Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Bra: An Illustration

In a courtroom I am questioned. "In the blog are the things you think and you believe". "No, they are not. I do not believe these things nor do I think them". How can this be if I speak honestly? They are simply things I have been given. They are not what I believe nor are they what I think. If I were given an invisible bra, I am but walking around with a bra no one sees or perceives. So, I draw a bra on a piece of paper and hand it to the lawyer doing the questioning. Now HE has a bra drawn on a piece of paper. he calls people on the phone and tells people I have given him this bra drawn on a piece of paper. His friend believes he has a bra. His wife thinks he has a real bra. Having another woman's bra is scandalous. The bra is not a problem. What other people think about that bra or believe about that bra are the problem. What they think I might think about the bra and what they believe I might believe about the bra is a problem they might create for me, believing or thinking it might be a problem wiht my ability to function in society, as a parent, etc. However, the bra is not a problem and really, what trouble could an immaterial and invisible bra be? Could I hit and hurt someone with it? No. So, what I write is simply something I have been given. It is not what I think nor is it something I believe. What I write really is not a problem unless I choose to make it one or someone else tries to make it one. Emotionally honest journeying through the potentials of things.

A bit later it is given me as I slightly fret over my constant inner reflections:
"Self awareness is the beginning of intelligence".

Intelligence is born of self awareness. Intelligence then gives the awareness perspective. Intelligence is based on thinking and beliefs about a thing and does not give it perspective until it becomes self reflective and objective.
"Together we heal what we have created"
He does not heal me, has no right to it. Nor do I heal him independently. "Though I am not worthy" says he "please allow me to be a part of your healing process". She consents graciously.
The Golden/brown state of being that was taken by the darkness was born of it and thus rightly returned to it. The state of being, child still held inwardly, that came before, existence was "in the beginning" will be returned to it. And that which came after will live in the "Happily Ever After" 'movie experience'.
The child's parting was heart breaking.
 Now the neighbor's dog returns the dark energy it had been snatching and holding. Guess I still have stuff to process that would have interfered with the release of "what was in the beginning". So the new child really is new potential development/expanded understanding. Dang. It gets better than this?!
O.K. So she just stepped out graciously to them, the legions of angels both light and dark, carrying with the darkness the dog was holding to balance out the new understandings she had been given. And back in comes the girl crush thing masculine energy experiencing from my dream. Oh, good grief I'm giddy.
The enlightened one returned to highest levels of duality with darkness and new understandings will be there for my children to adopt in turn each. The new child will be the even more enlightened one just without the experiences I now will experience and gain even more enlightenment from. That is how things keep going from this point onward I am receiving (and guessing?).

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