Saturday, February 9, 2013

To be or not to be, the original question

     I have been so frugal for so long, I forget to receive gifts. I say no things given and offered because I am so used to not having room and eventually having to let go of things.If it doesn't have an immediate use, I get rid of it. So, the understanding was given me that I had been given the ability to imbue things with power. I sensed it meant something like I could pick up a rock or crystal and imbue it with healing. My response was along the lines of "very cool, but would I really use it?". The knowledge was set on the back burner for me.
    It hit me today, though. I could imbue my body with health and vitality. I could imbue my surroundings with beauty and grace. it began to hit me how useful it could be to me. It struck me that in being given that, I had been given authority. I had been authority over the world around me. I was careful not to focus my thinking on affecting anything in particular, i don't want to interfere in anything. I don't want to control anything. Then I realized I had already begun to have it enacted for me naturally, slowly and subtly. That which I would desire has begun to eminate from within me and be reflected back to me. It has been rather shocking how comparatively pleasant things had begun to be. people didn't react offensively, judgementally, etc. Generosity began to be extended without asking. What I need began to arrive before I needed it. The beauty of my heart and it's wishes were answered when I did not give in to judgement. Compassion for another's concern despite my not agreeing with the importance of what they wanted was answered. I gave them a gift that meant something to them personally despite my wanting no part of it. That is magical to me. "Cry with those who cry, rejoice with those who are rejoicing". We do not rejoice over that which they rejoice over or be saddened by that which makes them sad, however we can empathize with hurt and saddness. We can rejoice at rejoicing.
   Then I was jumped into the thought that this is what Adam and Eve were given: the choice of self-determination. There are two trees. There is the tree of life ( wholeness and immortality) and the tree of good and evil(duality and mortality). There is together as one or seperated. Eve was seduced into acting seperately from Adam. Adam acted out of resentment. Those chose independence from oneanother, duality, and mortality.
   I had previously been given me to come to the conclusion that naming the animals meant more than giving the animals a verbal designation. It meant identifying their meaning to him. Would this be threatening or scary? Would it be a companion? Would it be domestic, a servent, a beast of labor? Would it be mysterious or playful, entertaining? He had been authority over the earth, it's animals and now I understand an aspect of how he even had ultimate authority over "naming" self.
   Next year, according to my vision, a "few locals" will be invited to do the same. They will be invited to choose between continuing to swim in mortality/duality/seperateness/individuality from a mate and immortality/wholeness/oneness with another and the Father. The difference is, we have had a taste of both already. The choice will be made in the maturity of experience and thus knowledge and understanding with no doubt as to what the choice means, who the liar is.
   I only pray I do not disregard the invitation if it is made because I do not immediately understand what it is and it's usefulness.

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