No, I don't believe so. I do believe "salvation will come from the Jews" in that they were preserved as a people to preserve certain truths and be an example in representation of God's name. However, in the bible it's self was what inspired me to look elsewhere for further inspiration. When instructing the boundaries to be Isreal, God told them not to go to certain places or distrub certain people because they were descendents of individuals God had made promises to or liked. That made me question: Did God have his own relationship with these other people? Was it different than that of his relationship with Isreal. Isreal was to be a people for His name, His "wifely organization". Men have wives, but they also have siblings, friends, and are sons. They relate to each relation differently: the wife is expected to respond differently than a daughter or friend. Yet a man loves each. Could it be true of God also? So, I began to examine other belief systems, seek out those other people God was protecting even from His nation, Isreal.
In scripture we are told "My word is my will". The bible is not God's word. It's a record of some of His words and His interactions with the Jewish people. We are also told in scripture that we are to live on every utterence of God's mouth. That, to me, says God continues speaking beyond what the bible rocords. We are told that we are to seek out the kingdom as for buried treasure: it would take digging in more than one location. So, while the bulk of it would be preserved through the Jewish people, they would not be the only source of enlightenment. It would be hidden elsewhere as well. And let us not forget, the books of the bible were chosen by the Catholic church, whose agenda would have been the preserving of their particular belief system. Anything that didn't support it would have been cast out. There are even books in the 'Catholic bible the rest of christondom took out. For me, the truth is a tapestry woven of threads pulled from various sources.
Then there was an experience I had while seeking amongst various sources. I had vowed to never again worship a god wihtout understanding, but I would work with gods and spirits to gain understanding and accomplish things. I went off to explore what, in america, we call paganism. I was going through a workbook for witches. One of the exercises was to not settle for one story of creation, for someone else telling you who you were, ask for yourself. So, I did. My story began: in the beggining was the dance.... my story did not contradict the bible, but complimented it, made it more clear to me, expanded upon it by telling me what was there before the earth was created and why it all existed.
I am a daughter of the Dance. I am a direct creation of that which came before any God, gods or goddesses, of that which exists outside of time and space, outside of creation, outside of it's own expression of self within creation. I call it God, but it is even greater than what most experience as a god and the God. That which created me, is formless and limitless reached into it's own creation beyond it's own expression of self within it, touched a being through, within and beyond it's self to create me. I am something New. I am a product of evolution and creation and my writings are inspired, too.
If blessed with perception, you will be given to weed through the falsehoods of any religion and pull out the pearls of truth with no fear of "other literature", demons, or being drawn in. You will not be fooled. Instead you will constantly be rewarded with new grains of truth, delighting in learning more of the Father that exists beyond heaven as well as the expression of Him that exists within it. You will see Him teaching Himself, learning to work within limitation after discovering He is not His creation. You will see the struggles of youth and vanity, jealousy, and contentment as that which exists outside expresses to it's self as it exists within. It is a dance of learning and self-discovery coached by that which knows it all already. You will see layers of messeges we are taught are addressed to humanity but are messeges wihtin messeges to many different things/beings.
Another tool for learning about God is empathizing, walking in His shoes. How would you feel if your oldest child turned your younger ones against you? If others lied to your children about you? How would you treat a rebellious child, could you kill him? How long would you tolerate his manipulations? What if your wife cheated on you? What if you were betrayed, ignored, and hated by those you were trying to save and protect? What would you do to save someone who could not hear or see you? What do you do with a fool? Does it work? Do you learn from your mistakes? As a parent would you apologize to your child? Would have never before and now you do? Do you change as you learn? Do you have mercy on yourself? Put yourself in God's shoes and walk a mile. Most of us could relate to Him somehow. We were created in His image. We all deal with things not turning out as we plan or want, especially for our children.
And ask God yourself. Be open to others, because He has taught them, too. But be discerning, learn to listen, He wants to teach you Himself. He loves you. And don't forget; even the bible records Hims saying "I will teach them Myself".
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