I can tell you from experince, it can all go away in a moment. I experienced a period of perfect healing.Stretch marks disapeared and everything. Saw healing occur in others as well. One from unable to walk or speak for himself, on his deathbed from cancer got up and out, walking and talking after a prayer for him. I then also saw my health decline dramatically and those who had received healing went back to their usual ways. The man with cancer died. I suffer from a digestive condition which miraculously disapeared upon sundown sabbath and flared up again sundown at the end of sabbath. So why?
God promises his people in scripture that as long as they live according to the law they would enjoy perfect health. No women or even animals would suffer miscarriage. They would die old and satisfied from a life of abundant, prosperous living. The one called Jesus said it is not what goes into a man that makes him ill, it is what comes out of his heart. If our hearts, our consiences are clean we should be healthy, right? I do take it not being what we eat literally. After the period of miraculous healing I experienced a period of extreme trial. I had no choice in what to eat. sometimes pork was the only option that day. Some days it was undercooked, donated, out of date chicken. I was at the mercy of the world's idea of charity to the broke and homeless. To top it off, that was during two pregnancies as well. My behavioris not what a religious person would call righteous. By most standards I should be dead as well s my children. But my actions were righteously chosen and my children born 10 lbs, ech in better than worldly referred to perfect health. Even now we really don't get sick like everyone else around us.
The one called Jesus gave us plenty of examples of why illness occurs. When he cst a demon out of a boy it is described how the demon tore at the boy's body, making him scream before leaving. If demons/fears have taitken up residence in us, we may lose the body parts it had taken up residence in. Teeth would be an example. We clench our teeth, bite our tongues to repress out of fear of dissaproval for what we speak. The one called Jesus said to cut off a hand or poke an eye out of it causes us to sin. How can an a body part cause us to sin unless it has a mind of it's own? Most would say it means if we tend to steal, we sin with the hand and thus it can be said the hand causes us to sin. We would be better off forcing ourselves not to steal by cutting off the hand so we can't. That could be an accurate interpretation in some cases, but in that i would say it is the heart that is sick.
Expectation postponed makes the heart sick, scripture says. So, we get a vision, beleive it, are excited and expecting it. Over time we become disheartened and dissapointed because what we expect is taking so long to happen or maybe it happened but not as we expected. We may become weakened, not due to any evil in us. God wnts us to be in joyful expectation, it reflects belief and trust in His promises. We didn't do anything wrong, we just need some maturing.
When asked if a disabled man was thus because of his ownld sin or that of his parents, the one called Jesus responded with "neither". It was so God's will would be manifested in him. So, God sometimes allows imperfect health and well-being so it can be cured before witnesses as a demonstration of His desire for all of us: perfect health and well-being.
When i asked about my own digestive dissorder, the answer came that it had something to do with my son. My soul took on an illness he would have had to otherwise suffer. People don't believe that could be, that would be demonic they think. No, if God's son could take on our suffering and we are to be like him, we very well might be taking on the suffering of those around us in immitation. If we are to be willing to give our very lives for oneanother, why not a bit of health and well-being? This digestive disorder would have killed my son in infancy.
When I asked why people went right back to evil and illness after they were healed by God in my presence, the answer came that it was a witness for me. It was a token for me of God's approval and choosing. I certainly wouldn't have been able to convince myself God would want anything to do with me otherwise. How could I argue when I had no control over it and people were healing nd experiencing miracles in my presence constantly. A simple handshake of introduction became disorienttating event frequently as people experienced sudden, immediate healings. That period has ended but now, every once in a while, someone will sneak up on me with a hug or poke and "I feel virtue go out of me", They react awkwardly but we don't mention it. I know what it means and they just go back to their drunken dealings. No matter what I might be presently suffering, God has not cast me off.
The one called Jesus sometimes healed with simple touch or saying. Other times it was with "techniques" like mudd on the eyes. I like colloidal silver for children, it is basically just water. single drop and their oink eye is cured overnight. They have faith, but a little "snake oil" goes a long way in illustrating something is changing. Adults can be like that. Belief and a sugar pill, call me in the morning. It's the symbolism and the ritual they need. But in the end, it is often just a gift to one who will never experience anything better in their life before they die while those of who will go on living can afford a bit of suffering. We will forget it anyway.
And finally, yes, illness can be a result of us alienating ourselves from God's love and acceptence by behavior or disbelief. We could be condemned for evil or be condemning ourselves out of fear that we are evil. Illness can be result of that. It can be a result of a demon we are entertaining. Though many times, apearing as angels of lights, demons will give you perfect health and vitality while you play host to them so they can use you to misled people into false belief systems. The "shinier" a person is, the more evil they can be.
Another example of cause of illness ws when king David sinned and brought a plague upon the people. If a group or family is suffering, a long hard look at one's self as responsible "head" over them might be in order. alot of shepards like to beat their flocks for manifesting illness when it is they themselves who are in judgement.
The one called Jesus asked if his apostles believed the ones on whom the tower fell in Siloam were greater sinners than everyone else. Illness or disaster in one group should cause us all the reflect how we are doing spiritually as a group or household, God is showing mercy by allowing it to occur only to a few when we all have it coming. We are spared as an opportunity to repent and turn around, not because we are any better. jehovah's Witnesses are no more right than The Twelve Tribes nor the Pentacostal church next door. When one of their buildings burns down or succumbs to an earthquake, they should start pointing fingers within themselves rather than at eachother. God is saying churches as a whole are doing evil, your buildings were spared only to give you opportunity to repent.
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