Monday, February 11, 2013

Inherently good or evil? eternal destinies?

  Some believe we are all inherently good. Others believe we are all inherently evil, all sin. We are both because we exist in duality. Because we exist in duality, we sin and die. Like animals we are souls that live and die. It's not a curse or judgement against any one of us. We have consciousness that expands and evolves. We have evolved to the point where some are born whole. The rest continue to live in duality, marrying and being given in marriage. Others are yoked. Sometimes that yoking doesn't work out in God's mind and so we are sent off to mature further.
  I intially found prophesy very confusing. While it spoke of everlsting life, it also prophesied of a time when Isreal would experience no infant mortlity and all living into old age, dying old and satisfied.....but dying all the same. Which was it? Now I see there is no either/or. It would be both. Side by side there would be those who grew into wholeness and life everlasting and those who would live long and prosper. On the outside would be those who don't succeed in either. There would be tribes who continue to struggle, but so long as they honor the rest they would be allowed to continue without a flesh-eating plague coming upon them to reduce their numbers. There won't be any rebellion.
   If you ask people, you will find those who really don't ever want to even consider living forever. It's their worst nightmare. Others are like children who watch the same movie over and over and over. They are always delighted by the same things. In scripture we are told it was God who put everlasting life in the hearts of men. That means it was not there to begin with. No one aspired to everlasting life. They were content. But they didn't have to be discontent with that. It was put there for the sake of those who would come, born into wholeness so they knew they were not crazy and could aspire to be different. It would be natural for them. There was nothing wrong with their belief they could live forever.
   So, there are two eternal destinies and it is not a matter of prejudice. It is a matter of evolution and natural selection. It is a natural occurence within God's design. We will all be at peace with it because everlasting life won't be in the heart of those not destined for it. Death won't be in the hearts of those destined for life eternal. We will not covet what the other has, will understand the matter and thus won't be oppressing the other in trying to conform to what anything means to each of us. In other words, those destined for life eternal won't be trying to convince those destined for life of satisfaction that they should be doing things differently. Those destined for  life of satisfaction won't be trying to hold back those destined for life eternal.
        That was the conflict I brought into my life experience. I was alwys trying to encourage people to be more than they were. I saw limitless potential for everyone becuse that was what I felt. Meanwhile, everyone around me was trying to tie me down to their own limitations. It was a constnt struggle. It led to all kinds of abuses and abandonments. And of course pity. But there is no need to pity someone who is perfectly happy with their condition. We can actually be happy for them. Now, that is liberating!
     Another part of prophesy that was a bit confusing was when I read about men walking with their own gods. But it did go along with all I was learning via prophesy, my own divine revelations. The belief of "others" is not uncommon. I read of it once by a pagan writer called Oberon Zell or something. It opened my eyes to see how the first part of genisis does indeed differ from the second. The first speaks of God, but only in the second does it begin to speak of YHWH. When God despaired over sin and death having come upon all men, what He was saying was "even mine".
    All the sons and daughters of God got together and decided to create an animal more like them. They created man in their images. The Father saw this and decided to join in. He made for Himself Adam. Sensing it was not healthy for Adam to be just a single male all on his own, He made Eve as a compliment, putting a bit Himself as well as Adam in her. Satan's inciting rebellion in Adam and Eve was a declaration of war on God's Kingdom.
      That which we call God was just learning about it's self and didn't quite get that yet. A Father undermined by a child; what was this? Having a daughter who does this to me, I can only empathize with the struggle. You really don't think your child is capable of intentionally doing this and even if so, we make up excuses. We take some of the blame, but shut them out or kill them? Really? we just want to love them. It is suddenly complicated as we are wrapped up in emotions like guilt, shame, embarrassment, anger, etc. We try to just live and let live. But then we see it affecting those we love negatively, drawing others in. We cannot control it, we can only control ourselves. We can only come to terms with what it means and act on that. We cease being a victim, even to our children. We make the hard decisions which are suddenly easy because they are simple now that they are unclouded by attachment. We can love without attachment or investment. That child is not me, I  don't want her to be.
     So, in the end, parent becomes King. Only respect for His authority will be accepted. You don't like it? Out you go along with the consequences of living outside the protection a parent can give along with the consequences of disrespect. We will protect those who want to live peacefully. It may be your right to live freely in conflict, but it's also their right to live freely in peace. They have all inherited the earth and a place upon it. I won't be taking the fence down that is around my garden.
     In vision as I experienced it, I saw a wall grow up within me. It was a wall of protection, or that would protect me. It was not a wall for keeping things out nor a wall for keeping things in. Yet, somehow, it was a protection as I sensed it. I was delighted. From the top of the wall a tree began to grow. It was immediately taken from me by the one who is always taking what I birth within and what belongs to me. I railed at it and was hurt, dissapointed. I did not understand why or who would do such a thing. Lately I have been given understanding. It is being held for when I am ready to receive it. All my treasures are being held in heaven for me. I am not ready to receive them in that I would not accept what they offer me. I have been too attached to people and things. I have been too invested in their reactions. I have wanted things for them they do not want for themselves. I have dependent and co-dependent and abusive and negligent just like everyone else. But like everyone else is how I wanted to be because it hurt so much to be different I wanted answers to things i did not understand.
   Why are those girls so mean and bitter, I wondered in high school. Why can't I be simple-minded and content like my neighbor who adored her husband despite his ignorance? I wondered after a couple of failed marriages. When people became offended by me as a child I immediately sensed how they had just received judgement. Knowing their reaction to me would cost them, I became very much a people pleaser. a drunk once mocked me "Just like me, oh please just like me!" It hit me then how I would do anything to make people like me, even if it meant being more immoral than them. which of course, they hated. I would hide who I was inside, my inner reality so I would seem normal and people picked up the vibe. I would not lie to them, but they called me a liar and I did not understand why. I was living a lie trying to be just like them. I was mocked by my brother as "elephant ears" because telepathically I had overheard his conversation. I alienated a friend by accident when over the phone, though I had never been init, I described her kitchen as she stood in it. I didn't want to be scary. I hate being scared and frightened.
    That all is changing. I have my answers.  I made the decisions I wondered how others could make. I have learned how to open to get the answers so I don't have to learn them by experience. I have learned to not look at the world through rose-colored glasses or to idealize things. I can see things how they really are and be ok with it, no matter what it is I see. I don't have to like everything, I simply have to allow it. I have to learned how to see the appropriate place for something and that there is an appropriate place for everything. I only disliked it because my experience of it was of it being in an innappropriate place. I really don't want to be like everyone else. It doesn't suit me, doesn't feel comfortable, is not natural in me. It does not mean it isn't for them, it simply isn't for me. I am beggining to see things as simply and easily chosen as one would a desert after dinner: "pie or cake?", "I'll have cookies, please". "Alright, I will bring them". If my neighbor orders pie, I'm certainly not going to condemn them. Sometimes I like pie, such as: for breakfast.
   Good and evil are simply things taken to an extreme, it is an experience of duality. Wholeness includes everything in it's appropriate time and place, nothing is inherently good or evil. Jacob's (Isreal's) father-in-law was told not speak to Jacob "good or evil". He was being admonished to speak to Jacob appropriately about his leaving with his wives and children. Sneaking off might be something we would call innapropriate, however in his circumstances it must have been. He did a "bad" thing for the right reasons and was blessed. His father-in-law was not living up to their agreement. At the same time, Jacob could have waited for God to rectify the situation instead of continuously entrapping himself and then running off. Jacob could not see any other way out. Jacob then did "the right thing" for the wrong reasons. He sent flocks ahead as gifts for his brother out of fear of him. He had no reason to fear because God made him a promise, though he did have reason to fear because he got the inheritence from his father by tricking him ("right reason", wrong action). So, Jacob did have reason to fear his brother, but God had probably disciplined him for the deceit by using his father-in-law to keep him in "enslavement". Takes alot of growing to see all that! lol  Jacob should have let his older brother get the blessing from his father because God had made a promise and would have made sure it was fulfilled despite that. Jacob allowed his mother to incite him to deceit, however. And God allowed all of it to happen! lol
    That is why now, I have learned to remind myself not to take matters into my own hands. Take what is presented. Feel out what I am to do with it. Trust in God's promises. I don't need to make anything happen. And soon, now, my treasures will adorn me. I will be ready. I will begin to live my destiny.

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