I frequently refer to "the one called Jesus". There are many who simply call him Jesus. There are others who call him Yeshua, yashua, Yahoshua, or some other version of Joshua they believe is the correct translation to back to hebrew. Seeking to know the Hebrew version makes sense to me because if i go to ao foreign country I am still called by my english proper name. When they report of a foreign dignatary here in the United States, they do not americanize his name. They do not americanize historical names of foreign people in American history books for American students. The loophole is this: if his name was a form of Joshua, then why is he called Jesus? Why not translated into Joshua just like every other Joshua in the bible? There is one other person who is named Jesus in scripture, why was his name not also changed to Joshua instead of into Jesus? I don't worry too much about it because there is only one name given amongst men by which to be saved, and Jesus made that name known amongst his followers: "Father, I have made your name known amongst those you have given me".
When asked how they should pray, the one called Jesus said to pray to "our Father". That is the name we should be focused on wanting to know. And yet that is not as thouroughly explored. Yahweh is most frequently used. Jehovah is another, though even the Jehovah's Witnesses admit it is not neccessarily correct, it is simply a name they found most frequently in ancient places like on buildings as well as writings.
And yet, what is a name? It is the primary focus of our spiritual journey if it is at the top of the list of things to pray about and at the top of the ten commandments. God said He created in Isreal a people for His name. He created a temple for His name. He puts up with nonsense for the sake of His name. He makes great the things men see as lowly for the sake of His name. The name is a symbol for a being. It is a representation of a unique energy signature (all matter is energy). There is the written symbol and the spoken symbol. Sound is form. It is form given to represent something, a feeling. Observe how a name is spoken and one gets a look at the feelings the speaker has for the person spoken of. Jesus mentioned by one person has a different feel than Jesus spoken of by another. The tone, the inflections, the vibration of it tells alot about that person's belief system. So, the name, even spoken is a form given, a representation of the one to whom we are referring.
Uh, oh. "You shall make no forms to represent your God". Top 10, listed right there after the importance of holding that name holy. Could the name spoken be an idol? Did ancient people understand this and that is why most say the name was lost? The Jews never spoke it. What was it the one called Jesus made known, then? He is not once mentioned to have told his disciples, or even the apostles by themselves a specific name as we would understand a name being expressed (the father wants you to know his name is george, for example.). The one called Jesus allowed the Father to express Himself through him. He let His presence be known. His unique energy structure and the nature of that energy structure, and yet even energy structure is not appropriate. that which we call God is formless, limitless, endless, etc. God sends energy in the form of a spirit before Him because we can feel the presence of a spirit. It has form, is matter. God's voice is known as a still, quiet voice. we do not feel it because it is formless, limitless, etc.
I sense it now, God's name in me, like water, healing, soothing away aches and pains. It loosens up the fears so they come out in tears. He is here. And I am blessed. I know His name. And yet, it is not His presence I feel in me, it is the affect of His presence I am feeling in me. And so, this is how I have taken to praying. I do not repeat the words, I simply use "The Lord's Prayer" as an outline, a reminder of priorities and way to keep myself focused when I pray:
Father, let your name be made Holy in me.
Let your kingdom come within me.
How can I even imagine to recognize how and what it means to be made holy a name if it doesn't first occur within myself?
God said He would write the kingdom in the minds and hearts of those He chooses. So, within me is the first place I want to see it manifested, so I can recognize it in others and it's workings in the world around me. What good is it coming if I dismiss it because I don't recognize it? I need to recognize it to act in harmony with it rather than against it. Within one's self is always the best place to start any change we want to create or see happen.
And so my prayer has evolved from words in thought to simply sending my heart. We are told in scripture the spirit pleads on our behalf. We pray without realizing it when we project our feelings, emotions, fears, joys, appreciation, etc. Where do we project them? There is where we will find our god.
Something I read in the Book of Mormon has stuck with me. a prophet explained to his brother that God spoke to his brother in thundering voices because God was yelling at him. The greater the manifestation of God's presence to us and around us, the "louder" God is being. Those miracles are God yelling at us or proclaiming loudly His love for us. If he is doing it in the presence of others, he is declaring something about us to others. if he is using others, we learn to see and hear Him through others. we learn not to get attached to others as especially nice or evil people. When His purpose is served in them, they revert right back to how they normally exist, go back to their normal ways.
I believe that is another reason why those destined for the ressurrection are not to be married nor given in marriage: marriage is the training ground, the classroom, we learn to relate to another in the way we want to be relating God. To be dependent upon His approval, to work in common, etc. If we cannot do it with someone we can see, how can we do it with one we cannot see, hear or feel? If we become sensative to another's moods without them speaking a word, we begin to understand how it is we can hear God. And those destined for the ressurrection are too sensative for the gruff relating between people already. I was told I was His and that is why no man has been able to love me. Sure, loving expression was exchanged, I have given birth to six children, but they always turned ugly the moment I became content. God will use a man to express His love for me, but he wants me to know it is His expression of love and I am not allowed to get attached to any one man. Rather than being caused by loose morals, the practice of serial monogomy could be a practice born of the highest morals. A parent leaving children behind may do so out of the highest love rather than the least. And we lose contact with those who have given the most, not due to lack of appreciation but rather due to the appropriate expression of appreciation; giving appreciation where it is due.
The one called Jesus told us not to work for things. God gives unconditionally. We receive freely.
Work can be a gift given for our physical and emotional well-being, but not neccessary to be considered responsible or valuable to our community. The one called Jesus told his disciples to eat what is given and preach the Kingdom, a worker is worthy of his wages. In other words, don't worry, you are worthy of the food and clothing! Paul's tentmaking was to make an impression on people, a reflection of his feeling he had to prove you give to God when you give to me. when I ask a favor, I am giving you a chance to bless yourself. Time for me to start taking this seriously. Time to understand what it is to be holy as He is holy. time to truly let His name be holy in me.
Someone once asked me about the working thing. When all else failed, I was standing on the street corner with a sign. "That's all well and good", he said but where was the yang to that yin(or vice-versa, I forget which is which). My reply was "I wake up here every day!". I even surprised myself at that answer. But there it was and it was true. Nothing in this world is a vibrational eqivelent. I blow people's brains. I send them shreiking with pure joy as a light burning their eyes out. They strike out at me. They don't provide for me. I have lived a hit and run life. They hit me with money and I never see them again. I hit them with love and they never see me again. It is the only safe way for any of us to co-exist at the levels i have been. The topic has been raised here as well. Not that I haven't tried to get a job and make my own money, nothing has "clicked". A very person who questioned me on it was one who preached to me about how not everyone appreciates their contribution; pays them accordingly. So my response to them was "it's not my fault if no one sees value in my contribution". Then there are the fundy christians next door. Oh, well. What can you say to them. They have their beliefs cemented in and will assault in their self-defense before you even mention it. they are always on the defense, even when they initiate conversation, they begin defensively, expecting conflict.
So, yes, the end of the journey of the independent self-supportive young woman who always had her own money, vehicle and home came and went. I now am sustained as a vessel for the Name.
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