Stuck in a po-dunk town she had been in before and hadn't gotten anything good out of except her "We have the best life ever!" declaring son. Unbeknownst to her fully, she is valuing herself worth, her self value, more than life it's self. She calls CPS; 'come take my kids and dog and rats and van; I'm gonna go drink myself to death'. Life wouldn't allow it. CPS refused to take the children. She feels forced to accept the 'help' and 'support' of this program whose idea of stability is compliance with the system. This, to her, is a fate worse than death; submitting and obeying people who see no value in her, her life style, her choices, her motivations for those choices.
So, woman who brings value to every life she touches and gives to others their own "Best life EVER!" is in the care and keeping of an man who has it put in his heart and mind to spend the next year focusing on how to bring/add value to the lives and people he is 'serving'/'helping'/'supporting'. She is the answer to a prayer before it was even voiced. She knows it but can't *make* him see it and know it. She's gentle and generous about it but caught up in what it means to not be fully owning up to it. In her *knowing* they can't see it, she's not allowing them to see it.
She is prompted to remember the scene in the Steve Martin movie 'Parenthood' or something like that for a title) where at a school pageant he's all woozy at the sudden breaking out of it into chaos due to his child. His wife is by his side laughing as if it's a wonderful roller-coaster ride but he's the one lurching from side to side. My 'left brain' mind, the him, is saying to the inner intuitive, dancing self/her....I'm letting you do the driving from now on. Just call on me when you want me to create some structure for what you're wanting.
She imagines the good-byes and the speeches she could give and then the future when they see her being interviewed about her phenomenal rise. An option that never occurred to her sneaks in; "We're so glad that she didn't let what we did to her hold her back". She allowed in that none of them would need to live with regret over any of it and nothing but love, gratitude and appreciation exist between them. With that, she could let the story of how they got there go, what getting to that springtime's vision's embodiment and manifestation will feel and look like. She shortened that leg of the journey.
With "This is gonna be the best day of my life" humming through her head, she ventured off to her meeting, told the story and thereby taking it all out of her hands. She can now allow in and fully embody/own her TRUE story; she is the answer to the prayers of Men. She also notices in the meeting that what she boldly proposed in the last had taken root, been applied, added value to and brought relief to those she met with. She had told them that she would not say "we have broken the rules for you". She would say; "We have made adaptions for you". We have adapted. it occurs to this woman's head upon writing this; "We have adapted to you, to the message, to your presence". I AM welcome.
So, while the meeting was left with ideas in their heads that they were going to get that van on the road (our trusty Puppy, my dear, sweet, quirky companion) and send me off into the unknown of homelessness again; another potential exists and those van repairs might take more than a minute. They imagine her to be eager to get out from under them and back to the pure freedom of who knows where or how we're getting there. "God" may have something else in mind for them.
With good byes to her Puppy, she gets into the cab and closed in with exactly the nasty energy of the same dude who sought to deprive her of food out of petty resentment for her refusing to allow him inappropriate advances into intimacy and the driver's sickly looking little Chihuahua. "You're lying to me, you look like you're in your twenties". "Well, thank you for complimenting me by thinking I'm lying". "You married?" "Nope" "Where you from?" "I grew up in Connecticut" "I always liked the sound of that word; Connecticut". "Sure, it's Like Mississippi; it just catches ya". "What I wonder is; if there's a missis sipi, why is there no mr sippi?" "Because we Misses hippies don't need no man" "Oh but you want one!" "They're good for a bit of entertainment now and then". "Is that all they mean to you" "No, I just said that because I'm not comfortable with your line of questioning and I was breaking the tension with laughter". "Oh" Yeah, she's got this.
She's back to dancing......
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