Saturday, June 8, 2013

Upcoming Energetic Alignment

     This morning I was brought from sleep to be shown events that were upcoming. I was on an airplane and we were being given instructions on what would happen in case of an emergency. I was told to move to a more forward seat where the oxygen mask would drop down from the ceiling. I was told I would have to move because the seat in which I was sitting was old and did not have the emergency oxygen or cushions on the seat. I looked back at the seat in which I was sitting and sure enough, it appeared to be an old metal chair with wooden slat seat. Drill over, I was returned to that old seat.
     Suddenly I was swept into that forward seat and given a date, August twenty something(I was too tired to remember exactly as my body was desperately trying to pull me back into sleep) and shown an event about to occur, what was the emergency. In the heavens, in outer space, I saw a flash of light, an explosion and of white light that went outward through the universe. Before I could even form the question "What is this?", came the answer "an energetic alignment".
     So, at the end of August I will be moved into a position better suited to survive an energetic alignment. What does this mean? I am on an airplane= I am in control of things/my destiny. A more forward seat= more prestige/higher priority. An energetic alignment= circumstances, conditions, are brought into alignment, meet, one's level of consciousness.
     At the moment, people of a lower consciousness are quite often enjoy a higher standard of living. In an energetic alignment, this would be changing. But, we may be deceived because a "higher" standard of living is one that is more simple and free. So, a person who is laid off might not perceive such a change as a higher standard of living they have been raised up into in order to match their higher state of consciousness. A worldly human perspective cannot see/discern necessarily such things.
    Whether the energetic alignment upcoming is simply my own little inner universal environment and the movement is my human consciousness brought forward to meet that of my spiritual consciousness or if the event is universal as in going to effect the world around me, I cannot be sure and it doesn't matter really. What will be will be. hate to be selfish about it, but I know I am being given what I need and will be taken care of in whatever type of event is coming. Everyone has been warned and everyone knows exactly what is happening. We are each responsible with how we have responded.
   Many say nothing happened at the predicted end of the Mayan calendar, but it did. The consciousness of a new world was brought in. This "energetic alignment" just might be the physical reality being brought in to match it. Everyone has had the better part of a year to prepare, to bring themselves, their own consciousness, into alignment with it. It is no one else's responsibility if you haven't. This is where "let those being taken into captivity go into captivity" and "the patience of the saints" comes in. May you be at peace with your decision.

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