Of course, I could only do it in *certain* energy. I'm picky. Letting the guard down as I begin to feel the vibe of big money paired with unconditional generosity. "We can make it happen, easy", is the vibe I'm channeling in with.
I also realize that 'closed' circles of money are a natural development. I had seen how landlords donate to organizations that pay security deposits only to get it back when they manufacture a reason to evict the new tenants with tax cuts. I just learned hotels donate to organizations who pay for hotel rooms for homeless, thus returning their own money to them with tax cuts. Christian circles donate to church who donate to homeless who show gratitude by joining churches and donating time and money.....tax free. New agers aren't any different as one pays for a seminar and then the one doing seminars buys the stones and tarot decks from their clients. They also register as religious institutions and money moves tax free.
"Corruption" is just what one circle accuses the other of when they want the money traveling in the other one or they don't like what the money is going toward.
I am resonating with a home. There are two stories and a cast iron railing around spiral stairs.
I am sensing that while I am behind isolation (for consciousness reasons), there is no hiding from this virus. A wild animal carrying it is going to breath in the space of even the most remote people.
FB and Twitter have seriously quieted, though. people ARE going in and appreciating the isolation. They're in their own spaces, able to own them completely (unless they have children, but still, it narrows the circle). The inner circles are becoming the only consistent, familiar spaces. If those spaces are half way decent, they won't be in a hurry to leave them.
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