When we go back far enough in human language, it has been discovered, there is a time when there existed in any language no word for the color blue. The human eye-brain system was simply color blind to it.
Again; I was once exposed to the story of how indigenous people on a beach were baffled by waves they were seeing on the ocean. What could be causing such an unusual wave formation? They brought their shaman to get an answer. In the sand, the shaman drew a picture of a European ship. Only then did they see the boat causing the waves, which were it's wake.
So it can be with the love we embody. When I say "I love you", I mean that I am delighted with your characteristics. What the one receiving may be hearing is "I need you to become dependent upon me and for you to allow me to be dependent upon you". They are hearing they must live up to conditions that they have come to understand would make them the receiver of love in a relationship. They cannot conceive of a devout, passionate love existing as is being emanated to include them and capable of walking away, leaving them as a flower unpicked, allowed to grow where planted. Some would go as far as believe because we did not try to pick it, put it in a vase, control, manipulate, reform, prune and sheer it that we did not share love at all. Treat some people with deep respect and they think you're mocking them.
So, keep growing and don't fret over those who "don't get it"...those who do know how to receive our love, who are capable of perceiving it's depths and appreciating it's presence in their own experience, are growing in number every day...get hung up on them Inspired by the following fb meme.... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1212113158903606&set=p.1212113158903606&type=3&theater
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