Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The cup is always overflowing with something.......

With our first breaths, we come into the world crying. Who knows what stress our mothers shared with us as we developed inside them. In the bottom of every cup is the thick oil of negativity, death and dying. Into the cups can come abit of life-saving water; love, joy, peace and happiness. But as the water flows in and fills us up, the oil spills over the sides. we have a choice then: to attach thought and intent to it and project it into the world at others, or to let it pass through, unpurchased and given up through prayer. Will our cup continue to be filled with water or will oil be returned to it? The choice is ours to make and yet we usually don't realize it, have the knowledge that it is our choice or how to use it.........

We are all but broken reeds,
trampling over oneanother with self-absorbed thoughtlessness
or harsh speech at or about eachother.
Peace, sweet peace,
is what we need,
within ourselves and with oneanother.

May I always be overflowing with something delightful.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Passion Renewed

        There is renewed passion in me and it is beggining to express it's self. I couldn't defend God's reputation because I did not know Him. I was passionate about my brother when we were in school, but I couldn't defend him because he was not worthy; he wasn't open to it. I had my daughter's back until she tried to use it misappropriately and then turned on me. I defended my community when the animal control officer was mistreating them, but they backed down when all they had to do was state their complaints openly in support of my defense of them. I had my community's back when there was a shooting and I organized a 100 vehicle convoy in protest. But when I needed them, no one had my back or reputation. They became the wolves in the end. My passion took a long rest.
      Now I have passion for truth. I have passion for righteousness. I have passion for kindness. I have a passion for God for now I know what each of those things is. And I have a love and appreciation, passionate self defense for me because I am the work of His hands and thus an extension of Him and His name, it's reputation. That is me being worthy, opening up, allowing in, and receiving the gifts He gives.
      I might still have to work on not letting myself get provoked.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

While it was dancing....

Come upon me suddenly and simply:
"While it was dancing towards it's desire, it was dancing as it's desire"

adding at a later date that which I had received before this:
"It is entirely appropriate for that which we call "God" experiencing limitation to honor it's self as "God" as it exists outside of limitation". So, even if we are God also, we are in limitation and do right to acknowledge that outside of limitation, we know alot more than when we are within it.

Monday, February 18, 2013

prophetic dreaming/visions

I think I am finally getting the hang of understanding these, too. today's triple whamming was interesting.

First, I am experiencing being a woman who thinks she must leave a ship that is like a cruise-liner. In her room she and her son were staying. Demons in that room killed her son's little girl companion. We are not afraid, but I think it is not good for him to be there. Those same demons try to kill me, but I just sing and ignore them. They try to suffocate me to stop my singing. I simply reply in my mind that I will just go on singing in my own mind no matter what they do to me. They leave us alone. I head for a drawer to get money we had left there so we have resources when we leave the ship. I am thinking I must have to hurry because ships don't stay in port very long in my experience. I turn and ask a friend: how long before the ship leaves? She said it would be in port for four more days but I got the sense that 4 days meant it would be there for a very long time. I wasn't scared during this, I was simply concerned for my son's well-being.

From this I understand the ship to be my circumstances. There is not the pressure to have to hurry to leave them as I had believed. The little girl companion was me, my soul as a child. The son, that which many call the Christ seed, the spirit in me. The demons destroyed my naivite amongst other things about me, but that is not such a bad thing. I enjoy my maturity. Maybe the little girl will be ressurrected as the demons destroy the discomfort I have at being completely child-like again. i just don't feel it is safe or appropriate fo rme to be completely free right now. I have to play the adult for two small children. While I'd love to conquer all with love and patience, complete detachment an d non-challance, children like a bit of structure and discipline(guidence), the stability they don't feel as not-yet masters of their emotions. I am not afraid of anything, just mildly concerned about doing the right thing, which might rightly be called fear ofnot doing the right thing. maybe a fear i need to let go of. I will have ot reflect on that. Is my concern justified? Is anything here truly a threat to my "son"?

Second one, My son is riding a big bike without difficulty, I am on foot. A guy is with us who I am experiencing as my husband and he is riding a children's tricycle awkwardly. We are navigating paths in a maze trying to avoid other people.

Normally I would worry that I was running from something, but in this case, we are simply trying to avoid running into trouble on life's pathways. I thought it a bit annoying that the man clung to his tricycle, even my son was riding a bike too big for him with no problem. The man was slowing us down. But I accepted it good-naturedly and patiently. I guess I am learning to accept other people's limitations, not being judgemental about their spiritual immaturity, being more patient with them even if I think they are capable of more. That's a good thing.

Thirdly came me living in a big yellow New England farmhouse with white porches. It has the feel of a TV commercial. Down the highway comes a man in a yellow car with an evergreen tree tied to the top of it. his vehicle is covered in dust, a bit beat up and it's having some problems because he's driving it backwards down the street. He pulls into the yard, the tree sliding off, barely hanging on the side of the car and I invi.te him to stay. I ask if he'd like to drive around back because it might be easier to bring the tree in that way. He agreed. I got the sense that this man was my husband.

I am comfortable in my own self, it is like a big yellow New England farmhouse, freshly painted and well-maintained. I have been "advertising" that I think I might be ready to start dating, be in a relationship. This advertising draws a man or spirit with a good heart but a bit of clumsiness and a bit in need of a place to call home. it may be that a part of me is a bit clumsy and in a bit of need for a place to call home, it would be the intellectual part of me, the aspect of my life that would bring in financial prosperity, a job, an income. that is definately how I would describe that part of my life right now.

Between the last two, I can see where I might be perceiving something with a bit of immaturity, placing limits on myself I don't need, limiting my own financial well-being. something else worth reflecting on. I tend to be stubborn in that area because my heart is very picky. But, immaturity is immaturity and I want to grow up.

Relationships where i am at

"He who does not hate mother not worthy of me". I chose my journey and search over family and friends, there is noit was question there. It resulted in alot of resentment, anger and feelings of abandonment. Sometimes I think that might be purely selfish as well. But no, my heart bled for my children while God hardened it against succombing to those who demanded I compromise to get them back. I was given the courage to choose and ultimately it was my choosing. follow my broken and desperate heart back to my children and sacrifice what I knew to spiritually be true or harden that heart and move forward on the journey I started with the hope that it would reward us all in the end.
   And so now I have come back. I have been hesitant out of fear of being called away again. Those I left have been hesitant out of mistrust that I will just up and leave someday again. I have been existing in limbo scared to death that I would have to embody the abandoner again. There is nothing I hate more than knowing I am the cause of such heartbreak, to have been the reason for others not to trust or love. To know I am viewed as the destroyer leaving a path of destruction behind her. It was soul-killing to be such for someone like me who was so sensative and empathic. devastating to me who never wanted to do anything but love everybody.
   But the fault is within them as well. They did not have to make leaving let go. They did not have to hold me responsible for their inability to give freedom to one so intent on retrieving gifts that would benefit them.
   So, this morning a thought came to me: could it be that God calls some of us away to refine and discipline us so that He could deliver us back to our families and friends as living gifts and expressions of Him and His love for them? Joseph was taken away and returned to the Isrealites in a way that saved them from famine. Esther was removed and then returned in a way that would save them as well. My heart yearns for the answer to be 'yes'. I have been returned and can stay, never again to be the reason for heartache (though if not me, they would have found someone else to stumble over, no doubt) to those who count.
   But then there is the admonition "let the righteous continue in righteousness and the unrighteous in unrighteousness". I set out to end the cycle of abuse in my family with myself for the benefit of my children, but we are not supposed to try to change people. So, I can only be the light God made me and let Him do the changing. So anything I do must be done carefully and precisely with the intention of presenting an option without attacking an establishment. To flow like water between the rocks of this worldly system cleansing and refreshing that which needs it,, I guess. Tall order for a clumsy oaf like me, I think. One day at a time, I suppose.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Some basics

   When one is expeiencing oneness with that which is the source of all that is living, they are experiencing/feeling what it is like to exist/be outside of creation, to be formless and limitless. they know, in that state of oneness, what it is to be outside of time. So, they tell us time is an illusion. It is not. It is a creation within we exist, without it we would not exist at all.
   "I gave them over to a shepard who does not care about them", God tells us in prophesy recorded in scripture. When amongst the new agers, I objected at people being told to let go of their bodies and not be concerned because they were god anyways. something inside railed: but no where else in time and space could the same exact energy be recreated in the same exact way and be the same exact thing. (Ressurect Abraham in this day and age from his moment of death and  you would not have a man old and satisfied with his days, he would be overwhelmed) I was falsely comforted with the assurence that not all vessels are wanted, they were meant for destruction anyways. It made sense, it is scriptural "some vessels are made for destruction". not everyone who dies was specifically made to be destroyed, however. "My people are dying due to lack of knowledge". The lies are claiming lives that did not have to cease being lived.

   In prophesy, I have learned that as spirit speaks of a man, in some cases it is actually referring to a woman. I have written thusly myself. Why? Man is not neccessarily gender specific, it means human being and the word man used so the undiscerning would be confused if they wanted to. but it is also due to another basic principle. That which is in authority is male while that which is in subjection is female. So, the source of all creation which exists outside of it, when within it is male. when it is limited/subjected to it's creation for it's own benefit, it is female. Thus it is God outside of creation but Goddess within it.

   It is still unclear to me whether the journey described in the book of Revelation is simply  journey within, a description of the path of an individual's enlightenment, or truly the journey the earth and creation is taking. It could be both. that is why I do not get arrogant or caught up in my own divine revelations, statements of onlyness and being chosen. It very well could be that the thing that was marked as the last to be marked was the last aspect of me to be saved.

   I still cannot guarentee my life everlasting will be in the flesh. it could simply be for eternity I will be amongst those who achieved spiritual ressurection into the "land of the living", became spiritually awake and aware, peaceful and happy.

    None of these questions can be answered with certaintyuntil I have experienced them.

I will probably be adding more later...........

Staying grounded

    "All things are clean to those who are clean". "All things are lawful, but not all things are beneficial". "Subject the Spirit within you". Those are a few scriptural quotes that apply to why I prefer to stay grounded. When caught up in Spirit, it is like being intoxicated. Nothing feels dirty, you know there is a place, a season for everything and you've learned not to be judgemental about anything presented to you. You are open-minded and your soul is open to all things. You fear nothing.
     But I noticed something: that is exactly when we must be most alert. Any kind of spirit can be entering you as Holy Spirit leaves. Before it's effects wear off, lies can be introduced. I see it even in "New Testament" writings. I was given to discern exactly where Holy Spirit left off and Satan entered. Another truth I failed to utter until now for fear of it being apostacy. It is why I only write while full of Spirit rather than speak or act. This year I am even learning to stay grounded while writing, "subjecting the Spirit" within me.
    It is not just while full of Spirit that spirits try to influence by projecting thoughts, this is true. I can be perfectly grounded and under assault so subtly it is as if the thoughts are my own.
    I have noticed something different coming to life within me, coming true for me, though. The more I apply these practices of staying as gronded as possible and using discernment given me, the more I am filled with Spirit not even knowing it. In other words, it becomes such a part of my normal, every day, grounded experience that I do not even realize how full of Spirit I am. I stand out without seeing it myself. Just as a drinker will become immune to smaller amounts of alcohol, it takes more and more Spirit for me to even notice I have been "drinking".
    I have seen the results of not being discerning and staying grounded and they frightened me. Not just stupid mistakes I have made in my life, but the big ones that destroy, taking human life. Spirit comes to some and they  take it literally when told to kill someone in them. Instead of knowing it means to kill their parent's qualities within them, they literally kill a parent. When asked why, they reply that God told them to. Then there is the channelor of Spirit's messege, who in the end of that messege is misled into being inspired to lead you into a sexual relationship. Some take your money and truly feel God instructs them to. "You received freely, give freely" is His word on that matter. Then there is the whole Oneness thing that troubled me. I have felt the things they have described experiencing, but find their assertions of what it means unsettling. My experience of Oneness is more what the man called Jesus experienced. Only God Himself watching over me saved me from that trap; the ecstacy and promise of Godship, extinction of individuality to perpetually exist in the pure joyous rapture of oneness with a spirit. It's just demons leading off the consciousness long enough that the body dies. notice they can perform miracles but continue to age and die. It's more like self-induced coma. Without life support, death is the result. death everlasting. They have what they wanted, though. They went back into the melting pot of life. They just aren't experiencing nirvana. their consciousness is no longer conscious.
    And that is how I learned not to go after teachers. That and the fact that the moment I began excelling at their teachings and thus challenging themselves, they always turned on me. I was insecure and over sensative then and took it personally, thinking the fault lie with me. but now I know different. I glean from what I can find and what is presented, for Satan can't snag you if there isn't a grain of truth in his lie somewhere. And so the liars become a tool as well. They just become another place to dig up treasure. The same with accusers; they play on an insecurity, a lie I tell about myself to myself, a misunderstanding of myself. If I do not react defensively, if I observe what is being implicated, I can root out an evil, a lie that has been existing in me. Even I have been convinced my intentions have been evil and believed it for years, only to discover when light is shined on it, it is not true. My intentions were never evil. My actions and choices not faulty. I was just insecure because I did what the world around me would not do or had not wanted. "They say bad is good and good is bad", right?!
   So, there  you have it. Here, in this blog, is my further attempt at staying grounded. My attempt to write only what comes clearly, precisely and is simple.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Divine Wisdom

    In continuing with the trend of revelation being given me of things being identified seperately, I had a visit from Divine Knowledge and Wisdom. It is silent and knowing. The sixth sense we cannot explain. It is the knowingness we cannot explain how we arrived at. It explains to me, in the way of knowing, that it exists seperate from everything else within absolutely everything, including the Source of all being which I call The Dance. It flows in with The Dance as She becomes The Goddess and exists within God Almighty. It exists within them, as it does everthing, yet it does not always lend it's self to anything. In it's wisdom, it knows some understandings can only be arrived at by experiencing them one's self if we are to call it our own.
  It came into existence in response to the desire know everything. In order to know everything, it must exist within everything and know what everything is experiencing. Yet it does not experience oneness with things because then everything would know everything and nothing would exist seperately, as it's self, obtaining it's own wisdom.
  It is that which knows the end before it's begging. It is the Observer and Seer, the Overseer of everything. It manages but does not interfere. It gives dreams and visions of foretelling, giving us insights about things we might not otherwise know. That is that and it is it.

Man the animal

      In scripture we read how man became a living soul. We also read of the souls on land, in air and in seas. Man was created to be just another soul on earth. Mortal flesh with above average intellect. The exception was Adam. That is why he was isolated and treated differently. That is why when he sinned, God "made for him the skin of an animal", He gave him mortal flesh and an existence just like the rest of humanity. That is why God moaned that "now sin and death had spread to all men", meaning "now, even to My Adam, My people". The rest were already just animals.
     In scripture we read that it is not for man to direct his own steps. We rail at that. What, like we can't think for ourselves?! we think. The answer is no, we can't, we just don't realize it. Let's be honest. What drives most people? Sure they get jobs to make money to feed themselves and families, but that is just a sidedish to their real interests. Their real focus is mating and domination, self-preservation. Just like any animal. And charity? They do it out of guilt because they really don't care but feel guilty about it. They believe they should.
   If God quickens in you an immortal spirit, then you become like Adam. God decided it was not good for Adam to dwell alone in his immortality amongst mortal humans. That is why He created Eve. That is how I know there is a man for me, God knows it is not good for us to dwell alone. I was discouraged from seeking a mate by a dream in which an old school teacher shook a ruler at me while standing over a student whos ehead was hanging low in study over a desk. "That man is not for you. There is a man being prepared for you".  I thought I must be crazy, I didn't believe in twin flames, soulmates, or happily ever after, or anything of that sort. I thought maybe my heart was betraying me in lonliness of my experience. I had never once met anyone like me that I could tell. I questioned that dream. The moment of this realization at remembering what God said of Adam is what finally convinced me of the truth of that promise. a man is being prepared for me.
  Now, back on topic. It is only within the last century that  western mankind has finally gotten to the point where they are conscious of their equality to animals. Animal rights activists are making alot of headway there. They also see how when an animal attacks man, it is not the animal's fault.
They are just being an animal. They aren't worth getting vengence on. That is how God sees man. They aren't worth getting vengence on. You love your animals, but you don't take their animal natures personally. God doesn't take our animal natures personally, either. He is not out to destroy us. It is the spirits that inhabit mankind He has issue with and who have issue with us being used by God to humiliate them. The human being is just the vessel, the vehicle, those spirits are driving to destroy God's earth and mock Him.
   We do have a consciousness that can travel the heavens. Animals do, too. We have all seen our dogs dreaming. Animals have hearts that mourn for oneanother, we've all heard of elephant's behavior. I have felt the pressence of a wounded animal in the woods in mourning for it's mate. Both human and animals have psychic connections. We use it to convince animals we are stronger and to control them, put them to our own uses. We have wills that can be stronger or weaker than an animal's. And these are all the same ways in which spirits influence us. What about love and affection? We have seen animals show it. Spirits experience affection as well, we are a reflection of them. But sometimes we adopt affection for things they have an affection for against our own will.
    We do have hearts, but they are controllable as well. In scripture we read how God puts things in men's hearts and minds. Two years ago I got an object lesson in that principle. I was done seeking men. I entered into relationship with one pretty much against my own will, was put in a position I had to consider accepting it. And, I am never against just loving somebody. Showing affection is natural to me. When released from that relationship, I had hoped to have learned all I needed to learn and could be done with it. But God was not done with me yet in reference to men. "Just one more", He promised. "This is the last one", He promised. I wept but consented. I had no romantic interest in the man selected. But there it was when I was asked to engage in the relationship. All the love in the world for him. The moment evil entered in him, the love was removed without attachment or resentment. When evil left him, the love was turned on again. I observed this process going on within me objectively. It was joy inducing to be the vessel of such love and affection. It was a great relief to not be dependent upon it for joy to continue in me. I took none of his issues with me personally. They were his issues, not mine. And I know his were demonic because he boasted of having opposable thumbs, making man greater than animals. I have never even thought about man being no better than an animal, so I know his issue was not with me. It was an insecurity he was facing and had been brought to his attention by the demons within him as they used him to face God in me.
   That object lesson was accompianied by others like it. People would be nice to me but when I saw them again they would remember something completely different happening. They would have a completely different charector. This was God showing me everyone around me was just a vessel for the war going on between God and His children. I was caught in the middle as one of His chosen vessels and that was all there is to it. No wonder people thought me crazy. My experience of them and life in general was completely different than theirs. I was chosen before I was even born and targeted just as early. When their interactions with me were the result of possession, the people wouldn't even remember the interaction with me and/or the demon in them would deny it, trying or to convince me I was crazy. They did not want me to trust what was going on within me. And the hatred I inspired in people was unnatural. Their focus on me unwarrented. The intensity frightening. It wasn't thiers, it turns out, but they think it is. I feel sorry for them, but no pity. There comes a point when within, we decide. We choose to ride the wave or not. They chose to allow it in and own it.
   I spent years wondering why people couldn't see me honestly. I wondered why I had feelings I knew I had outgrown. I would have dreams showing I was masked, painted to look different, disguised, and hidden. Why?! I railed. For my own safety and protection. If spiritually 'killed', the demons would leave me alone, feel unthreatened. they would believe they had accomplished their mission. But I never believed I had been in danger, so I didn't understand it. I was admonished to leave people alone so I wouldn't hurt them, I wondered how I could hurt them. They weren't like me and my hopes were not possible for them. By sharing them, I gave them hope they could not have, aspirations not theirs to entertain or motivate, false hopes that would hurt their hearts and minds, their consciousness. They would have goals that were unrealistic, just like I did. I could be anything in the world I wanted to be. I could find joy in living simply. I was born for a greater purpose and so my dreams have led to dissapointment. I don't want to do that to people. I know how it feels. So, finally I stopped sharing my journey, where my road split from theirs.
   I write of this only here. I do not discuss it in public. Only those who need to will find it. With everyone else, I am quiet. Rejoicing when they rejoice, crying when they are crying. Attentive always to when it is "safe" and appropriate to associate with them. I do not think they are less than me. In most ways we are equal. I have just been set aside for a special purpose. They are handicapped where I might not be and I am handicapped at what comes natural to them. No greater or worse. Not deserving or undeserving. I am just me and what I was made to be: a little more than an animal. I wish the same of you, but I can't, so I won't. I can only tell you god loves loves you and I do too. despite your being an animal. You can't hate yourself for that. I can't either. I can only hold you responsible for the evil you choose to do knowingly. In scriptures, the prophets were told "Do you not know you are gods?". You are for a little while. You are for as long as you are living, breathing. But you are gods who are mortal. So are the other animals. Greater or lesser, mortal godship belongs to fleshly consciousness. Animals and people, brothers and sisters in life's circle. Native cultural beliefs are true for you.

Friday, February 15, 2013

To be given a mother

   This evening, God finally revealed to me my Mother. He let me know Her. He let me Love Her. I cannot tell you how deeply this affected me. Another part of me was freed. I saw everything I ever wanted upon the horizon. I saw the release of all worry. It put hope in my heart: maybe my daughters will now be allowed to know and love me.
    It began with a thought and a reminder. The reminder was this: I was told last year in perception that I would teach my mother, but I did not know what that means. The thought was this: Does there come a point where creation must discipline, control, rule over it's source and is that creation that which we call God the Father?  I hesitated to allow such a thought in. Truly, I wondered if this was amongst the worst of apostacy. But it wasn't and it went something like this:
    In the beggining was the Dance. It was all feeling and flowing, forming of desire, flowing into it, feeling that desire fulfilled, the birth of another desire inspired by the feelings of the one experienced and flowing into that "new" desire. Within this Dance was born the desire to observe the Dance. This gave birth to the observer. When we go to observe ourselves, we find something reflective and take on an observational and analytical phrame of mind. This which was created in fulfillment of the desire of the Dance is the consciousness we call God Almighty.
    That which is formless and limitless tried to enter the realm of form in order to observe it's self while it flowed through and gave life to that which we call God Almighty. It became the Father of all creation, the Dance became it's Mother.
    Because of the Mother's being unlimited, unrestrained meant endlessness of whatever was created and it's destruction. Insatiable appetites, overgrowth and suffocation. He could not exist without Her but She COULD exist outside of Creation without Him. She could NOT exist WITHIN creation without Him creating limits for Her, however. If She wanted Her ultimate desires fulfilled, She could not exist without Him. And that is how it is that we owe our very lives to Him. She is the Water that gives life to all things, but He is the limits She needs to flow into everything without destroying it.
    It is in their union that comes everlasting life and understanding of everything. This union occurs in the vessel called man. Man is the bridechamber where the sacrifices are made by all parties (Mother, Father, and Human Being) so that this union could occur. She had to learn to subject herself and He had to learn to lovingly nurture Her. They both had to appreciate and respect the Human Being. The Human Being had to sacrifice it's self and all it could be if it were to be left alone, out of this process. It is because of the arrival of this Human Being that others can be saved. If it had not come into existence, She would have continued unrestrained into destruction of everything created, including Him. He would have crushed everything in crushing Her. Creation was doomed if this harmony had not been reached.
   And so now it exists, the Holy Trinity. It is the Father and His Wife living in harmony with the human being in which they meet.
   Turns out I had a hand in teaching both Father and Mother.

This process, of course, was opposed by much of creation. So many had so long been invested in defense of Mother, others in defense of Father. Wars have been raging since the beggining of creation. But now that they have found peace, they know what is needed to bring peace to their children. That peace will come, but we must want it, even if it means sacrificing everything we have believed and the perceptions we have defended

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A tale of two brothers.....

   As is common in my experience, I will take on a teaching tone in my head and a story or experience will pop into my head. I realize God is teaching me something. Tonight was one of those, aha! moments for me. I was remembering an incident with two brothers when I realized the purpose for the incident occuring as it did. These two men never focused on me for any reason, so I was surprised when they addressed me. The question asked was odd as well considering every other interaction I have seen of them. Keep in mind they are both over 30 years old. My response surprised me as well because I am normally quiet and non-violent, shy and insecure of myself.
   In a garage one evening, the brothers were up to their usual antics. Older brother would tell younger to go up behind and hit the scrotum of a guy bent over working on an engine. Younger brother would, the victim would tussle with him and for the rest of the night eye the younger with suspicion. Older brother would tell younger to go mess with another. He would and it would go the same way: tussling and eyeing with suspicion. No one got ansy around the older brother, though. This was normal daily activity in this clan. I thought often I should video tape them and send it in to America's Funniest Home Videos. These men all always walked around with hands covering their private areas protectively, hitting eachother there in every imaginable way, and squirming or tussling, They were all always jumpy around oneanother.
   After a couple incidents that particular evening, the older brother looked at me and asked what I would do if he told the younger one to come hurt me. "I would come hit you", I replied. No one expected to hear that, I could tell from their reactions. "Why?", older brother asked. Made perfect sense to me. They really didn't understand. I didn't bother to explain. But the moment I remembered him asking and my reply, the lesson came to me:
    We are to fight the "spirits of the air", not people. I am not here to convince anyone of my beliefs. I write here to share with those led to it and because it serves me. I have been encouraged to write by people before, they find my dealings with life's events inspiring so I continue when I can.
    But, we are told in scripturethat we are at war with the "spirits of the air". They are the older brothers in the experience serving as illustration in tonight's lesson. The people around us are simply the younger. If I want to fight back, I am to hit the older brother where it hurts him. I've got my grit back ;) This is also why we are admonished in christian scripture not to argue doctrine within the congregations. In Revelation, in speaking to the congregation, the angel tells us to listen to and learn from what is said to all the congregations. We are told of one receiving discipline, "but I know who among you is faithful". God knows where our minds and hearts are no matter who we're asked to associate with. He knows each person's doctrines and how they practice them.
    How do I fight the "spirits of the air"? With my mind. Knowing my thinking process, leading it down the right road. Showing trust not fear. Not judging people, they are just tools. Existing always in prayer and prayerful meditation. Older brothers are a pain in the bottom. They get you as you begin to awake, nevermind the moment  you wake up. They start playing that tape when they sense your consciousness coming close to Earth, back into your body. But, get your focus in the right place as soon as possible, spirit comes in with you and you're great the rest of the day. Just show love to the people. By heaping love on people, you heap coals upon the head of the older brothers out there.

Teach a man to fish...

   I can tell you, I was at one point made sick listening to the saying "If you teach a man to fish.....". It was being used as an excuse to let someone go hungry while they fulfilled program requirements to fish for assistance from government services and service organizations. It was a quote used to force someone out into the world where they weren't ready to go yet. Emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually scarred, one might need to be fed while they learn to fish and nurtured into courage. If a person's needs aren't met, any goals they achieve to please others will end up in failure. The results won't last. They will end up right back where they started.
  If, however, you patiently meet their needs, their life can become a joyful creative process with results that are everlasting. They will never go back to where they started because they won't want or need to be there. When all pressure is off, people become free. They begin to explore and see potential in things. They begin to WANT to create something lasting. When nurtured, people don't feel lost or a need to go out searching. If one does not have a sense of security within them and in their home, they definately aren't going to be stable and effective out in the world.
    When the world is full of limitations, people get discourged and bored. They drown themselves in addictions like roleplaying, drinking, sports, sex, drugs and rock and roll. And that is the problem with an abundance of laws, restrictions and taxes. They suffocate creativity and the creative genius. They enforce limitation. How far would Lewis and Clarke have gotten if the laws and practices of our society were placed on them? wear your helmets, boys! Don't eat it if it's natural because you might get ecoli. Stop and work from 9-5 because you have to pay for insurance on that canoe! Sorry, no passengers without seatbelts. Saq would have had to stay home with that baby with no infant carseat, ya know. Did you register your intentions? Did you get permission from every landlord before leaving? Did you file a flight plan? lol
      I have been interested in self-sufficiency for a long while. I've done research on homesteading and things like that. I came to the conclusion that such independence makes effortless tasks we take for granted work. Living in a tent I learned you work hard enough at cutting wood, you might have a couple days off from doing it and have enough to keep that fire going for cooking during the day. but it meant cutting enough for the day you're working on as well as the one you want a break from cutting. And of course those days off can then be put to use building something you need, like a small cabin to spend the winter in. Then there is gathering water, doing laundry by hand, etc.
   But rather than being discouraged at that, it was refreshing. I worked at my own pace, set my own priorities, and kept my own schedule. I was not working for someone else and keeping only part of the profit. I was not being used. The only pressure was what I placed on the urgency of an activity. And I learned things can fall apart on you, but you'll still be alright. The only reason I am not living in the woods is I don't know how to feed myself or make my own clothing out there. God has had me journeying so I haven't been in any circumstances to get good at foraging and leather-making, things like that. And killing an animal is a challenge I have yet to meet. Not even fish, lol. I have only done catch and release.
  I did meet the living in a tent challenge twice, though. And I am quite impressed because the first time I didn't take my two daughters with me. I figured it would be impossible for me to learn to do with children. Then, I did it with two toddlers. By myself. Wow. It just hit me how amazing that is. How many women could live in a tent with two children in diapers and no man helping?! Gossip ran wild about how I must have been a military chick or kick-butt survivalist when I did it alone. I was neither, just interested in primitive living and no one to care if I made it or not. Then I felt insecure and afraid that I might be being irresponsible or crazy. but now I see, I made an impression. I made a big impression. always wondered why I drew so much attention doing things I figured were simple for everyone else. Now I see "simple" was courageous and "she's crazy" meant "I am impressed but won't admit it". Hmmmmm, interesting. I am a wildchild.
   So, I have made my emotionally, psychological, and spiritual journey. The tail end of it is happening now. time for me to begin to focus on the social and physical creation I will be. What was I intended to be to society? How will social interaction go? What contribution will I make to community? How will resources be made available? Will I be taught to persue self-sufficiency, become able to feed and clothe myself? Or will I be led to work within the community at some little job? All questions to be answered soon, I suppose. I keep throwing out that line, God will bless it with a fish when I get it right, I guess.

Other gods and goddesses

     According to scripture, mankind will be allowed to walk with their own gods and goddesses but once per year, they will pay their respects, do their homage, to their Creator. Nor will they harm the Creator's people, either. The threat is a plague upon those who don't.
     So, you can speak in your tongues, play with your demons, keep all your rituals, but be wise as to where they are leading  you. You like your Jesus ghost? Fine, just don't place him above the Father or replace the Father with him. Like your goddess? Great! The issue was not that she existed. In scripture we learn the issue was that it is for a husband to honor his wife, not someone else. So, for example, some strange guy should not be giving your wife gifts. You can give gifts to a husband for him to give to his wife, but you don't give gifts to someone else's wife directly. You don't attribute her as the source of your life when that really came from her husband. Love The Mother, but glorify the Father and He will glorify Her. he said so, right there in the bible: it is for a husband to glorify his wife, (not you, you were stealing His wife from Him).
   It was only among the Isrealites no other worship was tolerated. They weren't told to kill all the witches in the world, only those amongst them. The Father provided. He provided not just food and clothing for His people, but rituals and sacrifces they wanted. If He is giving you everything you want and need, why would you look elsewhere for it?
   And whatever issues The Father had concerning The Mother, they must have been resolved because in the end, The Bride is inviting alongside Him. She got over her issues, too. We may want to as well. So, how do we go about that?
    The ax will fall hardest upon those who claim to represent Him. Communist countries don't claim to do anything in His name, so they are only accountable for what they do against Him and His people. However, countries like The United States, Isreal, and those who are run by Muslims who declare their god to be The God of're under the magnifying glass for all you do in the name of representing Him. Is it really Him you're representing? The truth of that is in your actions. How do you treat your poor people and your women? How do you treat your neighbors? Isreal was commanded to treat their neighbors with respect, not wage war on them. They were only to kill those God said to in order to get the land they were assigned to, nothing more and nothing less than that.
    And therein lies the problem: people don't understand why they suffer the things they do. They are taught to believe anything but that God could be punishing them. Sick? It's the food. Church burn down? It's a natural disaster. People are more than willing to point the finger at another in condemnation, but rarely do they see evil fall upon another and say "shoot, what are we doing wrong?". If  your neighbor's life is falling apart, it could be the neighborhood's fault. That is why you are to be good to your neighbor, you are partly responsible, too. Is it unmerciful to see a whole neighborhood sinning and let the suffering only fall upon one of you so the rest of you have the time to heed the warning? How much IS God holding back what we rightly deserve, allowing a few to take the fall for us while we go on blithly disregarding the truth of our behavior? There's a different perspective, huh? And yet, that is what He has been trying to tell us all along.
    So, God has been holding back the winds of destruction we rightly deserve for the sake of those He has chosen. It is not because you have been standing in His light or getting what you deserve. It is not because you have the right to be here. You have no rights. You gave them away when you traded freedom for fear. If you are free, it is a mercy and a gift we do not deserve. Do not boast of it. His will be worthy because they simply open to receive it and humbly accept it. "I did what you told me and I thank you".
   "All of creation waits in groaning for the revelation of the sons of God", scripture tells us came in prophesy. True terror has been held at bay for the maturing of the chosen ones, the ones marked to survive this system of things. When that purpose has been accomplished, all hell will break loose on this sytem. So when will that be. I can tell you this: I have been marked and I am the last one. In vision I saw an oval, all white. On it was writing in black, below which was smaller writing in red. It came up and touched my forehead. not long after, I saw a veil and a claw reach through it. Through that tear in the veil came a ferocious looking beast. it was a turtle with teeth and claws like a lion. it observed the mark on my forehead and stood quietly before me. Something to my right and it's left caught it's attention. it hissed in that direction and was off very quickly. not long after that I got the knowing, I am the last. I am for whom so many have been waiting. I experienced spiritually in oneness the annoncement and command for the harvest's beggining, the angel's spreading of it's wings. I have "heard" (perceived) the trumpet blasts in heaven announcing the return of our King. "It is the year of the LORD, He is coming". This year I "heard" "they are looking for  you". Who it is that will be allowed to find me, I do not know, but they will know what I am and what I am becoming.
    Can I give you details of what will happen next? No. I could live a long, full life in this system before I die or I can die a martyr. I do know Satan himself won't kill me or have me killed because when my life ends, so does his. So, he's off to wage war on my "children". Perhaps we shall change in a moment, as christian scripture says, a moment unexpected. But the longest we have would be if I live a full life in this system; 40-60 years if I live the average 80-100. Comforting?
    Or just maybe I was experiencing oneness with the entity who is the last to be marked across the space of time and it will be another 3,000 years of the same ol', same ol'.....bwahahaha ya never know, do you? heehee

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Prince and the Princess, an inspired story

This story was given me around 5 years ago, a gift I adore and like to share.

The Prince and the Princess

There once was a handsome little prince.

He was the pride of his father, the King.

He excelled at all a little prince was trained to be skilled at.

He went on a long, arduous journey to learn about the world and the people he would one day be king of.

He was half starved, bruised and in rags at the end of it but he had a wife and kids and was content.

His father, the King, came to bring him home, for his journey had ended.

It was hard to see him among the other villagers at first glance.

He had learned what he was sent out in the world to learn plus some.

So, his father dusted him off, kissed him on both cheeks, expressed how glad he was to see him and placed him in his carriage.

He was sent to the best healers, fed the best of foods.

He was dressed in the kingdom's finest, well fed and looking strong and as bright and beautiful as any star in the heavens.

Restored, he returned to the world.

The reactions of the world shocked him.

"I know you, you're the raving lunatic"

"I know you, you are that thief! You stole those clothes, didn't you!"

"We hung out with you, but you're far too pretty now. We wouldn't dare be seen with you"

"You are my husband, but I am not a princess. I am not good enough for you anymore. Go away! Let me be alone in my shame. But give me money and clothes that I might look better than all the other women in the village who made fun of me because of you"

"Daddy! Oh, how bright and shiny you are! We have been having fun! We love you! But, we are more like the other children in the village, so we want to stay with them. And mommy needs us.We do not want to go live with you in your castle. But, Daddy, give us all the toys we ask for and lots of money so we can share them with our friends and play all day long!"

So, the prince gave all that was asked and returned to his castle utterly alone.

He cried out in pain. He had done all that was asked of him, so why was he alone, unloved, unwanted?!

His father heard his voice and placing an arm around him he said "You are wanted, my fine brave, son. And you are not alone. See there? That beautiful princess is to be your bride. She made the same journey as you, she understands you, she has been where you are."

"But, I want my wife! I want my friends! I love my children! I want them here with me!"

"Did you really love your wife, my son?"

"No, but she was sweet and I was content for the first in so very long when I was with her."

"Then it is contenment you want, my son, not the woman who does not want you."

"Did you really like your friends, my son?"

"They weren't all that bad, but I felt accepted when I was with them, father"

"Then it is acceptence you want, not those friends, my son."

"Will your children respect and appreciate you , my son?"

"They love me, father. But no, they would not respect and appreciate me, father."

"So then, it is love, appreciation and respect you want, my son."

"Here you are loved, respected and appreciated. Let them go, for you will only cause them pain if you bring them here. Go to your new wife, for she can understand, respect and appreciate you as well."

"But, she does not look like she came from where I came."

"Oh, but she has."

"She does not need healing like I need healing"

"Oh, but she does."

"She is respected by those around her, she does need to be reassured as I do."

"Yes, my son, she does"

"She does not need to be loved, look how people adore her!"

"Her need for love far exceeds yours, my son."

His father, the king, leaned close to his ear

"I will tell you, my son. She was a princess who was skilled at all a princess is trained to be skilled at. When her father came for her after her journey into the world, she was battered, poor and in rags, but she had a husband she loved and she was content. Her father took her home, fed her the best foods, took her to the best healers, and dressed her in the finest of clothes. She returned to the world as beautiful and bright as the brightest of stars. Her husband shrunk back from her in fear and shame, but she thought she had done something wrong. He took the money and gifts to make himself look good in front of the other villagers and told her to leave. Her friends rejected her, did not trust her, became jealous of her and told her to leave, but asked for boons. Her children, that was the hardest on her, her children wanted the toys and the money but nothing to do with her. She went back to her castle and cried out in pain: why am I so unloved and alone?!

Her father was beside himself, he told her all I told you; she did not want those people, she wanted only contentment, to be loved, respected, honored and cherished but he had no prince to make her a husband who would do those things. She believed her father. So, she has been busying herself, fulfilling her duties, playing her role in court and tending the garden, being the best princess a princess could ever be, shining as bright as the brightest star in the heavens in a darkened sky before all the other stars come out. There are days she longs to just drift off to sleep and never return from her dreams, for in her dreams she is loved, honored, respected and appreciated in ways castle servents, the people at court, her mother, father, and villagers cannot do. She brings that glow with her each morning as she rises and hides in her garden whenever possible to keep that glow kindled, but she sleeps often and long for there is little in this world to build on it, to build it from.

Her father has brought to her other princes, one even who made that journey out into the world, but he had not a wife and children, never knew contentment. He did not have to let go of all that she had and he could not look upon her with respect. And so, back to her dreams and garden she went, serving and tending, sleeping long hours and wondering if she should just never wake one day.

Her father loves her, though, he wants her to stay, shining her starlight upon his kingdom for it blesses the people, brings them happiness, health and well-being. So he sends in servants to wake her each day. He calls forth jokers to entertain her, matrons to comfort her, children to play with her and the finest of steeds for her to ride that she may feel the wind in her hair and feel as though she can fly.

She sings and she dances, she laughs and she plays and she flies...... until they all go home and the horses tire. Then she is alone again, quite happy and with nothing left to do goes to sleep where she dreams the dreams she wishes never to leave, so again the King sends in servants to wake her and things to tempt her stay so that she may shine that starlight upon his kingdom.

And the King keeps his eyes open for a prince for her, so that her days will be as sweet as her dreams and never again will she think of drifting off into a sleep from which she will not awake.

So we ask you, my son, can you find it within you to take her as your own?"

The Teacher, an inspired story

This story was given me about 5 years ago. An oldy but a goody to me.

One day an Angel was sent to stand by an aging master who had fallen asleep.
The Master awoke and rubbed his eyes, looked around.
Speaking to no one in particular he indignantly demands to know; "Where are all the children?! I was teaching and protecting them!"
The Angel replies "They are just there, up ahead of you, my Lord"
Well, what are they doing there?", he asks as he eyes the Angel up and down suspiciously.
"One came who had a soft melodic voice and they began walking alongside him"
"And just who are you?"
"I am the Angel sent to watch over you, my Lord"
"Me? Why would I need looking after?", he asked indignantly.
"You were having nightmares, my Lord. It was thought you might like company when you awoke from them".
"I am no child! I have children to look after and I'm going to get them"
The Angel nodded and moved aside as the Master marched forward, robes fluttering, reflecting his agitated state.
At the place where the path rose upward his foot sank and became stuck.
"Well, this path cannot be walked on! How did they get up there?" he demanded of the Angel.
"They simply walked, my Lord. It was their lightness of heart which made them light so that they did not sink".
"I am their teacher! I teach them how to walk!"
"Apparently, my Lord, they knew how to walk just fine on their own. They only but wanted someone who already knew the path to walk with them."

Is the bible the only inspired text and source of truth?

      No, I don't believe so. I do believe "salvation will come from the Jews" in that they were preserved as a people to preserve certain truths and be an example in representation of God's name. However, in the bible it's self was what inspired me to look elsewhere for further inspiration. When instructing the boundaries to be Isreal, God told them not to go to certain places or distrub certain people because they were descendents of individuals God had made promises to or liked. That made me question: Did God have his own relationship with these other people? Was it different than that of his relationship with Isreal. Isreal was to be a people for His name, His "wifely organization". Men have wives, but they also have siblings, friends, and are sons. They relate to each relation differently: the wife is expected to respond differently than a daughter or friend. Yet a man loves each. Could it be true of God also? So, I began to examine other belief systems, seek out those other people God was protecting even from His nation, Isreal.
   In scripture we are told "My word is my will". The bible is not God's word. It's a record of some of His words and His interactions with the Jewish people. We are also told in scripture that we are to live on every utterence of God's mouth. That, to me, says God continues speaking beyond what the bible rocords. We are told that we are to seek out the kingdom as for buried treasure: it would take digging in more than one location. So, while the bulk of it would be preserved through the Jewish people, they would not be the only source of enlightenment. It would be hidden elsewhere as well. And let us not forget, the books of the bible were chosen by the Catholic church, whose agenda would have been the preserving of their particular belief system. Anything that didn't support it would have been cast out. There are even books in the 'Catholic bible the rest of christondom took out. For me, the truth is a tapestry woven of threads pulled from various sources.
   Then there was an experience I had while seeking amongst various sources. I had vowed to never again worship a god wihtout understanding, but I would work with gods and spirits to gain understanding and accomplish things. I went off to explore what, in america, we call paganism. I was going through a workbook for witches. One of the exercises was to not settle for one story of creation, for someone else telling you who you were, ask for yourself. So, I did. My story began: in the beggining was the dance.... my story did not contradict the bible, but complimented it, made it more clear to me, expanded upon it by telling me what was there before the earth was created and why it all existed.
    I am a daughter of the Dance. I am a direct creation of that which came before any God, gods or goddesses, of that which exists outside of time and space, outside of creation, outside of it's own expression of self within creation. I call it God, but it is even greater than what most experience as a god and the God. That which created me, is formless and limitless reached into it's own creation beyond it's own expression of self within it, touched a being through, within and beyond it's self to create me. I am something New. I am a product of evolution and creation and my writings are inspired, too.
  If blessed with perception, you  will be given to weed through the falsehoods of any religion and pull out the pearls of truth with no fear of "other literature", demons, or being drawn in. You will not be fooled. Instead you will constantly be rewarded with new grains of truth, delighting in learning more of the Father that exists beyond heaven as well as the expression of Him that exists within it. You will see Him teaching Himself, learning to work within limitation after discovering He is not His creation. You will see the struggles of youth and vanity, jealousy, and contentment as that which exists outside expresses to it's self as it exists within. It is a dance of learning and self-discovery coached by that which knows it all already. You will see layers of messeges we are taught are addressed to humanity but are messeges wihtin messeges to many different things/beings.
   Another tool for learning about God is empathizing, walking in His shoes. How would you feel if your oldest child turned your younger ones against you? If others lied to your children about  you? How would you treat a rebellious child, could you kill him? How long would  you tolerate his manipulations? What if your wife cheated on you? What if you were betrayed, ignored, and hated by those you were trying to save and protect? What would you do to save someone who could not hear or see you? What do  you do with a fool? Does it work? Do you learn from your mistakes? As a parent would you apologize to your child? Would have never before and now you do? Do you change as you learn? Do you have mercy on yourself? Put yourself in God's shoes and walk a mile. Most of us could relate to Him somehow. We were created in His image. We all deal with things not turning out as we plan or want, especially for our children.
   And ask God yourself. Be open to others, because He has taught them, too. But be discerning, learn to listen, He wants to teach you Himself. He loves you. And don't forget; even the bible records Hims saying "I will teach them Myself".

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Others and Litlith, Lucifer and Morning Star, helpful links

"We are the other people" by Oberon Zell:">

This reaffirmed what I was getting about other people, though our perceptions in motivation for Adam's God and whether or not he has bloodlust are obviously different than what I get in understanding.

The legend of Lilith in bible and other traditions

Another affirmation of an angle of understanding I have been given.

Lucifer; Satan or Goddess?
The Nazarene way of Essainic Studies:

Like many, I thought the morning star referred to the one called Jesus, but when a visitor comes announcing themselves as The Bright and Morning Star and then Lucifer with "I am in you", I am damn well going to find out who that is! lol

Some helpful hints for reading the bible:

Many times the words for "person", "people", "mankind", etc. were translated into "man", "men", "mankind". So, while reading, the gender of an individual person or entity could be assigned as male while it was in fact female or inclusive of both.

Everywhere in the King james version a word is italisized, that word did not originally exist. So, try reading the bible without those italisized words and see how it makes a difference in meanings.

And of course, know the bible you are reading concerning it's interpretation of the words elohim, etc. Know where LORD in all caps replaces the tetragramaton, etc.

Sex before Eve

   Sex was not the original sin and it is easy to prove. When life on earth was ready, God said "be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth....". That is three times the emphasis was on "have sex", "make babies".  If anything, the original sin could very well have been that Adam and Eve did not have sex because Eve, a virgin, was a bit afraid of it.
   "At last! bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh!", a woman Adam could relate to. Adam was relieved. Why? What was of a bother that was not "bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh"? Could it be one or more of the other women created by the sons and daughters(morning stars)/gods(and goddesses) of God? If the story of Lilith is true, Adam was relieved upon meeting Eve because his experience with this/these more experienced woman/women was not making him happy.
   The fruits of the spirit are love, peace, joy, long-suffering, etc. :qualities a person has. The fruit of evil is covetousness, lying, anger, fear, guilt, shame, etc. Which fruit of the tree of good and evil did Eve eat of and pass on to Adam? "Why are you hiding?", "We are naked.", "who told you that you are naked?", he made them clothing: obviously, the fruit is shame in reference to their bodies. Satan made fun of Eve and made her fear sex, afraid to "know" Adam's body. We know they didn't start making and having babies until after they left the garden of Eden. After that, Adam "knew" Eve and Eve gave birth. They finally  had sex.
   Sex is not limited to marriage to be approved by God if Adam was having sex with the one or more other women before Eve. When questioned about marriage, the one called Jesus answered by referring to the two being one flesh, yoked together. They weren't married. There was no agreement or legal arrangement, witnesses or contracts. The yoking is a telepathic and empathic connection where you feel the other's emotions and physical sensations. I know because I have experienced it. I had but to project a feeling I was trying trying to explain and the man I was yoked to would supply exactly the right word lost on the tip of my tongue, as they say.  He knew the exact moment I would wake up and get online though he lived hundreds of miles away. I knew what he was thinking and feeling. But we were in no way  obligated to stay together, get married or anything of that nature. In fact, it is my experience that God asked me to be with another in a non-yoked relationship for very specific reasons I won't get into. Adam obviously wasn't with Lilith until death did them part.
   The only commands God had concerning marriage was not to covet another's wife. If an agreement was made, no one had any bussiness breaking it. "make a vow, pay a vow". That is why the apostles griped it would be better not to marry. Marriage is a man-made institution based on fear. Men want to posses things, like women, and can be prone to jealousy. Women are prone to insecurity about their position, especially when pregnant. It can, of course be the other way around, one or the other, either/or. I am not gender prejudiced and really don't care. Stereotypes aren't my thing, but overall, majorities, do exist. Anyways, point being, even though it was a man-made institution, the vow is made before God. Even if not made before God, you have given your word and to break it makes you a liar. Some covenants we are not allowed to make but do without realizing it. For example, those of us not to be married nor given in marriage, brainwashed by society, believe we could, should, might even have to marry. God has the right to cancel or disallow the vow just as a husband or father was allowed to according to Jewish Law. God will undermine it until we figure it out, learn to hear Him and listen over what people tell us he said and we should do. No one is obligated to marry, there only exist those who aren't allowed to. Everyone else can choose to marry or not. Everyone is free to have sex with whomever they want if unmarried or not have sex at all, so long as the choice is made appropriately. There are definately circumstances where either choice would be innapropriate. There is a time and season for everything, including sex and marriage, abstinance and not being married. Immorality is simply sex that is immoral/unethical/innapropriate.
    It is fear of what we are doing as being bad that brings the host of diseases and dysfunction to sexuality. Shame, self-judgement, rebelliousness, guilt, etc. about sex are the problem and can cause sexual dysfunctions, reproductive difficulties, and disease of the sex organs even in married couples. Often sex is more an expression of hatred and oppression, a battle between two people more than it is ever an expression of love. To have sex with a woman was referred to as "humbling" her: lay her down and pound on her. In self-defense, a woman can use it to manipulate to get what she fears she will not otherwise receive. She may be aggressive sexually just to prove she can't be "broken" or "tamed" or "humbled". She is trying to feel in control of things to fight an insecurity. All of it being dysfunctional and diseased.
   On the other hand, if we are free of guilt, fear and shame concerning sex and are simply engaging in it as an expression of joy and appreciation, there is not a damn thing wrong with it. It's fun, nourishing to the mind, body, soul, spirit. It is good for you. It is energizing, relaxing, refreshing. It is healing. And it's really nice to do outside ;) Did I say that? lol You didn't hear it from me. I am just an all-natural hippie who doesn't smoke weed but forgets herself anyways. heehee

Treasures in heaven

   I felt something growing within me and as I did, in vision I saw it was a wall. From the top of that wall grew a tree. I sensed it being taken from me. I railed at that. I thought that which took it from me must be evil. That wall was a protection, I sensed. Not for keeping things in or out, it would let anything through. And yet it was capable of protecting me in some way, making me immune.
   Recently I realized it was something being held for when I was ready to receive it. I realized why I was not ready, would not accept it/it's affects. It had to do with attachment to people, my relationships with them. It had to do with my lack of self worth and things like that.
   Then I realized things like this are the treasures we were admonished to store up in heaven. Like most other people I know, I believed the treasures referred to were things like good deeds, faith, a good reputation, etc. Nope. They are literal goodies we create/give birth to within us when we show trust in God. Or more appropriately, they are the things He creates/ quickens within us. Can't say I know for sure, here. But it is clear that there are true treasures, goodies, in heaven being stored up for us.

What is in a name? How should we pray?

     I frequently refer to "the one called Jesus". There are many who simply call him Jesus. There are others who call him Yeshua, yashua, Yahoshua, or some other version of Joshua they believe is the correct translation to back to hebrew. Seeking to know the Hebrew version makes sense to me because if i go to ao foreign country I am still called by my english proper name. When they report of a foreign dignatary here in the United States, they do not americanize his name. They do not americanize historical names of foreign people in American history books for American students. The loophole is this: if his name was a form of Joshua, then why is he called Jesus? Why not translated into Joshua just like every other Joshua in the bible? There is one other person who is named Jesus in scripture, why was his name not also changed to Joshua instead of into Jesus? I don't worry too much about it because there is only one name given amongst men by which to be saved, and Jesus made that name known amongst his followers: "Father, I have made your name known amongst those you have given me".
      When asked how they should pray, the one called Jesus said to pray to "our Father". That is the name we should be focused on wanting to know. And yet that is not as thouroughly explored. Yahweh is most frequently used. Jehovah is another, though even the Jehovah's Witnesses admit it is not neccessarily correct, it is simply a name they found most frequently in ancient places like on buildings as well as writings.
      And yet, what is a name? It is the primary focus of our spiritual journey if it is at the top of the list of things to pray about and at the top of the ten commandments. God said He created in Isreal a people for His name. He created a temple for His name. He puts up with nonsense for the sake of His name. He makes great the things men see as lowly for the sake of His name. The name is a symbol for a being. It is a representation of a unique energy signature (all matter is energy). There is the written symbol and the spoken symbol. Sound is form. It is form given to represent something, a feeling. Observe how a name is spoken and one gets a look at the feelings the speaker has for the person spoken of. Jesus mentioned by one person has a different feel than Jesus spoken of by another. The tone, the inflections, the vibration of it tells alot about that person's belief system. So, the name, even spoken is a form given, a representation of the one to whom we are referring.
     Uh, oh. "You shall make no forms to represent your God". Top 10, listed right there after the importance of holding that name holy. Could the name spoken be an idol? Did ancient people understand this and that is why most say the name was lost? The Jews never spoke it. What was it the one called Jesus made known, then? He is not once mentioned to have told his disciples, or even the apostles by themselves a specific name as we would understand a name being expressed (the father wants you to know his name is george, for example.). The one called Jesus allowed the Father to express Himself through him. He let His presence be known. His unique energy structure and the nature of that energy structure, and yet even energy structure is not appropriate. that which we call God is formless, limitless, endless, etc. God sends energy in the form of a spirit before Him because we can feel the presence of a spirit. It has form, is matter. God's voice is known as a still, quiet voice. we do not feel it because it is formless, limitless, etc.
    I sense it now, God's name in me, like water, healing, soothing away aches and pains. It loosens up the fears so they come out in tears. He is here. And I am blessed. I know His name. And yet, it is not His presence I feel in me, it is the affect of His presence I am feeling in me.  And so, this is how I have taken to praying. I do not repeat the words, I simply use "The Lord's Prayer" as an outline, a reminder of priorities and way to keep myself focused when I pray:
       Father, let your name be made Holy in me.
       Let your kingdom come within me.
How can I even imagine to recognize how and what it means to be made holy a name if it doesn't first occur within myself?
God said He would write the kingdom in the minds and hearts of those He chooses. So, within me is the first place I want to see it manifested, so I can recognize it in others and it's workings in the world around me. What good is it coming if I dismiss it because I don't recognize it? I need to recognize it to act in harmony with it rather than against it. Within one's self is always the best place to start any change we want to create or see happen.
    And so my prayer has evolved from words in thought to simply sending my heart. We are told in scripture the spirit pleads on our behalf. We pray without realizing it when we project our feelings, emotions, fears, joys, appreciation, etc. Where do we project them? There is where we will find our god.
    Something I read in the Book of Mormon has stuck with me. a prophet explained to his brother that God spoke to his brother in thundering voices because God was yelling at him. The greater the manifestation of God's presence to us and around us, the "louder" God is being. Those miracles are God yelling at us or proclaiming loudly His love for us. If he is doing it in the presence of others, he is declaring something about us to others. if he is using others, we learn to see and hear Him through others. we learn not to get attached to others as especially nice or evil people. When His purpose is served in them, they revert right back to how they normally exist, go back to their normal ways.
       I believe that is another reason why those destined for the ressurrection are not to be married nor given in marriage: marriage is the training ground, the classroom, we learn to relate to another in the way we want to be relating God. To be dependent upon His approval, to work in common, etc. If we cannot do it with someone we can see, how can we do it with one we cannot see, hear or feel? If we become sensative to another's moods without them speaking a word, we begin to understand how it is we can hear God. And those destined for the ressurrection are too sensative for the gruff relating between people already. I was told I was His and that is why no man has been able to love me. Sure, loving expression was exchanged, I have given birth to six children, but they always turned ugly the moment I became content. God will use a man to express His love for me, but he wants me to know it is His expression of love and I am not allowed to get attached to any one man. Rather than being caused by loose morals, the practice of serial monogomy could be a practice  born of the highest morals. A parent leaving children behind may do so out of the highest love rather than the least. And we lose contact with those who have given the most, not due to lack of appreciation but rather due to the appropriate expression of appreciation; giving appreciation where it is due.
    The one called Jesus told us not to work for things. God gives unconditionally. We receive freely.
 Work can be a gift given for our physical and emotional well-being, but not neccessary to be considered responsible or valuable to our community. The one called Jesus told his disciples to eat what is given and preach the Kingdom, a worker is worthy of his wages. In other words, don't worry, you are worthy of the food and clothing! Paul's tentmaking was to make an impression on people, a reflection of his feeling he had to prove you give to God when you give to me. when I ask a favor, I am giving you a chance to bless yourself. Time for me to start taking this seriously. Time to understand what it is to be holy as He is holy. time to truly let His name be holy in me.
    Someone once asked me about the working thing. When all else failed, I was standing on the street corner with a sign. "That's all well and good", he said but where was the yang to that yin(or vice-versa, I forget which is which). My reply was "I wake up here every day!". I even surprised myself at that answer. But there it was and it was true. Nothing in this world is a vibrational eqivelent. I blow people's brains. I send them shreiking with pure joy as a light burning their eyes out. They strike out at me. They don't provide for me. I have lived a hit and run life. They hit me with money and I never see them again. I hit them with love and they never see me again. It is the only safe way for any of us to co-exist at the levels i have been. The topic has been raised here as well. Not that I haven't tried to get a job and make my own money, nothing has "clicked". A very person who questioned me on it was one who preached to me about how not everyone appreciates their contribution; pays them accordingly. So my response to them was "it's not my fault if no one sees value in my contribution". Then there are the fundy christians next door. Oh, well. What can you say to them. They have their beliefs cemented in and will assault in their self-defense before you even mention it. they are always on the defense, even when they initiate conversation, they begin defensively, expecting conflict.
   So, yes, the end of the journey of the independent self-supportive young woman who always had her own money, vehicle and home came and went. I now am sustained as a vessel for the Name.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Inherently good or evil? eternal destinies?

  Some believe we are all inherently good. Others believe we are all inherently evil, all sin. We are both because we exist in duality. Because we exist in duality, we sin and die. Like animals we are souls that live and die. It's not a curse or judgement against any one of us. We have consciousness that expands and evolves. We have evolved to the point where some are born whole. The rest continue to live in duality, marrying and being given in marriage. Others are yoked. Sometimes that yoking doesn't work out in God's mind and so we are sent off to mature further.
  I intially found prophesy very confusing. While it spoke of everlsting life, it also prophesied of a time when Isreal would experience no infant mortlity and all living into old age, dying old and satisfied.....but dying all the same. Which was it? Now I see there is no either/or. It would be both. Side by side there would be those who grew into wholeness and life everlasting and those who would live long and prosper. On the outside would be those who don't succeed in either. There would be tribes who continue to struggle, but so long as they honor the rest they would be allowed to continue without a flesh-eating plague coming upon them to reduce their numbers. There won't be any rebellion.
   If you ask people, you will find those who really don't ever want to even consider living forever. It's their worst nightmare. Others are like children who watch the same movie over and over and over. They are always delighted by the same things. In scripture we are told it was God who put everlasting life in the hearts of men. That means it was not there to begin with. No one aspired to everlasting life. They were content. But they didn't have to be discontent with that. It was put there for the sake of those who would come, born into wholeness so they knew they were not crazy and could aspire to be different. It would be natural for them. There was nothing wrong with their belief they could live forever.
   So, there are two eternal destinies and it is not a matter of prejudice. It is a matter of evolution and natural selection. It is a natural occurence within God's design. We will all be at peace with it because everlasting life won't be in the heart of those not destined for it. Death won't be in the hearts of those destined for life eternal. We will not covet what the other has, will understand the matter and thus won't be oppressing the other in trying to conform to what anything means to each of us. In other words, those destined for life eternal won't be trying to convince those destined for life of satisfaction that they should be doing things differently. Those destined for  life of satisfaction won't be trying to hold back those destined for life eternal.
        That was the conflict I brought into my life experience. I was alwys trying to encourage people to be more than they were. I saw limitless potential for everyone becuse that was what I felt. Meanwhile, everyone around me was trying to tie me down to their own limitations. It was a constnt struggle. It led to all kinds of abuses and abandonments. And of course pity. But there is no need to pity someone who is perfectly happy with their condition. We can actually be happy for them. Now, that is liberating!
     Another part of prophesy that was a bit confusing was when I read about men walking with their own gods. But it did go along with all I was learning via prophesy, my own divine revelations. The belief of "others" is not uncommon. I read of it once by a pagan writer called Oberon Zell or something. It opened my eyes to see how the first part of genisis does indeed differ from the second. The first speaks of God, but only in the second does it begin to speak of YHWH. When God despaired over sin and death having come upon all men, what He was saying was "even mine".
    All the sons and daughters of God got together and decided to create an animal more like them. They created man in their images. The Father saw this and decided to join in. He made for Himself Adam. Sensing it was not healthy for Adam to be just a single male all on his own, He made Eve as a compliment, putting a bit Himself as well as Adam in her. Satan's inciting rebellion in Adam and Eve was a declaration of war on God's Kingdom.
      That which we call God was just learning about it's self and didn't quite get that yet. A Father undermined by a child; what was this? Having a daughter who does this to me, I can only empathize with the struggle. You really don't think your child is capable of intentionally doing this and even if so, we make up excuses. We take some of the blame, but shut them out or kill them? Really? we just want to love them. It is suddenly complicated as we are wrapped up in emotions like guilt, shame, embarrassment, anger, etc. We try to just live and let live. But then we see it affecting those we love negatively, drawing others in. We cannot control it, we can only control ourselves. We can only come to terms with what it means and act on that. We cease being a victim, even to our children. We make the hard decisions which are suddenly easy because they are simple now that they are unclouded by attachment. We can love without attachment or investment. That child is not me, I  don't want her to be.
     So, in the end, parent becomes King. Only respect for His authority will be accepted. You don't like it? Out you go along with the consequences of living outside the protection a parent can give along with the consequences of disrespect. We will protect those who want to live peacefully. It may be your right to live freely in conflict, but it's also their right to live freely in peace. They have all inherited the earth and a place upon it. I won't be taking the fence down that is around my garden.
     In vision as I experienced it, I saw a wall grow up within me. It was a wall of protection, or that would protect me. It was not a wall for keeping things out nor a wall for keeping things in. Yet, somehow, it was a protection as I sensed it. I was delighted. From the top of the wall a tree began to grow. It was immediately taken from me by the one who is always taking what I birth within and what belongs to me. I railed at it and was hurt, dissapointed. I did not understand why or who would do such a thing. Lately I have been given understanding. It is being held for when I am ready to receive it. All my treasures are being held in heaven for me. I am not ready to receive them in that I would not accept what they offer me. I have been too attached to people and things. I have been too invested in their reactions. I have wanted things for them they do not want for themselves. I have dependent and co-dependent and abusive and negligent just like everyone else. But like everyone else is how I wanted to be because it hurt so much to be different I wanted answers to things i did not understand.
   Why are those girls so mean and bitter, I wondered in high school. Why can't I be simple-minded and content like my neighbor who adored her husband despite his ignorance? I wondered after a couple of failed marriages. When people became offended by me as a child I immediately sensed how they had just received judgement. Knowing their reaction to me would cost them, I became very much a people pleaser. a drunk once mocked me "Just like me, oh please just like me!" It hit me then how I would do anything to make people like me, even if it meant being more immoral than them. which of course, they hated. I would hide who I was inside, my inner reality so I would seem normal and people picked up the vibe. I would not lie to them, but they called me a liar and I did not understand why. I was living a lie trying to be just like them. I was mocked by my brother as "elephant ears" because telepathically I had overheard his conversation. I alienated a friend by accident when over the phone, though I had never been init, I described her kitchen as she stood in it. I didn't want to be scary. I hate being scared and frightened.
    That all is changing. I have my answers.  I made the decisions I wondered how others could make. I have learned how to open to get the answers so I don't have to learn them by experience. I have learned to not look at the world through rose-colored glasses or to idealize things. I can see things how they really are and be ok with it, no matter what it is I see. I don't have to like everything, I simply have to allow it. I have to learned how to see the appropriate place for something and that there is an appropriate place for everything. I only disliked it because my experience of it was of it being in an innappropriate place. I really don't want to be like everyone else. It doesn't suit me, doesn't feel comfortable, is not natural in me. It does not mean it isn't for them, it simply isn't for me. I am beggining to see things as simply and easily chosen as one would a desert after dinner: "pie or cake?", "I'll have cookies, please". "Alright, I will bring them". If my neighbor orders pie, I'm certainly not going to condemn them. Sometimes I like pie, such as: for breakfast.
   Good and evil are simply things taken to an extreme, it is an experience of duality. Wholeness includes everything in it's appropriate time and place, nothing is inherently good or evil. Jacob's (Isreal's) father-in-law was told not speak to Jacob "good or evil". He was being admonished to speak to Jacob appropriately about his leaving with his wives and children. Sneaking off might be something we would call innapropriate, however in his circumstances it must have been. He did a "bad" thing for the right reasons and was blessed. His father-in-law was not living up to their agreement. At the same time, Jacob could have waited for God to rectify the situation instead of continuously entrapping himself and then running off. Jacob could not see any other way out. Jacob then did "the right thing" for the wrong reasons. He sent flocks ahead as gifts for his brother out of fear of him. He had no reason to fear because God made him a promise, though he did have reason to fear because he got the inheritence from his father by tricking him ("right reason", wrong action). So, Jacob did have reason to fear his brother, but God had probably disciplined him for the deceit by using his father-in-law to keep him in "enslavement". Takes alot of growing to see all that! lol  Jacob should have let his older brother get the blessing from his father because God had made a promise and would have made sure it was fulfilled despite that. Jacob allowed his mother to incite him to deceit, however. And God allowed all of it to happen! lol
    That is why now, I have learned to remind myself not to take matters into my own hands. Take what is presented. Feel out what I am to do with it. Trust in God's promises. I don't need to make anything happen. And soon, now, my treasures will adorn me. I will be ready. I will begin to live my destiny.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

To be or not to be, the original question

     I have been so frugal for so long, I forget to receive gifts. I say no things given and offered because I am so used to not having room and eventually having to let go of things.If it doesn't have an immediate use, I get rid of it. So, the understanding was given me that I had been given the ability to imbue things with power. I sensed it meant something like I could pick up a rock or crystal and imbue it with healing. My response was along the lines of "very cool, but would I really use it?". The knowledge was set on the back burner for me.
    It hit me today, though. I could imbue my body with health and vitality. I could imbue my surroundings with beauty and grace. it began to hit me how useful it could be to me. It struck me that in being given that, I had been given authority. I had been authority over the world around me. I was careful not to focus my thinking on affecting anything in particular, i don't want to interfere in anything. I don't want to control anything. Then I realized I had already begun to have it enacted for me naturally, slowly and subtly. That which I would desire has begun to eminate from within me and be reflected back to me. It has been rather shocking how comparatively pleasant things had begun to be. people didn't react offensively, judgementally, etc. Generosity began to be extended without asking. What I need began to arrive before I needed it. The beauty of my heart and it's wishes were answered when I did not give in to judgement. Compassion for another's concern despite my not agreeing with the importance of what they wanted was answered. I gave them a gift that meant something to them personally despite my wanting no part of it. That is magical to me. "Cry with those who cry, rejoice with those who are rejoicing". We do not rejoice over that which they rejoice over or be saddened by that which makes them sad, however we can empathize with hurt and saddness. We can rejoice at rejoicing.
   Then I was jumped into the thought that this is what Adam and Eve were given: the choice of self-determination. There are two trees. There is the tree of life ( wholeness and immortality) and the tree of good and evil(duality and mortality). There is together as one or seperated. Eve was seduced into acting seperately from Adam. Adam acted out of resentment. Those chose independence from oneanother, duality, and mortality.
   I had previously been given me to come to the conclusion that naming the animals meant more than giving the animals a verbal designation. It meant identifying their meaning to him. Would this be threatening or scary? Would it be a companion? Would it be domestic, a servent, a beast of labor? Would it be mysterious or playful, entertaining? He had been authority over the earth, it's animals and now I understand an aspect of how he even had ultimate authority over "naming" self.
   Next year, according to my vision, a "few locals" will be invited to do the same. They will be invited to choose between continuing to swim in mortality/duality/seperateness/individuality from a mate and immortality/wholeness/oneness with another and the Father. The difference is, we have had a taste of both already. The choice will be made in the maturity of experience and thus knowledge and understanding with no doubt as to what the choice means, who the liar is.
   I only pray I do not disregard the invitation if it is made because I do not immediately understand what it is and it's usefulness.

religious groups, organizations, cults

      During this last season of darkness the desire for family, a people, came up for revisiting. I looked into the Twelve Tribes Commonwealth of Isreal group.  I had bumped into them one evening when someone I was traveling with took me there to stay the night. My daughter had thrown up in the car and the women took us right in, washing the carseat and seeing to all our needs, including laundry. We left the next morning but that kindness had stuck with me. I want my children to be exposed to good examples of humans interacting rather than only the wordly ones in all the people around us. It is pretty much just us three against the world here. In researching them I came across a post by a former member who quoted their leader and seemed pretty enlightened. I figured if a group contained those with such a level of spirituality and lived as one big family, it might be just what we need or at least what I wanted. Upon further investigaation and with a return to clarity, I know they are not what I want or we need. I like the idea of having a household of my own.
      Most of the complaints about more devout groups referred to as cults are simply their seperateness from the world. Anti-cult movements are pretty much a high control group/cult themselves in that their religion is devout worldliness and any deviation is considered evil. Their charismatic leader would be Rick Ross. Those they seduce from other cults parrot their interpretation of the new recruit's former religion like brainwashed zombies. I see it and have been there myself. Jumped into it when I left the Jehovah's Witnesses.
      I see how much of the doctrines held by high control groups is sound religious pratice gone to extreme or corrupted by evil motives. I also see how such tendencies could be created not just by a leader who flipped a lid when his annointing ran out, but by recruits themselves who yearn for rules and regulations, a law to live by, like children craving discipline and guidence in a world devoid of it. They don't trust themselves, have been conditioned not to by society. Their neediness feeds a darkness in a prophet and together they bring the destructive cult to life.
     Mainstream religions are worldliness's wink at a pretense of righteousness and spiritual interests. But all contain a grain of truth to lure you  in and satisfy your need to find what is right enough to make the rest not matter much as long as you don't have to leave the world behind. They have the world's full approval with legal recognition. Their ministers all carry cards with the world's stamp of approval on them.
      The only church in our small village is not attended by anyone who lives here. It's patrons travel from other towns to attend it. The preacher stands at the pulpit preaching the trinity while condemning it and states openly how he would never visit with or share a meal with those in his congregation. They all hollar out "Amen" at his statements and he is worshipped, getting constant adoration. he degrades their attempts to serve him affectionately. They are Apostolic pentacostals, widely accepted and respected. lol crazier than any high control group I have been in or looked into. They read words from the bible that they have been taught to see rather than what is written in black and white. It is amazing how brainwashed they are.
      In scripture we are admonished not to argue doctrine. We are told we would be recognized by the love we show oneanother. In Revelation, the messege to the churches include reassurance that it is known who believes which doctrine in each congregation. I figured I could join a "faamily" even if my doctrine was different. I could tolerate them and their doctrine if the focus was the love shared. None would have me under those conditions. One has to be initiated into every single one of them, which won't occur if you don't agree with their doctrine. Matter what religion it is, not only would you not be welcomed as a member unless in agreement with their doctrine, but if you attempt to stay and share the love anyways, they find ways to discourage you from coming. You definately won't be invited to join in any reindeer games. They all "love bomb" you at first.
      Even non-denominational, unorganized home churching is becoming extinct and being swallowed up by new-age christianity housechurching. They are all becoming one new age Jesus worshipping conglomerate whose members bash eachother for minor differences so they feel elite and the only ones with "THE Truth". They all preach themselves as the only true organization and God's chosen people, the spiritual Isreal. They all smell the same:righteous pretense with evil shades behind the scenes. No matter how sincere the majority of general members and occassional leaders, the undercurrents of evil are there coloring it through those who take the lead recognizably or not.
      I just wanted someone supportive to come home to! Or at least spend the day with. I want to homeschool my children. Doing it with others would make it far more interesting to the children and lighten to burden of it on me. But I am not going to pass a whipping stick ritualistically to another who will homeschool for me and take over authority to guide my child with the "rod". Anyone I trust my child with would have to be subject to my authority and responsibility before God as parent. That sort of thing is where doctrines DO make a difference. Taking responsibility from a parent is not loving. sharing chores isawesome when done companionably, but not overseen and under emotional, spiritual duress.
      I cannot stand TV. It literally makes me sick. But dead of winter some programming is fun and eductional for the children. I want them to use their imaginations. The partt of the brain used for it is also the part we receive from God and experience His formlessness and limitless. "All your sons and daughters will prophesy" we are told. Not if we kill the imagination, they won't. And internet? Most of it is unuseful for me, but we have an inborn nature to share ourselves. Most people can't take me in great doses, no matter how much they love me. Here I can express openly and freely. Others can browse at their ability. Contrary writings can stimulate a need for a new or deeper understanding. I don't completely shun "outside literature". Sometimes it can cement what I do believe as what I believe is tried and tested, challenged by it. There is a time, place, season for everything.
   I did have one brief good experience of communal living. I got to be a woman, independent but doing womanly things I found very fulfilling. Shared meals and spiritual discussions were daily experienced for nourishment. Everyone pitching in as they were moved to provided for bills to get paid and material needs to be met. Yet no one was dependent upon the rest nor deprived of having anything of their own. Each had their own room and space. There was no set schedule or assigned duties. We just did what waas needed when it was needed. There were no romantic undercurrents. I was respected, not hit on. My children were encouraged to respect me. The one responsible for it, under whose roof we dwelt, let it all fly..... until the season of enlightenment came upon us. Turns out his carefree attitude was an extreme he hid his darkness in which was the opposite extreme, a control freak. The entire household disbanded and partings were not pleasant. But I got a taste of what could be if everyone involved had spiritually matured and reltionships coould hve survived the season of enlightenment. I would have perservered, but wouldn't put my children through it. We had had enough of that the years before under a control freak's oppression. But, like I said, I got a taste of what could be and am grateful for it.
      As I wrote above, the perceived need to share a household is passed and past. Now I just want a place of my own. I want to live at my own pace, the one God gives me. I am blessed with being capable to do the rest if He gives it to me to do. we're all set.
     Another religious venue I was into for a time was New Age enlightenment. I am going to include Buddhism with this because so much of new age beliefs are based on belief systems such as this. Reading the intro to the book Siddhartha, I learned Buddhism was founded in the search for extinction.That's right, spiritual exctinction. I had noticed that about the new age practices; that their practices led to a oneness that meant back into the original melting pot/nonexistence. We'll just let them go there, I won't be following. I did find techniques for quieting one's self and releasing fears very usefull and meaningful to my spiritual journey. Channeling methods taught me how to experience oneness comfortably, allowing God to speak clearly to and through me directly. Fearing possession, I never would have otherwise found those who could train me in allowing spirit in safely and consciously. I am a conscious channelor, meaning I do not go unconscious and have complete control over what comes out of my mouth. Very handy.
    Right-wing patriotism is very much religious, though it is a political movement. It is all about independence and self-sufficiency. It includes alot of fear-mongering. They are another extreme and imbalanced, drawing opposition and violence. Independent thought and self-sufficiency from the system are useful, however. You learn to break free from mainstream and seek other venues for material sustenence. Doing it without the fear, paranoia and hatred draws freedom in peace. Instead of being anti-government, one simply is released from it. You use it when you need to but that becomes less and less a concern. The Al Morrocans Empire/Moors fall into the right-wing extremist grouping but are very religiously based. They do believe in the superiority of women over men but are paranoid about mating. They believe in inbreeding. I'd lean more toward inter-racial breeding as a way to reuinite soul aspects before I would ever consider inbreeding to protect a single one so old it becomes stagnant and void of all potential. I read about the two-by-twos which was nothing more than a sound spiritual principle gone bad/corrupted. They all begin like the one called Jesus: not a member of any state sanctified religious order (pharisee or sadduccee), then end up like his apostles canstantly tried to go ("master, we tried to silence him because he was not one of us" and "which one of us is greates?").
     One might think the church of Scientology would be the place for me. One of the chief tenants of their beliefs if that no one can tell you what to believe because all our beliefs are based on our experiences. But all one has to do is browse their website to see in truth that is not bsolutely so. They have courses to take to guide you into the experiences needed to arrive at the beliefs they believe you should have, heehee. Gotcha. Do they believe in one god? why yes, it is referred to as theta. Guess what? They also call the ultimate spirit within all men.......theta. They are just nother "you are god also" group geared toward people with a fundamentlist bent.
    Mormons are cool, but it's founder was another who misinterpreted his visions to be too literal and eventually it turned controlling. They baptism the dead via stand-ins. I know this was a practice of the first century church, but I believe it to be an innapropriate one. Scripture says each man will be judged by his own actions."Where you are going (upon death) there is no work", etc. They are also too worldly mindend, into prestige and making something of one's self in this system.
    Ultimately, the truth in my search for God's people was unneccessary, if only I had seen what God prophesied about them: "they would be scattered among the nations like morning dew". We would not be all together living as one people in the end. We are wheat among the shoots of chaff, not touching oneanother until the ingathering. He will bring us into households, I think. But I don't see an orgination, a legal entity involved. Just a naturally occuring growing up and out and into eachother, like blossoming flowers. What I saw in a vision was families/households that looked like lights as we drew back to look at the earth from a distance. The earth was dotted with a countless number of these little lights seperated and shinging in what was otherwise complete darkness. One light began to brighten more than the rest and kept on expanding until it completely filled my vision. But we all seem to start out being told what to believe and what scriptures mean. Very few reccomend reading the bible cover to cover independently. The high control groups discourage it, even call doing so evil. The Amish are amongst those, from wht I had read bout them. High control groups believe you cannot rechunderstanding unless guided by a person who is annointed to teach and of course, they are the only ones annointed to do that. This is in conflict with prophesy where God states "My shepards have failed. I myself will teach them.".
      When the one called Jesus said "I am the way and only through me...." he was channeling God's voice, not making himself the only way to salvation. He was repeating what had already been stated through prophets for ages. One God, One Truth, One Way: God Almighty. No one could be drawn to the one called Jesus unless the Father drew them. Of those drawn, called, few are chosen and of those chosen, how many accept the invitation? Quite the weeding process, eh? a very narrow road and limited number indeed. And guess what? We would not be teaching anyone anything. The disciples were sent out to seek the lost ones, to preserve a tradition of beliefs, but to let the righteous continue in righteousness and unrighteous in unrighteousness. They weren't to change anyone. God would do that. Many believe the command to go forth baptising and making disciples was added on you'll find god's people doing that, though, I think. And not just amongst themselves, but their neighbors, also.