Sunday, February 17, 2013

Some basics

   When one is expeiencing oneness with that which is the source of all that is living, they are experiencing/feeling what it is like to exist/be outside of creation, to be formless and limitless. they know, in that state of oneness, what it is to be outside of time. So, they tell us time is an illusion. It is not. It is a creation within we exist, without it we would not exist at all.
   "I gave them over to a shepard who does not care about them", God tells us in prophesy recorded in scripture. When amongst the new agers, I objected at people being told to let go of their bodies and not be concerned because they were god anyways. something inside railed: but no where else in time and space could the same exact energy be recreated in the same exact way and be the same exact thing. (Ressurect Abraham in this day and age from his moment of death and  you would not have a man old and satisfied with his days, he would be overwhelmed) I was falsely comforted with the assurence that not all vessels are wanted, they were meant for destruction anyways. It made sense, it is scriptural "some vessels are made for destruction". not everyone who dies was specifically made to be destroyed, however. "My people are dying due to lack of knowledge". The lies are claiming lives that did not have to cease being lived.

   In prophesy, I have learned that as spirit speaks of a man, in some cases it is actually referring to a woman. I have written thusly myself. Why? Man is not neccessarily gender specific, it means human being and the word man used so the undiscerning would be confused if they wanted to. but it is also due to another basic principle. That which is in authority is male while that which is in subjection is female. So, the source of all creation which exists outside of it, when within it is male. when it is limited/subjected to it's creation for it's own benefit, it is female. Thus it is God outside of creation but Goddess within it.

   It is still unclear to me whether the journey described in the book of Revelation is simply  journey within, a description of the path of an individual's enlightenment, or truly the journey the earth and creation is taking. It could be both. that is why I do not get arrogant or caught up in my own divine revelations, statements of onlyness and being chosen. It very well could be that the thing that was marked as the last to be marked was the last aspect of me to be saved.

   I still cannot guarentee my life everlasting will be in the flesh. it could simply be for eternity I will be amongst those who achieved spiritual ressurection into the "land of the living", became spiritually awake and aware, peaceful and happy.

    None of these questions can be answered with certaintyuntil I have experienced them.

I will probably be adding more later...........

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