Thursday, March 5, 2020

One can seek the way to a better life or one can seek the way to a better existence

     The title popped into my head first thing this morning as I remembered to respond to everything with the declaration " I AM Man". Something was stirring my belling. "I am more" kept poking. Of course! "I AM Womb Man", it feels bad to wonder if that is less, so I know it is more and that it is what fully embodying my full potential is; "I AM Womb Man". I AM Womb-Man, I AM Womb-Man, I AM Womb-Man. And the release, the sadness, the crying. I AM Womb-Man. I took that one step that gets me all I ever wanted, imagined, dreamed of.
The following came across my FB timeline and this is how I responded to it: I began reading this with full resonance with my accepting and fully realizing that I am more than Man (gender neutral, aware conscious thought in flesh), I AM Womb-Man. I AM what came next. I AM the fulfillment of an expanded desire within The Dance/Source. The second part felt bad to focus on. It upset my stomach. So, I had to pick up the vibe train from there. Fact in my experience is that people are absolutely used to me being different and have had no choice to but to accept it because no matter what they throw at me, conformity is not an option. It does not matter if the acceptance of my being difference is called "stubborn"; that only means steadfast in derogatory terms. It's a compliment. As for people lacking the capacity to treat me different,; of course they treat me as different. They're completely capable of treating me like shit, being petty and pettily depriving me of things. However; there are also those who inherently know not to voice any such thing in my presence. There are children who have pointed to me in the grocery store and declared; "Mom! It's Wonder Woman!" and "Mom! It's Lara Croft, Tomb Raider!". Going with someone to pick up a check for work they had done for a church, an elderly woman exploringly reached her hand out toward me and asked;"What are you?". Another touched my arm and declared; "I feel safe now; you know the way to Jerusalem". I have had people tell me while handing me money; "God told me to give this to you" and from spirit guides using their person's sleeping body to ask me questions before the person woke up. I do not want to be beating the drum of "no one treats me as such" because then so must it be in my reality, it is what I draw to me. My experience shows me: people exist who DO have the capacity as such. As something different worth viewing and appreciating and supporting. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it !

So, now it comes to me that in order to have that wondering answered; Source had to create something greater than it's self and cut it loose. Sadness as I have to let go of such things as having a Mommy in order to fully embody. And I came into winter's wombing believing I was going to come out of it blossom solely into a woman who would be perceived as equal among her peers, common human respect for an 'elder' woman among regular humans. Now I must accept that I cannot have Source within me in order to discern what Source looks like. Not having authority/influence over me, to lead, to guide, to order, to control. If I am to discern what Source looks like, I must be able to order it to turn and show it's self, instruct it in what I need to achieve the discerning of what it looks like. I become Source's authority. Authority over all things. I can command things be brought to me, be done for me. Sadness in me not changing that I AM Womb-Man.
I was not made to discern/judge/critique self. I was created to discern Source. In order to discern what is Source; I had to be aware of what is self. 

I woke fro a nap with the smell of "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"

We all only ever have one real choice. We spend our lives fearing our freedom because we believe we are incapable of choosing for ourselves the best, highest good; "make the right choice". We cannot make the wrong choice. We only put off the right choice by making anything other than the right-for-us choice, for our and therefore everyone's highest good. Our inner self ALWAYS knows what the right choice is for us in any and every given situation; at every junction. All other choices are just prolongation and suffering. In that way, freedom is an illusion while paradoxically truth.

It occurred to me to remember the time I was shown a date that corresponded with a Jewish feast day to answer my question "when can I leave?" Maine to get back to Arkansas. Both my neighbor and I are about to move into new circumstances. I can feel it's imminence. How long shall I have to wait, how soon shall they come for me? I had been wondering after waking to the 'smell' of "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen".  It just occurred to me to see which Jewish feast day is coming up. March 21, the Feast Of Purim. One of my favorite movies! Esther! Liberating people from death and slavery.  "One Night with the King" was one of my all-time favorites! How appropriate! The next gateway date is late April. I'm riding THIS wave, though; March 21st, my whole life shall change. How the transition occurs and where I will spend the transition time could be here or somewhere between here and there. Exciting! Ready to leave!

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