Saturday, February 16, 2013

Man the animal

      In scripture we read how man became a living soul. We also read of the souls on land, in air and in seas. Man was created to be just another soul on earth. Mortal flesh with above average intellect. The exception was Adam. That is why he was isolated and treated differently. That is why when he sinned, God "made for him the skin of an animal", He gave him mortal flesh and an existence just like the rest of humanity. That is why God moaned that "now sin and death had spread to all men", meaning "now, even to My Adam, My people". The rest were already just animals.
     In scripture we read that it is not for man to direct his own steps. We rail at that. What, like we can't think for ourselves?! we think. The answer is no, we can't, we just don't realize it. Let's be honest. What drives most people? Sure they get jobs to make money to feed themselves and families, but that is just a sidedish to their real interests. Their real focus is mating and domination, self-preservation. Just like any animal. And charity? They do it out of guilt because they really don't care but feel guilty about it. They believe they should.
   If God quickens in you an immortal spirit, then you become like Adam. God decided it was not good for Adam to dwell alone in his immortality amongst mortal humans. That is why He created Eve. That is how I know there is a man for me, God knows it is not good for us to dwell alone. I was discouraged from seeking a mate by a dream in which an old school teacher shook a ruler at me while standing over a student whos ehead was hanging low in study over a desk. "That man is not for you. There is a man being prepared for you".  I thought I must be crazy, I didn't believe in twin flames, soulmates, or happily ever after, or anything of that sort. I thought maybe my heart was betraying me in lonliness of my experience. I had never once met anyone like me that I could tell. I questioned that dream. The moment of this realization at remembering what God said of Adam is what finally convinced me of the truth of that promise. a man is being prepared for me.
  Now, back on topic. It is only within the last century that  western mankind has finally gotten to the point where they are conscious of their equality to animals. Animal rights activists are making alot of headway there. They also see how when an animal attacks man, it is not the animal's fault.
They are just being an animal. They aren't worth getting vengence on. That is how God sees man. They aren't worth getting vengence on. You love your animals, but you don't take their animal natures personally. God doesn't take our animal natures personally, either. He is not out to destroy us. It is the spirits that inhabit mankind He has issue with and who have issue with us being used by God to humiliate them. The human being is just the vessel, the vehicle, those spirits are driving to destroy God's earth and mock Him.
   We do have a consciousness that can travel the heavens. Animals do, too. We have all seen our dogs dreaming. Animals have hearts that mourn for oneanother, we've all heard of elephant's behavior. I have felt the pressence of a wounded animal in the woods in mourning for it's mate. Both human and animals have psychic connections. We use it to convince animals we are stronger and to control them, put them to our own uses. We have wills that can be stronger or weaker than an animal's. And these are all the same ways in which spirits influence us. What about love and affection? We have seen animals show it. Spirits experience affection as well, we are a reflection of them. But sometimes we adopt affection for things they have an affection for against our own will.
    We do have hearts, but they are controllable as well. In scripture we read how God puts things in men's hearts and minds. Two years ago I got an object lesson in that principle. I was done seeking men. I entered into relationship with one pretty much against my own will, was put in a position I had to consider accepting it. And, I am never against just loving somebody. Showing affection is natural to me. When released from that relationship, I had hoped to have learned all I needed to learn and could be done with it. But God was not done with me yet in reference to men. "Just one more", He promised. "This is the last one", He promised. I wept but consented. I had no romantic interest in the man selected. But there it was when I was asked to engage in the relationship. All the love in the world for him. The moment evil entered in him, the love was removed without attachment or resentment. When evil left him, the love was turned on again. I observed this process going on within me objectively. It was joy inducing to be the vessel of such love and affection. It was a great relief to not be dependent upon it for joy to continue in me. I took none of his issues with me personally. They were his issues, not mine. And I know his were demonic because he boasted of having opposable thumbs, making man greater than animals. I have never even thought about man being no better than an animal, so I know his issue was not with me. It was an insecurity he was facing and had been brought to his attention by the demons within him as they used him to face God in me.
   That object lesson was accompianied by others like it. People would be nice to me but when I saw them again they would remember something completely different happening. They would have a completely different charector. This was God showing me everyone around me was just a vessel for the war going on between God and His children. I was caught in the middle as one of His chosen vessels and that was all there is to it. No wonder people thought me crazy. My experience of them and life in general was completely different than theirs. I was chosen before I was even born and targeted just as early. When their interactions with me were the result of possession, the people wouldn't even remember the interaction with me and/or the demon in them would deny it, trying or to convince me I was crazy. They did not want me to trust what was going on within me. And the hatred I inspired in people was unnatural. Their focus on me unwarrented. The intensity frightening. It wasn't thiers, it turns out, but they think it is. I feel sorry for them, but no pity. There comes a point when within, we decide. We choose to ride the wave or not. They chose to allow it in and own it.
   I spent years wondering why people couldn't see me honestly. I wondered why I had feelings I knew I had outgrown. I would have dreams showing I was masked, painted to look different, disguised, and hidden. Why?! I railed. For my own safety and protection. If spiritually 'killed', the demons would leave me alone, feel unthreatened. they would believe they had accomplished their mission. But I never believed I had been in danger, so I didn't understand it. I was admonished to leave people alone so I wouldn't hurt them, I wondered how I could hurt them. They weren't like me and my hopes were not possible for them. By sharing them, I gave them hope they could not have, aspirations not theirs to entertain or motivate, false hopes that would hurt their hearts and minds, their consciousness. They would have goals that were unrealistic, just like I did. I could be anything in the world I wanted to be. I could find joy in living simply. I was born for a greater purpose and so my dreams have led to dissapointment. I don't want to do that to people. I know how it feels. So, finally I stopped sharing my journey, where my road split from theirs.
   I write of this only here. I do not discuss it in public. Only those who need to will find it. With everyone else, I am quiet. Rejoicing when they rejoice, crying when they are crying. Attentive always to when it is "safe" and appropriate to associate with them. I do not think they are less than me. In most ways we are equal. I have just been set aside for a special purpose. They are handicapped where I might not be and I am handicapped at what comes natural to them. No greater or worse. Not deserving or undeserving. I am just me and what I was made to be: a little more than an animal. I wish the same of you, but I can't, so I won't. I can only tell you god loves loves you and I do too. despite your being an animal. You can't hate yourself for that. I can't either. I can only hold you responsible for the evil you choose to do knowingly. In scriptures, the prophets were told "Do you not know you are gods?". You are for a little while. You are for as long as you are living, breathing. But you are gods who are mortal. So are the other animals. Greater or lesser, mortal godship belongs to fleshly consciousness. Animals and people, brothers and sisters in life's circle. Native cultural beliefs are true for you.

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