I see alot lately of posts being shared on Face Book that are affirmations about god having their back, god taking care of their enemies, etc. "Breakthrough" is a big seller. It's all a bunch of brainwashing, the attempt to brainwash one's self, the technique peddled by those who want money or notoriety. It results in a momentary high with an "amen!" and then it's back to complaining about a shitty life, who is and is not good to them, etc.
A true breakthrough only comes when one can take a page out the script of the bible book of Job. I'll sum the book up in human terms for ya:
Satan seduces god into a cock-waving competition. The wave of god's cock= Job. The wave of Satan's cock=the suffering he can cause Job.
Now, Job does all the mental exercises those doing their own self brainwashing with affirmations are doing (and yes, I did myself at one time). They are finding ways to justify what is happening to them. The false comforters are doing the same for Job (as the spiritual hustlers are doing in selling their statements of affirmation and declarations). Eventually Job gets a strong sense of self that is indisputable. He justifies himself and demands god do the same. Yes, god huffs and puffs and bluffs then acknowledges Job's position with action: restoration of all Job had lost. We all know those kinds of people: they will not acknowledge your being right with their words (their ego is too fragile and will not admit to being wrong), but they will do what is needed of them because it is the right thing to do. God admitted he could not justify his actions (or lack of them on Job's behalf) in action, if not in words. Neither god nor Satan won that cock-waving contest. Job did. The end.
So, what would it look like to be like Job in this day and age, in plain English language? Number one: we all know pissing contests are absurdly immature. Too many of these affirmations are a "god has my back not yours" pissing contest. Drop them. If all your misery is what god having your back looks like......call him on it. Seriously. "You're doing a piss poor job of showing me you have my back!" If you're a man: "Hey, hypocrite! You made me in your image. If you're finding fault in my choices, you're not liking to look in the mirror, it's about time you got over it and changed yourself, not me! I cannot help how you made me!" If you're a woman, fire away with glee: "You didn't like what you saw and made me to be what you were lacking as you saw fit according to your mirror-the man you made in your image. You need ME! Stop treating me as if I am less than the answer to YOUR prayers, baby!". Seriously. Stop taking the blame and making excuses for your own state of being and affairs. "Hey, god, people are smart enough to not expect an infant to go out, get a job and feed themselves: I can't be expected to be or do anything more than what you gave me to be!" (I'd add 'retard!' to the end of that, but that's just the level of 'irreverent' I can be.....and it worked for me. Not kidding). Wait for the huff and puff and bluff to pass then walk on with your head held high, because your restoration is coming and everything that happens to you from that point is there to take you into that restoration. Call god on his bullshit, make your own breakthrough and then prepare for real miracles to happen. Argue for and assert your innocence to every thought, demon and human being who comes at you with accusations of being anything less than the answer to god's prayers and/or his own perfect creation.
After being inspired to write this, I happened to then come across someone else with a similar approach (take what serves and leave the rest as in all we watch, hear or read- but woohoo! synchronicity! I am on the right path, babies):
Matt Kahn, spiritual gangsta
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