Sunday, January 8, 2017

Discovered my backbone......

I love my salty friends! They say just the right thing at just the right time without even knowing what is going on....
my friend sends me this meme. I told her it was timely because some people got pissed at me last night. So, she responds with "Glad to see you finally living up to your full potential!"
When I got done laughing at that I realized, wow, she's right. I have spent my whole life terrified of making people angry at me, not liking me, stop talking to me, talking bad about me.......terrified of confrontation. last night I did not cringe a bit. I had no doubts about my choices. I know who I am, I know exactly what I did. I do not regret or feel ashamed of it and know I have no reason to. Last night showed me who I have become, a potential that had been living inside me waiting to burst forth in all it's fearless, shameless, knowing glory. I truly am not playing small anymore and I am proud to have had that shown to me. I am strong and I am beautiful in my actions and choices. So, I am grateful last night happened in a way that is not smarmy or resentful. I'd rather we were still friends and I'm totally open to a "hey lady" coming my way, but I do not feel alone or afraid as I would have previous days. I know everything is and will continue to be O.K., if not continuing to get better every day. my future is not dependent upon these people because if they're vacating it only leaves room for other brave, bold, fearless, shameless people to find their way into my experience. I love them, I love you and I am going to go on doing what I do even more aware now of how much all the personal work is worth. I have self worth finally!
Stacey grew a backbone!

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