Friday, February 8, 2013

"Everlasting judgement"

     I have come to believe that which is described as everlasting is simply a state of being in which the results of existing in it will never change. For example: everlasting suffering means if we make certain choices we will be in a "place of"/state of being, which will always bring suffering. Everlasting fire would be fire that is always there for us to end up in. So, in this time of the end when righteousness and unrighteousness come to their fulness and collide, we partake of the fruit of either and end up in a state of fire/suffering until death releases us or righteousness where the result will always be aliveness until we die old and satisfied or are given immortality. The lake of fire will cease to exist in that all who choose unrighteousness finally succomb to death and so the tendency to end up there will be gone. It will no longer be a threat. It will be off our radar, so to speak.
       Satan's judgement, being cast down to earth with a third of the angels: given form and made mortal, which is why his time is so short. He will become that which he despised while that which he despised is given spirit which could be immortal if they choose righteousness.
 I do write long sentences, don't I? lol trying to be brief and uncomplicated, sum things up. I really can write better than I do here, lol

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