According to Abrahamic traditions (Jewish, Muslim, Christian), a horde of gods came upon a watery womb in which a planet was encapsulated, whose consciousness was so supremely subtle, they did not register it. They declared it uninhabited, formless, a waste land. These gods then invaded this watery womb, disfigured the planet within it, raping it and prematurely drawing 'children' from it. They called this good. One god waged war on the other gods who lured his child of rape and premature birth, He also waged war on these children who he created in his own image and did not like what he saw in this mirror (this man made in his image, who he felt was lacking and so created woman). In doing so, he became the oppressor of all other gods and goddesses and declared himself the only god. This has been repeated through the ages and generations: to disfigure that which is not perceived/understood and the waging of war upon our own reflections as embodied by other beings. The disfigurement of women, of ripping unborn children from the womb in those wars is in imitation declared "good". Rape is "good"; of the Earth and others.
Then a funny thing happened. As gods are known to do, the human female caught this self declared almighty god's attention, even though he condemned the other gods for doing this. Spirits from deep within the Earth whose consciousness could not be picked up by this god's radar became one with human woman whose attention this god had. She was to be his. Instead, she expressed the subtleties he could not connect, always doing the unexpected and being blessed and protected by that which he could not perceive existed. The existence of that which he could not see could no longer be denied and he began to bow to it's mastery. The deaf god began to hear the whisper upon the wind. He began to understand and see where it had been weaving it's self in and around him from the beginning. He raised that consciousness up into the heavens, making it known and recognized on every level of them. He began to recognize it's voice in him and he begged for a burning, a destroying of himself as he was. He set that new queen back upon the Earth as the foretold "New Jerusalem", which, it turned out, 'she' had prophesied through his own "mouth" would come to be, It is beginning to be embodied by the women capable of it, to be the dominant energy upon the Earth.
All qualities of the divine are limitless and that includes, anger, strife, etc. There will be pockets of them always in existence, living and dying perpetually, outside of this "new city". The pockets of upset will be held in place, unable to feed upon or attack or effect the 'New Jerusalem" state of being, which also must exist as a perpetual expression of the divine qualities of wholeness. I have been given to see how this could be without walls or wars. The example given was vampires. If the vampire were to drink the blood of one not of their designated tribe in their pocket of existence, that blood would poison them. A divine thirst for blood in it's perfection would be endless and thus require it's own perpetual existence. The dominance of disfigurement, rape and consumption will end without complete destruction because it, too is of divine origins. And the light will always have it's contrast to show that it is indeed light.
Your god is not merely a different perception of my god. It is a mistake to believe all religions are merely expressions of one god. We resist the death of the surface of this planet and the "life" upon it, while not recognizing that most of it was born of trauma and that which is born of trauma will tend to be traumatic. The Earth, now recognized and respected will determine what her surface looks like and which children she will birth. "Native" "Aboriginal" people whose "knowledge of her" came from the stars........that knowledge was void of her own consciousness in the majority of it and so is not accurate. It, too is a product of traumatic natures visited upon the Earth. That is why she gave them the prophesy of a new tribe to replace them, one of her own making out of those she specifically has chosen out of all the tribes and nations. The black snake is hers and wouldn't be allowed to be taken to kill off the abominations if she did not allow it. Amazing how people of "faith" who believe all things came out of this Jesus being could believe something is not born of the divine, that it can disown credit for it,as if it was not one of it's own aspects coming into form and that a consciousness as powerful as the Earth herself would be helpless against men bent on destroying things.
Everything is in order, happening for a reason and the Earth is just fine.
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