According to scripture, mankind will be allowed to walk with their own gods and goddesses but once per year, they will pay their respects, do their homage, to their Creator. Nor will they harm the Creator's people, either. The threat is a plague upon those who don't.
So, you can speak in your tongues, play with your demons, keep all your rituals, but be wise as to where they are leading you. You like your Jesus ghost? Fine, just don't place him above the Father or replace the Father with him. Like your goddess? Great! The issue was not that she existed. In scripture we learn the issue was that it is for a husband to honor his wife, not someone else. So, for example, some strange guy should not be giving your wife gifts. You can give gifts to a husband for him to give to his wife, but you don't give gifts to someone else's wife directly. You don't attribute her as the source of your life when that really came from her husband. Love The Mother, but glorify the Father and He will glorify Her. he said so, right there in the bible: it is for a husband to glorify his wife, (not you, you were stealing His wife from Him).
It was only among the Isrealites no other worship was tolerated. They weren't told to kill all the witches in the world, only those amongst them. The Father provided. He provided not just food and clothing for His people, but rituals and sacrifces they wanted. If He is giving you everything you want and need, why would you look elsewhere for it?
And whatever issues The Father had concerning The Mother, they must have been resolved because in the end, The Bride is inviting alongside Him. She got over her issues, too. We may want to as well. So, how do we go about that?
The ax will fall hardest upon those who claim to represent Him. Communist countries don't claim to do anything in His name, so they are only accountable for what they do against Him and His people. However, countries like The United States, Isreal, and those who are run by Muslims who declare their god to be The God of're under the magnifying glass for all you do in the name of representing Him. Is it really Him you're representing? The truth of that is in your actions. How do you treat your poor people and your women? How do you treat your neighbors? Isreal was commanded to treat their neighbors with respect, not wage war on them. They were only to kill those God said to in order to get the land they were assigned to, nothing more and nothing less than that.
And therein lies the problem: people don't understand why they suffer the things they do. They are taught to believe anything but that God could be punishing them. Sick? It's the food. Church burn down? It's a natural disaster. People are more than willing to point the finger at another in condemnation, but rarely do they see evil fall upon another and say "shoot, what are we doing wrong?". If your neighbor's life is falling apart, it could be the neighborhood's fault. That is why you are to be good to your neighbor, you are partly responsible, too. Is it unmerciful to see a whole neighborhood sinning and let the suffering only fall upon one of you so the rest of you have the time to heed the warning? How much IS God holding back what we rightly deserve, allowing a few to take the fall for us while we go on blithly disregarding the truth of our behavior? There's a different perspective, huh? And yet, that is what He has been trying to tell us all along.
So, God has been holding back the winds of destruction we rightly deserve for the sake of those He has chosen. It is not because you have been standing in His light or getting what you deserve. It is not because you have the right to be here. You have no rights. You gave them away when you traded freedom for fear. If you are free, it is a mercy and a gift we do not deserve. Do not boast of it. His will be worthy because they simply open to receive it and humbly accept it. "I did what you told me and I thank you".
"All of creation waits in groaning for the revelation of the sons of God", scripture tells us came in prophesy. True terror has been held at bay for the maturing of the chosen ones, the ones marked to survive this system of things. When that purpose has been accomplished, all hell will break loose on this sytem. So when will that be. I can tell you this: I have been marked and I am the last one. In vision I saw an oval, all white. On it was writing in black, below which was smaller writing in red. It came up and touched my forehead. not long after, I saw a veil and a claw reach through it. Through that tear in the veil came a ferocious looking beast. it was a turtle with teeth and claws like a lion. it observed the mark on my forehead and stood quietly before me. Something to my right and it's left caught it's attention. it hissed in that direction and was off very quickly. not long after that I got the knowing, I am the last. I am for whom so many have been waiting. I experienced spiritually in oneness the annoncement and command for the harvest's beggining, the angel's spreading of it's wings. I have "heard" (perceived) the trumpet blasts in heaven announcing the return of our King. "It is the year of the LORD, He is coming". This year I "heard" "they are looking for you". Who it is that will be allowed to find me, I do not know, but they will know what I am and what I am becoming.
Can I give you details of what will happen next? No. I could live a long, full life in this system before I die or I can die a martyr. I do know Satan himself won't kill me or have me killed because when my life ends, so does his. So, he's off to wage war on my "children". Perhaps we shall change in a moment, as christian scripture says, a moment unexpected. But the longest we have would be if I live a full life in this system; 40-60 years if I live the average 80-100. Comforting?
Or just maybe I was experiencing oneness with the entity who is the last to be marked across the space of time and it will be another 3,000 years of the same ol', same ol'.....bwahahaha ya never know, do you? heehee
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