Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Why I don't keep pets or want to be with someone who does

  I am not an animal rights activist. You won't find animal cruelty posts on my fb timeline. You won't see me harassing neighbors who keep pets or even hear me stating these things on a regular basis. I pet and comfort pets when approached. I speak to them, out loud and telepathically. My best friend growing up was my horse. There are going to be wondrous, unexpected interactions between animals and people. This is not here to judge or condemn anyone. This here just for those who sincerely, reflectively want to know.  
 Someone said that as a healer I should acknowledge the healing quality of keeping pets for some people. As if I was a hypocrite to call myself a healer and not want to be intimately involved with one who keeps pets. Number one, I identified as a healer who decided to heal herself. So, obviously, I do not believe in using other conscious beings for this. Number 2 is where it gets ugly, but as the shaman who had to draw a ship in the sand before the rest of the tribe could see the literal, physical ship causing the strange waves off shore........I'm going to have to be the one to draw the picture here.
    The adult dog has the emotional and mental intelligence of a 3 month old wolf. One is placing all their burdens upon and seeking relief from an infant. One might go so far as call this emotional bestiality...a violation of one of a different species without the capacity to know better, such as a child or mentally hand-capped individual. Would you go stroke your disease into a small, mentally handicapped child to relieve yourself of your own discomfort?
    Animals love me, warm up to me as they would not to most, even domesticated ones. That does not mean I want any part of keeping them.  Most of them are suffering the anxiety, nervous conditions, stress, insecurities of the energetic fields of the people they live with. They're bat-shit crazy from confinement. Their physical ailments are horrifying, cancerous growths, etc. as they absorb the energetic diseases of the people they live with. Stockholm syndrome is intentionally created to keep them. Keepers of pets are quite possibly energetic vampires.
    If you walked down a road and people began yelling threats from their yards, they'd be considered insane for sure. And yet, when one walks down the average street, dogs behind fences, from within houses and on leashes bark up storms at non-threatening people walking by. Why is this insanity not recognized?
    It is said; if one likes a flower, they pick it and bring it home. If someone loves a flower they leave it in the field to grow, live it's longest, fullest life. The same can be said for animals and people.

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