*note to readers: where it says something will happen, let us not forget that it is the nature of prophesy and most appropriate to interpret that it will happen "as if". And so, if things do not happen literally, no one will be drinking any kind of funky laced pink cool aid ;)
Drawn onto the edge of sleep I watch as a belief, one that is traditionally Native American, Is released and the world takes on a bluish hue. I slip back into sleep peacefully and am drawn again to the edge into vision where I am at a gathering of people and things, none of which hold my interest some of which I consider joining in just for the sake of others but have no clue how to begin or if it would even be beneficial. I wake with thoughts of the blue bird I have been seeing. And it begins to dawn on me. When I reach out energetically to the world around me, it is al evil. And then yet I see things with which such a belief would be inconsistent. The it dawns on me: these things that just don't fit are coming and going from a another dimension, one that exists parallel and within reach, within vision, one we can see and interact with. And I exist as these animals and things which do not fit do: interdimensionally, parallel and able to interact, appear to be sharing the same reality. And that at the end of August is what will be changing. I am sitting back on the airplane for but one reason: so I can leave a legacy for my children, friends and family, that they will have the tools they need to follow when once again there comes an opening. Yes, you are going back into the darkness. But with the tools I leave behind, to overcome it you are able. And you, too will be looking around wondering why the hell you are doing everything you are supposed to and yet nothing is getting better for you. Where are the rewards and the riches we have been promised? Well, you missed the boat and had to remain stuck down in the dungeon until it's next arrival. Hold in there, my children. It is coming eventually.
At the end of August I will be swept up into the seat that has been prepared for me, into another dimension completely, unable to effect this one directly. I will be all but disappearing. It is on the same "plane" but vibrationally different, with different rules to follow. More peaceful, more pure, more holy and thus less "joining in for another's benefit" will be allowed. I wouldn't even consider it and have stopped such considerations already. You will having to be working your way up to me for a change. How spoiled! lol I have constantly been dropping down to meet you, making myself vulnerable and ridiculous and silly. And now that will be changing. Doing as I did was not respectful, brought none to me or my family. A useless tool, really, except only in that by being down so low and ridiculous and silly, I was able to reach you, to reach my hand down, to extend to you a tool or two. That is what it means that an energetic alignment is coming. The birds and I, all we see that doesn't seem to fit entirely will be swept into complete vibrational alignment with this alternate reality and then a veil will be created, we shall be separated entirely instead of co-existing as we have been lately.
And so to everything subject yourselves. You are ridiculous and silly and deserving of punishment really. Take it good naturedly, laughing at how silly and how true. Take principles and thus yourselves seriously whenever you are able, are given to, allowed to, even when people tell you that you shouldn't, even when because of it you receive punishment. We are seriously in the business of saving you. We are not the ones punishing you. You are being punished by the keepers of the system we are leaving you behind in. And yes, you are being punished unjustly but rightly because you refused me completely. It was I who is now leaving you that you should have followed. Even if I did look ridiculous. Even if I was foolish. Even if I was tainted by darkness. Though i saw these things in God and the one called Jesus, yes, I still followed them in complete subjection, though not without criticism, lol. ugh, what a journey through reason and dysfunction! And now I get to leave it completely. I cry my tears of relief already.
Fear not, I will be in Brigadoon waiting.
They know you need love and affection, a sense of belonging and so they appear to embrace you fully while you sink in relief and a sense of safety. But behind you with their other hand, they are pulling the rug out slowly, reaching into your pockets and stealing your spiritual and emotionally energy, convincing and deceiving you into accepting their reasoning, their beliefs and the apparently good things they are offering. Better to be lonely. Better to be fighting your own longings. Make friends with your money, never misled is for that only they want you and let you in this day and this day only. Do more than expected. Carry a small tent, they come in handy and you always have a place to sleep in. Retreat to the nearest house no matter how ugly, if invited. The fields are unsafe really, only ever temporarily. Let God use you to test them and prove you. Be ever ready to cut your losses and let go of anything and everything, material things.....for them it is not worth arguing and in the end you will lose them anyways. They do not play fairly and yet it is all fair in a way. Be prepared to be sent on missions if you are making progress, appearing to go back emotionally a few steps to bring others the tools to move forward with you.
Two months, two months and all shall be shifting.
We trade a body made of dirt for one made up of "the dust of the earth". It is the pain and doubt and suffering we shall be shedding. No more living in uncertainty. The soul that is in the blood is coming, it is the blood that isn't. It is the body of dust that is coming, it is the dirt of this system that isn't.
It is kinda cool observing this all happening within me. Kinda like watching surgery: I perceive an old inner skin shedding. I sense a heavier energy coming in. I am being fed images to once again stimulate and excite my "dust" or "light" body to life once again. But slowly, ever so slowly and gently, step by step, so I do not launch out of this dirt prematurely. I do wonder why we are waiting for that very last moment of the alignment for it to happen completely. I have seen those who have left their dirt bodies, walking beside us, mean and angry actually. This dirt body must be a protective shell or something presently.
I also wonder what kind of rumors will be spread. To us it will apear everyone else has been "taken up" or taken away suddenly and to everyone else it will apear thus to them, the same, that we have been taken up, taken away, found dead or missing or something. Who is to say? We shall all just be eating and sleeping, doing nothing really to influence or change these things outwardly and then we shall suddenly be changed. We will look around and a lot will be missing but to them they will look around but everything is the same except for some of the people missing. We will see buildings missing and all those sorts of things. They will only be missing people. And aha! the reason for this change having to come suddenly for some of us: there are a whole lot who have already been changed, but won't be coming. And so the rioting is already starting.
ooopsie, spilled the beans early. Just got bumped up a few seats on the airliner. I was supposed to be languishing and longing, waiting for our meeting and for me to be like them. Yet this is not what is happening. I am fine with the process, not at all regretful I am not like him. This changes everything for some odd reason. Their arrogance I will never get.....said humbly as one should never say never for that, to fate, is too tempting ;) And indeed, I am getting a feeling of a bit of arrogance in me already. Better to now deal with it instead of it holding me back later. Because it is not appropriate. The spilling of the beans was God given. It is He who wanted it done early. He does so for His own reasons. To expose the things we are feeling. So we may be rid of them in time for this energetic shift, this alignment. Inner house cleansing happening before it even has a chance to get and stay dirty :) The spirit was known, but no the vessel and that will be revealed early as well because that, too will cause issue. And now I am sick to my stomach with the thought of a certain vessel I might have to be accepting for His arrival. Jeep Grand Cherokee indeed says me, in blue. It was the one he was given to have chosen at my discretion. And just that they have given Him everything. Of this I am resentful. I shouldn't be really for I was quite content with what I had chosen. But he had support and love and affection and attention and legitimacy while I languished in neglect and solitude. But I am the stronger for it and it is something he could never have handled, would never have chosen. Yup, processing the garbage, the hypocrisy in my own thinking. Yeah, this couldn't have waited until last minute. It just would have been stuff shoved into a closet to be later dealt with, darkness hidden within. We don't want it. And, as usual, just an exercise of letting go of things, this being just an example the universe is using to draw out of me any issues.
But then I discover there is an even deeper root to this. it is not pain and anger and resentment and sadness about them that needs confronting and releasing. No, it is the love and affection for them that was hidden beneath, protected and defended as a deep dark secret within me, the maintaining of loving feelings. I guess there must have been secret hopes and things still attached to them, potentials we saw in the beggining were potentials we embraced fully when we began our relationships. We failed ot let go of them when they ended. But loving feelings not shared, returned and/or appreciated are nothing but burdensome and a weight to be carried, constantly festering in thei rstale state of unuse and lack of refreshing. Nope, got to release the old to allow in the new loving feelings that will be coming.
Love is built upon shared moments of appreciation, I see suddenly. That means a couple has common interests, common things they appreciate. There may be shared sunsets, shared moments watching the children in appreciation. We become bonded together by these things. But anything else is just two people co-existence in different circles that come together in the evening for shared sex. Many see that as a relationship that is working. But where there is no shared appreciation, there is only resentment and sex is passionate because it is an act of hatred. Nothing more and nothing less in the giving.
No; real love is shared perceptions, beliefs, experiences and interests. It is nothing more and nothing less than this.
Ah, she says as she realizes: that is why their bond is so much stronger than mine. They share hatred and fear of me with one another. It is a strong bond not easily broken. Definitely not one that is life sustaining or producing, but a strong connection that won't be readily broken and full of resistance to any loving feelings. They appreciate evil done to me, thus they love evil things. So, there is love in evil. It is an attachment, a shared connection. Not healthy or up building, but in it's own way it IS life-sustaining, their love is thus the same really. In that way it is stronger and even more meaningful, enduring. It is based on the same thing: shared moments of appreciation. They enjoy/appreciate shared moments of hating things and seeing bad/evil things happening to the same things and the same people. A love bond created over positive things is thus unfamiliar to many and thus makes them uncomfortable, naturally. They used to bonding over hated things. The bonding over loving things thus reaches into places they are not used to going, where they feel vulnerable and think needs defending against sharing, exposing. But the first thing people do when they meet is look for common ground to work from, so people unfamiliar with love connections over positive things are put off by a positively loving person with appreciation for the simpler, finer, heartfelt things who is put off by hatred. They feel judged for their attachment to hatred and thus their loved ones who they do indeed love due to all the shared moments of hatred, whether it be of someone else or even each other. I do stand corrected by all means. Astounding, really. So, they would really prefer to go into death together than into life with me.
Then what will be will be. Unless they begin to see things differently, of their own free will, of course and inevitably. For what kind of life is hatred sustaining and producing? One that is destructive, thus short lived, corrupted, limiting, conditional. Whereas love built upon apreciation of truly appropriately good things is creative, inventive, nurturing, expansive, flowing freely, unlimited and unlimiting. It may lack the brute strength of a bond of hatred, but it is far more fertile, durable, enduring, resilient and endearing.
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