Friday, February 8, 2013


    I am no good at predictions. It is not one of my gifts. I mean, occassionally I am given a vision that predicts events accurately, but mostly I am given understandings (which thoroughly delights me far more than predictions would anyways. I tend to get caught up in my own little world to be too concerned with what is happening out there or will happen. I have no desire or interest in influencing it or witnessing what it is up to or will have happen to it: it's dying. That won't change. And getting worked up over what people are up to, well, no thanks, learned that lesson). This is a gift of prophesy it's self, I know. The understandings are accurate, however the understanding I may be working with may be purely metaphysical while there is also a quite literal application. Mostly now adays I get an undestanding, think it crazy because it is like nothing I ever heard before, then am directed to a scripture that supposrts it or states it out clearly. I simply had never read it that way before. It's how I know it is God teaching me.
     I do know that scripture and prophesy are predominantly spiritual in application with physical acting as an illustration. For example: the man called Jesus was born of a woman. That was a physical illustration of the masculine/savior/God being born of/coming to us through a feminine vessel/spirit in a person. I am satisfied with that. Then there is the niggling behind me that God's return, the vessel, the new city of isreal will actually be manifested as/through a woman. (in prophesy a city has been called a man and a man a city, coming from heaven it would refer to a living spirit). And yeah, I stopped remembering scripture books and numbers and chapters and verses, I am totally into "the spirit of" these days. Now, when I was a Jehovah's Witness I could have directed you directly to book, chapter and verse. I trust God allows this for a reason and now that I think of it, the one called Jesus didn't refer to them, either. No one questioned him on it, they all kinda knew what he was referring to because they were all well read in scripture...pharisees and sadduccees. Interesting. I trust if this blog draws any readers, or any readers are drawn here by God, it would not be any who need "bible for begginers". Anything I write would probably serve as more of an affirmation of what God is already teaching someone. I am headed for "a better flock", from what spirit tells me. Out will be out of the circles of students and teachers. And as a side note, the more time I spend "seeing with eyes of understanding", the worse my used to be better than 20/20 vision gets, lol. I'll be blind as a bat in no time while "seeing" everything clearly.
        So, this is the latest prediction I have been given:
In vision, last year near spring, I was returning somewhere to retrieve something and go back. I walked to where I was retrieving something to bring back with me and encountered a man familiar to me. I saw he had dug out a man-made lake which had begun to fill with water via a pipe he had installed. I told him I thought he had decided to abandon this place. He told me he decided to make it like a campground and in two years he would invite a few locals to come swimming. I turned to walk back and the water had overflowed to become  stream and as I went to leap across it, it became a river I would have to wade through. I stepped in and looked down. It was clear as if it did not exist as water and felt not like water at all but like a loss of pressure. I did not feel it around me, it had no temperature or current, yet I knew I was in it.
     I do not know if it means two years from last and so we have a year to kill before this event happens or is it two years from when I myself experience this event? Does local people mean people I met in Davis, California or in Maine where I was going? Does it mean people near me or simply on earth? Is the lake a person who has been prepared? (prophesy says some will be fountains of living water, that living wter would flow from the bellies of certin ones, and the one called Jesus spoke of being able to give living water) Will swimming in the water mean getting a feel of it or it's manifesting for them? Does it mean it manifesting through them? Does it mean the yoking to/oneness with God?(my yoke is easy, burden light) Is it all just something that will happen inside me? (locals being aspects of me that will go on living) Will I be wading through the waters from one who is yoked to God? All of the above? How long do I have to wait to find out? lol That is why I do not take myself too seriously. Really. It is going to happen next year and I will understand it all perfectly once it happens.
     This year is the year of preperation, I am sensing. Feels like a propping up and placing in a position ready for discovery. In vision a woman apeared to me. She told me she had been given a blank check for a vehicle and I perceived what she planned to do with it. I responded with the idea that it did not have to be as grand as that. She firmly rebuked me, telling me she had been instructed to make it a good one.
     On other occassions I was dead-on. I knew I was pregnant with a son due to a vision of driving off in a car with a child in the back seat. When I asked if it ws a boy or girl, I was shown a boy. I was shown a series of newspaper clipping and filmclips of Bush and Reagan's attempted assasination. I wrote down the vision and the idea that there would be an attempt on Bush Jr., then mailed it to myself so I would know I was not crazy. Months later it was on the news that they had uncovered and stopped an attempted assasination plot against Bush Jr. On another occassion I was enlightened with the information that the guy I had been married to would die that day at work. I was pregnant and spent the day in prayer begging it not to happen and for me to not be left alone to have this child. He did come home from work talking about an explosion that happened there that day, but no one got hurt. I do now regret interfering because he screwed me over bad, is the cause of much pain to more than just me and we would all have been better off if he had died in that explosion, I think. Lesson learned. I had been selfish and in fear and now pay for it. No more intefering! No more arguing with God for other people, He knows them better than I ever could. I need to just trust Him. He is just, no matter how scary that might be to our undisciplined sensibilities. Obedience first, questions later! (answers usually then apparent anyways)
OK, I think that is that.

editing to add "a"'s because that key sticks on this keyboard.

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