Friday, February 8, 2013

"In the spirit of...."

   When asked if he was Elias or one of the prophets (a reincrnation), John the baptist said no. The man called Jesus said John was Elias. How can this be? Did one lie or did John not know who he was? neither, I think. I believe, due to the statement through previous prophets of one who would come "in the spirit of..." that this is what was meant by Elias must come first. One who comes "in the spirit of" or with the nature of, messege similar to that of Elias would come. That is why Jesus said John was Elias, of the spirit of Elias, while John knew he was not the reincarnation of Elias. With this in mind, we can re-examine many prophetic comings and goings. When the one called Jesus ascended to heaven, it was written for us that his disciples witnessed it "in vision".  We are told his return would be similar. We can thus say his return would be in vision and one might come "in the spirit of" the one called Jesus. His ressurrection would be of the nature of "in the spirit of". And I do not mean a literal spirit being or entity. A life-giving spirit would be a life-nurturing nature or quality. The women at the grave were told to seek the one called Jesus "amongst the living". Seek for those who share his qualities. That is why he said not to go into places to see any person claiming to be him. That person or entity would not be found. He is dead.
   The one called Jesus was an example of what would be coming when the time of the nations had ended and God returned in a "ressurrected"/returned condition "son of man"/spirit birthed within human beings. We must be born of /made of water and spirit. These things must be present in us, a part of us. We are born again, become something new, when we go from mortal soul to spirit being in a soul.
     Back to the concept of(spirit of, heehee) discerning where what might be interpreted as literal is actually "in the spirit of", I am led to the belief in the ressurrection of the righteous and unrighteous. I ask: the righteous and unrighteous what? men? angels? How about ideas, beliefs, philosophies? The world is interconnected by the internet and other media so that every society is becoming an orgy of ideas, beliefs, philosphies, perceptions, understandings, etc. (not to mention outdated fashions, lol) Everything that is considered righteous and unrighteous is going on in the world. We can witness extreme acts of kindness, generosity, impartiality, justice, mercy and non-judgementalism alongside vile perversions, murders and mayham. This colliding of extremes can lead one into a balanced/whole state of being when we put every aspect into it's appropriate place and "season", apply everything correctly. Otherwise we are pulled into one extreme or another in various aspects.
      We are told by the one called Jesus that the ones doing the harvesting are the angels(men who have not become mortal/still have spirits. sin and death spreading to all men does not mean every single one, red the bible and you'll see many instances where all meant majority). They are gathering up fruit of "in the spirit of". They are aligning themselves and taking people with them. For some time now I have perceived that God's messeges are primarily for his "sons", the spirit beings/gods and goddesses/trees of the garden of Eden, who were present before the creation of man. They are given through men as a sort of mocking, humiliation due to their jealousy, contempt and contention over man. Like if God used a child molester to express truth to a self-righteous hypocrital minister, using that which is disdained to proclaim condemnation against that which God finds equally foul. (He said He would do that). It's heavenly beings who are up for judgement. Mortal humanity is just cannon-fodder. The mortal are dead anyways, right? The lost sheep, I believe are spirit beings who began possessing people over and over again and forgot they were not human to begin with. They believe they keep getting reincarnated. They are God's first priority.
    It is in the book of Revelation that we are told that in the vision an angel, "that is to say, a man" did such and such. Throughout scripture angels are called men. So how many scriptural references to men are to that which we call angels and to angels that we call men? And what is the difference? They both have form/are "made of the earth": the realm of form, the lower realms of heaven. Interesting.
    A name is a form, the representation of "the spirit of" or nature of a being. To come in the name of someone, one does not have to be openly declaring a name. We might be persecuted simply for our nature, because we come "in the spirit of christ" and thus never understand why we are so hated, disdained by the world around us. We might believe we are only recently "saved" or have only recently "found God" and so are now expecting persecution for it but not getting any while in times past we were hated while "sinners". The difference is not in our nature, but rather in the fact that we are now accepting discipline. We were self-sacrificing (like our creator) and nothing like the people around us, committing "sins" for completely different reasons than they do. We have stopped being victims and joined our creator in a state of empowerment, self-acceptence, and are working on our own salvation, respecting the desire of the rest of humanity to continue on in self-destruction. We join God in love, freedom, and companionship. We gain peace and stability, becoming more and more a reflection of the rock that He is. I love Him and bless Him. My heart is open to him. I release. Worthiness is the nature of openness, a lack of resistence to His love and acceptence.

adding:yes, a sudden cut-off, started to feel like incomplete rambling. starting to get understandings and thus more questions, lol If it is not perfectly clear to me, I know not to write it. Let the answers come to me. Where there is confusion, there satan is.

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