Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Others and Litlith, Lucifer and Morning Star, helpful links

"We are the other people" by Oberon Zell:


This reaffirmed what I was getting about other people, though our perceptions in motivation for Adam's God and whether or not he has bloodlust are obviously different than what I get in understanding.

The legend of Lilith in bible and other traditions


Another affirmation of an angle of understanding I have been given.

Lucifer; Satan or Goddess?
The Nazarene way of Essainic Studies:


Like many, I thought the morning star referred to the one called Jesus, but when a visitor comes announcing themselves as The Bright and Morning Star and then Lucifer with "I am in you", I am damn well going to find out who that is! lol

Some helpful hints for reading the bible:

Many times the words for "person", "people", "mankind", etc. were translated into "man", "men", "mankind". So, while reading, the gender of an individual person or entity could be assigned as male while it was in fact female or inclusive of both.

Everywhere in the King james version a word is italisized, that word did not originally exist. So, try reading the bible without those italisized words and see how it makes a difference in meanings.

And of course, know the bible you are reading concerning it's interpretation of the words elohim, etc. Know where LORD in all caps replaces the tetragramaton, etc.

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